

Magic Eight Ball
So it's currently past 1am and I decided that would be a great time to start getting into roleplaying because my sleep cycle is terrible..

Anyways, I wanted to do this for a long time but never found a partner so I hope I'm gonna be successful now :)

I'm new to all this and excited to try it out.

I'm currently a university student, love video games, manga and all the other nerdy stuff :D

I'm also doing cosplay which I spend most of my free time and money on. I'm rather fluent in English and German is my mother tongue. I hope to meet wonderful and awesome people here. I guess that's all there is to say about me.

Hope you all have a wonderful day/night!
Welcome to rpnation and I can definitely tell you this is a great place to get started! While it wasn't the first place I ever roleplayed, it's definitely the best one I've managed to find so far.

Let me know if you have any questions about the site or how to find things and I'd be more than happy to help wherever/however I can!

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