Hi, newbie here

Haha well welcome to RpNation Dinglerunpus!

If you need any help, don't be shy! Ask around! Shoot me a PM if you need help!

What kind of RP's are you into? :)
WELCOME TO RpNation. I am Lovable dark-side, but you call call me whatever you like. I just wanted to welcome/force you into the RpNAtion family. I hope you love it here and I love your avatar. Oh, also if you you need anything My PM box is always open.
So if it isn't any trouble, could you please explain the story of Jeff ? 
You know like the original thing he stars in
I would love too! no trouble at all really, but you are going to have to wait a moment, because I am in school and it is time for P.E.
I am now, sorry school took longer than usual. Okay the story of Jeff the killer is actual pretty simple. A boy named Jeffery woods wakes up on day with a almost burning sensation in his chest, a feeling of pure dreads. He had just moved into town and of course eh was teh new kid so that is what he blamed his anxiety on. As he waited for the bus with his brother lui. The nieghbor hood bullies showed up and said to give them their wallets of course they wouldn't have is Randy(the bully) hadn't pulled out a knife and threaten to hurt the. This of course really pissed Jeff off and the dark feeling came back to him. He beat up the bulliess, then him and his brother ran away and ditched school that day. Teh next day the cops came to their door asking for the kids they blamed the whole thing on Jeff, because he beat the bullies up, but Liu steps in and gets sent to the juvenile dentition center. He feels guilty about this, but he can't help but feel gitty from teh power he got from beating up those kinds...SKIP... Well in teh end those kids come back set him on fire after a awesome fight. He goes to teh hospital gets home, cuts his mouth open burns off hsi eyelids and kills his family. THE END.

(the word The hates me)

Sweet dreams sweeties," I say, before turning off the lights for you to fall asleep.
Yeah, I sometimes play Jeff, but I usual avoid doing cannon characters. But my pasta Oc is always open to Rping with you.

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