Hi, I'm new to this

Hello, I found this page on my search to learn more about roleplay, it's something I'd love to try but I have very little knowledge about it, however, I think it's something I could really get to love. I'd be very grateful if anyone points me in the right direction to start (learn the terminology, how to roleplay, in which media it's done, the rules, etc.)

I am sure you will find not just numerous people willing to show you the ropes, but numerous people to actually RP with. You should start by poking around on the site, and then posting an interest check or looking for an interest check that appeals to you.

As far as media it's done in, it's usually done on Forums on RPN and/or often enhanced by real time chat on discord! (discord is a chat application that allows you to talk with fellow RPers in real time)

I run a fantasy nation building RP called "Lost Continent -- Flight from Muurdaan!" which is probably not the kind of roleplay most people are into, but I'll post a link to it so you can see what it's about.

I'm totally happy to indulge you in any questions you may have, and am happy to welcome you to the community!!! <3

"Lost Continent: Flight From Muurdaan" (BeckonCall's FNB!)

If you would prefer to CHAT about Roleplay on RPN, there is an official RPN discord to join, and I would be happy to talk to you on discord as well.
Hello, I found this page on my search to learn more about roleplay, it's something I'd love to try but I have very little knowledge about it, however, I think it's something I could really get to love. I'd be very grateful if anyone points me in the right direction to start (learn the terminology, how to roleplay, in which media it's done, the rules, etc.)

Welcome! I'm new here as well still finding my way around this but again welcome :)
Welcome, I have been roleplaying 4-5 years now if you want any advice or character ideas just let me know ^^
Hello there! Welcome to RPN! Don't worry from my experience this is a great and very supportive community. You will have no problem getting into the swing of things.

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