Heya!! Best wishes!


Tastes good with ketchup.

So I'm finally done with school (you know, FOREVER!) and all the ensuing life-changing craziness (I went from personal finance to pastry... not a very profitable decision), which means I have time for hobbies again, yay!

I have been on roleplaying forums before and know my way around them. The old ones I was on are long gone, and after much searching RPNation really seems like an active, rich and interesting one.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!


Hey hey, Azure! Welcome to RpNation, the best roleplaying site ever. All dem other roleplaying sites be jealous of us because we have a large variety of roleplays, awesome members, and friendly staff! So if you have any questions, feel free to ask us. c:

What kind of roleplays are you interested in? >u<

I like pretty much all kinds, as long as they have at least one element that is out of the ordinary. I'm not a fan of 100% realism, though. That being said, YEARS ago I was in a thriller/murder/investigation RP and it was amazing. I think I mostly get involved in fantasy RPs. I role play as an escape from everyday life, so I guess I'm naturally drawn to what's furthest away from it haha!

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