Hi, I'm Parker!


New Member
I'm new to this site but I've been roleplaying for 5 years! Not sure what else to say, but there's some really interesting groups I look forward to joining. I don't have any preferred pronouns, so refer to me as anything but "it"! Please be gentle on my newb face.

(Also, this 10 posts thing can suck my dong ( :) ))
Hi there! I will call you Panto =-) It is great to have you at RPNation and welcome to the site! Make your way to the private message you received from The Staff upon activating your account - if you haven't already - as it contains very important details regarding surviving here on this site. You will also find tons of forums that kick start you on the role play styles here. I recommend to everyone to check out the Interest Check forum as there are people who have new ideas and are looking for an audience and role play base. Also, make your way to the Shout Box sometime (all the regulars and some new friends visit there often)!

I go by Shiro, and again, it is a pleasure to have you on this site. I look forward to the work and art you make here, friend! If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the Fellows, they have Green names.
TheWretchedEgg said:
Hi there! I will call you Panto =-) It is great to have you at RPNation and welcome to the site! Make your way to the private message you received from The Staff upon activating your account - if you haven't already - as it contains very important details regarding surviving here on this site. You will also find tons of forums that kick start you on the role play styles here. I recommend to everyone to check out the Interest Check forum as there are people who have new ideas and are looking for an audience and role play base. Also, make your way to the Shout Box sometime (all the regulars and some new friends visit there often)!
I go by Shiro, and again, it is a pleasure to have you on this site. I look forward to the work and art you make here, friend! If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the Fellows, they have Green names.
Thanks so much Shiro! As I'm new to the site, I'm sure there are plenty of differences between this and the other RP site I use. I'll be sure to ask questions, but mostly, I'm probably just going to have my friend walk me through it all. Thanks for the help again, it's much appreciated.
Allo there friend! Welcome to the site and I hope to run into you at some point around the roleplay threads! :3
...Tread carefully, young one...

For many roleplays that you will follow and join in the next coming days and weeks will die...

If you are one who's sees himself as an 'active' roleplayer, you are bound to experience crushing disappointments and headache inducing frustration. The character's that you'll create and the stories you've done would go unfinished, fortunately trapped in limbo if not entirely left in abandonment.

If you are another who shares the delay of time, a hollow husk, the foulness of man and isn't attached to the works from your imagination, well, I welcome to this site.

...Tread carefully, for I haven't anything better to do than to warn people of this void...

@NeoLeaf But alas, I know the feel from other sites. I shall look out for myself, and make sure to invite reliable persons to groups lest such a thing might happen.

I bid the well, though I can see I am being sent off on a rather detrimental journey. I will soldier on. Godspeed.

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