

Unlucky Member
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I love roleplaying c: I haven't been doing it for a while now, but I just started to get back into it. I'm hoping I can find some partners here! Anyway, as for who I am... I'm a girl living in Canada. I don't have any pets though I adore cats. As for my roleplay style... I prefer detailed advanced roleplay, but I can work with almost anything c:
Let me be the first to welcome you to the Nation! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, or Kes if you prefer. Here's some links that may prove useful.

You can find roleplays to join here:

Fantasy Interest Checks

1x1 Interest Checks

Realistic/Modern Interest Checks

If you're feeling social, you can hang out over here:

General Discussion

And here:

Personal Discussion

You can get your OCs reviewed, critiqued, etc here:

Character Feedback

You can ask more questions over here:

Site Questions & Information

You can also ask me for help, either by replying to this thread, tagging me with the @ sign (@KuraiKarasu), or PMing me when you can.

Good luck and enjoy your stay!

*drowns in confetti* Thank you so much! ^^ Those links are very helpful~ I've explored a bit and gained my bearings c: The only question I have is... Would you be interested in a Fantasy RP with me? //shot

It's a totally spur of the moment question I'm sorry xD I don't even have a real plot in mind yet, except that I know I'm craving a bit of fantasy :P
KuraiKarasu said:
*drowns in confetti* Thank you so much! ^^ Those links are very helpful~ I've explored a bit and gained my bearings c: The only question I have is... Would you be interested in a Fantasy RP with me? //shot

It's a totally spur of the moment question I'm sorry xD I don't even have a real plot in mind yet, except that I know I'm craving a bit of fantasy :P
If you're looking for someone to roleplay with, you can actually post your own interest thread letting people know in the 1x1 and give it the 'fantasy' tag. If you have more specifics about what you're going for you can can always include that in your post. Of course, you can always look for a group as well. I would not suggest attempting to run a group rp until you've experienced playing in a few though. Also feel free to ask questions of myself. Good luck!
KuraiKarasu said:
*drowns in confetti* Thank you so much! ^^ Those links are very helpful~ I've explored a bit and gained my bearings c: The only question I have is... Would you be interested in a Fantasy RP with me? //shot

It's a totally spur of the moment question I'm sorry xD I don't even have a real plot in mind yet, except that I know I'm craving a bit of fantasy :P
Sure. I have a few characters already created.

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