

shady protagonist
Heya! My u/n is mayu but you can call me Jay or anything really. I'm a little intimidated by RPN because it's rather different from gaia. I'm here to test the waters and keep my rp options open for when gaia finally shuts down or when I finally get sick the community.

I'm a 19 y/o loser with a newly found love for Fire Emblem! Back on gaia, I normally stuck to harvest moon, furuba, pokemon and school based rps, but I'm willing to step up my game here, especially since I like testing my comfort zone all the dang time. I've been rping since late 2008 and it's been that weird addiction I can't get rid of. lol
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Hi Jay, welcome to RPNation!

You are not the first indeed to come from gaia and it's awesome to have more role players that have such experience. You'll find a large array of styles and genres here. Don't forget to read through what The Staff sent you in pm. Have a great time and welcome again.

Please call me Shiro. I like to share tasty treats called red bean buns, so have one. Yay!
Oh, thanks for the warm welcome Shiro!

From what I've seen from the recent lurking and browsing that it's not too different from gaia! Just the format/layout looks a little different.

Thanks again for the welcome!
Hiii! <3 I was on gaia too but quit a little over a year ago.

thank you for the follow too! o:

oh god hm rp's. I actually miss those because they were so casual and easy to join. @___@;; I've been looking for something with similar vibes here.

FE... I'm obsessed with FE sobs. Where other people have KH and FF as their childhood, FE was mine.

Hii! yeah, gaia has really dropped from my list after a bunch of drama.

you're welcome! I thought your gfx looked so nice! it reminded me of someone I admired on gaia too.

they're the saving grace of gaia tbh. I just needed a nice oc and an occupation and I'm good to go! I've been searching around for a little bit too,

no luck yet... but soon.

ME TOO, I just finished playing through all 3 routes for fates and lemme tell you, I cried - a lot.

Though, I have to admit that the characters were a lot more vanilla and bland compared to the ones in Awakening.


I still love it though.


considering I learnt how to make them on gaia I'm honestly not surprised LOL

I used to run a shop there before, like you, drama happened. Although I admit

a lot of it was my fault for being a brat. u v u ;;

offers to make one with you

i have way too much free time since quitting school temporarily rip

I even made a search thread which I only do when desperate ; A ;

Nohr ftw but I loved how they ended the third so so much. It gave me

the closure I needed. /weeps. I loved Nohr's characters <3 Although I

will agree; Awakening had a much more memorable crew overall.

that's where I learned too LOL

awwh, I'm pretty sure you had your reasons. honestly, I was being super petty towards this one girl.

but that's in the past and I'm here to make new friends and start anew

idk if you knew this person, but their u/n on gaia was caffye west and I admired this one rp they

made, but it was taken down after someone made a roleplay that looked really similar to it.

omg, if you do, I'll be sure to love you forever, srsly. <3

it's ok, I'm planning on taking some time off of school too bc I can't handle family, school & work

bc i'm actually a scrub lmao

oh god yes, Nohr siblings had me by the heart much faster than the Hoshidans. (NOHRIAN SCUM)

so my friend told me that revelations was the canon storyline and BLESS THAT ONE.

I felt so sad throughout conquest bc a few of the characters died as you progressed in the game.

Awakening still got me with that twist on Robin. this one joke I keep making is how Lucina is always

talking about how she challenges her fate, but her attempts to save the exalt still didn't work. my

friends honestly think i'm a terrible person for that. LOL


i getchuu <3

L O L hi i feel recognized thank you ahahahahah wow man it feels weird

knowing someone remembers you. it's been so long since I used that name



i'm off class on doctor's advise so now I'm just chilling at my house and trying

to pull myself together rip. I'm planning on quitting my part time work too

but ehhh. I may not. Depends on how I feel tbh.

Yeah revelations is canon!!! <3 I love it. I still cry over Conquest ok I STILL CRY

I may be Nohrian Scum but I still love Ryoma. /weeps MY HEART

no i did the exact same thing we can be terrible together forever.

oh gosh! i can't believe it's actually you. hahahahhaa. it's ok my friend and i were

talking about how you basically set that trend of putting an outline around the

rendered img and soon after, everyone was following in your footsteps.

I FEEL YOU. I haven't made a rp since the dark ages, but I'm willing to do it since

that gaia aesthetics for rps still flows in my veins. if I've taken anything from gaia,

it's the need for pretty gfx.

ayeee, i'm sure you'll get yourself together in no time. i feel you, no worries. if i

could quit my current job, i'd probably do it.

The depth they added on Corrin's backstory in revelations really made me love

the game even more. I love Ryoma too, in my playthrough of birthright, I married

him and our children were cute af.

lmao bless, i've finally found someone who gets me so well. <3
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man I wish I could take credit but I'm p sure I recall it was my friend who

started the entire thing and I just copied them. stat + dice rp's though...

that's the trend I started LOL

i know the feel. now where I go I feel the need to fix the bbcode and shit

or just at least have a decent banner. Unless the rp's a private one. In

which case I sometimes just don't write anything for the intro entirely.

iirc i married Silas in my birthright playthrough because I went into the

game blind. Like I did not look at any reviews, lists or anything before.

Wanted to relive my nostalgia somewhat LOL

I'll PM you so we can brainstorm a plot o /

ahhh i remember you on gaia too! you app'd for falso's yuri rp.

and we were also in that stand proud magical school rp together.

lmao, I was introduced by chaos to join this site, gaia is still my main homeland to where and rp. and I'm sorry, I've roleplay with so many people I cant recall your username ; v;

even tho we were in two roleplays together

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