Hi-Diddly-Ho, Neighbors!


Where did I leave my pants?
Okay, I truly am annoyed that I did not find this site sooner!

Hello Everyone!

I go by Liccy, or sometimes "uh, yeah you." I'm quite versatile in that aspect.

I'm an old fogie. I used to RP back in the days of AOL, text MMORPG's, Yahoo chats, and LiveJournal. Recently I've RP'ed in places like Tumblr, Gaia, and mostly on Tegaki-e, but I wanted to broaden my resources and meet new people.

So, here I be!

I'm looking forward to the many types of RP's I can experience here, and I hope to interact and partake on many adventures with you all one day!
Hi! Welcome! This site is neat and junk. You can do all sorts of stuff on it, so I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here - particularly if you like fun BBC coding! :D

The mod/admin stuff are pretty cool guys and gals, too! Drop by the shoutbox on the front page sometime. Always fun, too!
Yes, yes! I'm noticing that!

It's extremely important that the admins of anything are personable and friendly. Many times I've participated in RP sites where, although the plot and people were great, the admins were just a total pain and killed the joy.

So far, from what I've seen, the people here are approachable and so dang creative! I feel certain that I'm going to enjoy my stay here!
Liccy said:
So far, from what I've seen, the people here are approachable and so dang creative! I feel certain that I'm going to enjoy my stay here!
From everything you're saying it sounds like we just picked up a positive and energetic new member. Fantastic. Enthusiasm and some basic people skills goes a long way here.

Anyway, I hope to see you flexing your RP muscles out there soon. Welcome to RpN Liccy.
Welcome! I'm also a new member and an oldschool RP'er, myself. Used to RP back in those AOL days as well as realchat. Of course, i'm quite rusty now. :P
Nice to meet you Liccy! Welcome to RPN!! I'm also new and I have to agree that the people here seem very friendly. ^^ I'm sure that you will meet plenty of nice people and role play partners in no time! May your time here be an enjoyable one. :]

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