Hey there!


Tenno Skoom
Hello! My name is Valentina, Dynline on the internet. I'm fairly new to roleplay, took part in a few fantasy themed roleplays in the past and loved it, so I want to keep roleplaying.

I'm so awkward at introductions.

Okay, let's leak out some information about myself! In my free time I enjoy playing video games, sketching creatures and landscapes, reading and building my own imaginary worlds. I'm also shy, but I loosen up after talking for a bit.

I look forward to meet new people and have fun!
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Welcome fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3 feel free to come say hi any time ^D^
Hey! Someone said videogames, I'm game! What games do you like? Oh, can't forget the welcome, welcome to Rpnation Dynline! Relax and have fun!
Hey there Valentina, nice to meet you!
No worries a lot of people have problems with introductions at times, but RPN has a very friendly, open-minded and helpful community that I'm sure you'll fit right into and make a ton of friends in no time (you seem like a wonderfully nice person) :)

I hope you have a great time roleplaying here and if you ever want to share your art or talk about video games, the discussion section has both an area for art and for videogames. If you feel confident enough about your art, you could even open commissions there!

So, welcome to RPN and if you ever need anything, I'm here to help. ;)
Nice to meet you all! I'll sure grab some cookies then :closed eyes open smile:

Hey! Someone said videogames, I'm game! What games do you like? Oh, can't forget the welcome, welcome to Rpnation Dynline! Relax and have fun!

I tend to play mainly hack'n'slash, rpg and platformer games, namely Ori, The Witcher and maaaany others! I play other kind of games as well, as long as I'm having fun.
I also enjoy playing mmo games quite a bit, despite being shy. The mmo I liked the most so far is Warframe, if you happen to play it I'll gladly add new friends there.

Hey there Valentina, nice to meet you!
No worries a lot of people have problems with introductions at times, but RPN has a very friendly, open-minded and helpful community that I'm sure you'll fit right into and make a ton of friends in no time (you seem like a wonderfully nice person) :)

I hope you have a great time roleplaying here and if you ever want to share your art or talk about video games, the discussion section has both an area for art and for videogames. If you feel confident enough about your art, you could even open commissions there!

So, welcome to RPN and if you ever need anything, I'm here to help. ;)

Thank you, I think I'll have fun here, people do seem really friendly! I'll sure be lurking around the art area and spy other people's works.
Nice to meet you all! I'll sure grab some cookies then :closed eyes open smile:

I tend to play mainly hack'n'slash, rpg and platformer games, namely Ori, The Witcher and maaaany others! I play other kind of games as well, as long as I'm having fun.
I also enjoy playing mmo games quite a bit, despite being shy. The mmo I liked the most so far is Warframe, if you happen to play it I'll gladly add new friends there.

Thank you, I think I'll have fun here, people do seem really friendly! I'll sure be lurking around the art area and spy other people's works.
Ah, the witcher I played a bit of that. I have to get back on it when I have nothing else going. I enjoy rpgs and jrpgs. I haven't heard of Warframe though.
Konichiwa! Welcome to RPN! I'm Cara, the resident fox. ^33^:33: You'll love it here, in our humble abode! There are plenty of RPs to go around. If you don't find a group RP you'd like to join, take a stab at making your own, or join/make a one on one (1x1) RP! Welp, I hope to see you around the site! And again welcome!!

As far as group RPs go, I am actually a Co-GM of one and we are accepting applications for roles! In the interest check, you'll see that it is a Discord RP, however that has changed. We are in the process of transferring to RPN, and will go live about the first week in August. Feel free to stop by and check it out! (The link is in my signature.)
Konichiwa! Welcome to RPN! I'm Cara, the resident fox. ^33^:33: You'll love it here, in our humble abode! There are plenty of RPs to go around. If you don't find a group RP you'd like to join, take a stab at making your own, or join/make a one on one (1x1) RP! Welp, I hope to see you around the site! And again welcome!!

As far as group RPs go, I am actually a Co-GM of one and we are accepting applications for roles! In the interest check, you'll see that it is a Discord RP, however that has changed. We are in the process of transferring to RPN, and will go live about the first week in August. Feel free to stop by and check it out! (The link is in my signature.)

Nice to meet you!
I have checked The Primordial Aura out, but I'll have to pass on it as I have been invited to another hosted project in the last days. I'm not sure if I'm able to follow two big roleplays at the same time at the moment unfortunately.

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