

Buttery Goodness
Ohjesus you actually clicked on this, okay, uhm...

Hi? I'm butterknives but I suppose you can call me Matt if you want to. I've been going by Matt for about a year now despite it not having anything to do with my actual name, I just kind of like it.

Anyway, I've grown up writing and I love writing and drawing and all things creative. I tried to get into roleplay a while back but it didn't work out, so I'm hoping to give it another shot.

I like writing, drawing, games (I've become a huge undertale nerd within the past month), and pizza.

I've attempted to do NaNoWriMo this past November, uh, yeah, 43,000 words to go isn't that far off, right? Right?

I'm an uninteresting person, so yeah. That's pretty much it. Feel free to start conversations with me because I'm too socially awkward to do it myself. See you later!
Don't feel bad, you got farther into NaNoWriMo than me!! I actually... forgot about it. Seriously! So I didn't really do it at all. The shame...

And nice Woshua, btw. Welcome to the site!
Welcome to the website! The blessings of the squids are upon you! I hope roleplaying goes well for you here.
Pft, hey, no probs because I'm pretty uninteresting too. I'm pretty new here too and you can just call me Minty or Mint or any of the likes.

And ahhhhh, Undertale!!! Gosh, that game was absolutely amazing, but like a spineless scrub, I wimped out and watched someone play the Genocide route. And speaking of gaming, did you buy anything during the Steam Autumn sale?

But yeah, welcome! Feel free to hit me up anytime and drop me a message whenever because you seem like a pretty cool person.
Hey there, Matt. I'm Ash or whatever you wish to call me. Welcome to the site. I like pizza and writing, too. Hope you enjoy rp more this time than before.

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