....Hey there


New Member
Helloo. So, this is my first thread in the site and it sort of makes me nervous. Also doing introduction threads is always a funny thing because everyone tries to come up with an original way to say "Hello". Here's my attempt.

So, I'm 16 and I go by Laura. I have roleplayed a lot when I was younger in other forums, but eventually I kind of dropped out of the online forums community and I stopped.

So I guess you can say I have some experience but I don't remember most of it :3

About my taste in rps: I usually go for the realistic or semi realistic ones, like where the characters are magical but are still human, etc., and I also tend to prefer role plays that aren't really "adventure" role plays, you know? I prefer the ones with a more personal setting.

Character wise: I like playing both males and females, and I am 75% sure that my characters will come out a bit dark or sarcastic..? I'm not sure if I can avoid it but I sometimes do it accidentally ^.^'

Sooo yap I suppose that's about it, I hope i haven't talked too much, also that I don't embarrass myself in the future somehow. Looking forward to meeting you all, xxx

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