Hey, look, someone you never knew returned...

Tuesday's Eyebrow

Heirophantic Demiurge of Oneironautica
Seriously, though, I never did anything here... I kinda tried, but it was pretty bad... Honestly don't know why I'm back. To be honest, I just wanted to check out the new system. :/  Meh. Who's gonna see this anyways, right? I mean, how many posts are buried under the torrent of stuff posted. Even when they include very passive aggressive and slightly cheeky meta commentary on the nature of a website?
Yeah. I guess I'm kind of new, in a way... Need 250 posts to start an RP with the new system, and I don't even have that, so... xD . What kind of stuff do you do?
Funny. I need 250 posts too! And I'm a sucker for medieval fantasy. World Building definitely piques my interest. Futuristic sci-fi, I can manage.
I'm the same! I especially love designing magic, pantheons, sentient life and creation stories. My biggest problem with Sci-Fi is the "science" part. Future Fantasy is always fun. I'd define Star Wars as a "future fantasy" "space opera" and Star Trek as light, political science fiction.

And then fandoms... Yeah... I've tried those, and the fanaticism of a fandom always turns me off. There's only one person I've ever enjoyed doing a fandom RP with, and, well, I screwed the pooch on that one, so to speak... The other person did really well, but I was just a mess of "I don't know how to respond in this situation!". I blame highschool... and hormones.
Haha, that's funny. Man, I messed up a lot of Roleplays back in highschool, too. And I blame the hormones! I'm making a fantasy world right now and I'm going to bring it into the new system when I can actually make it here. Would you like me to mention you there when I have it? I hope you'd find it interesting enough.
Awesome! Now I just need at least 250 posts haha. I even joined a couple of 1x1s. When I get this roleplay running, I'm afraid I wouldn't have enough time for the others that I've joined. It's why I'm refraining from joining group roleplays right now. 

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