Hey Hi Hello


New Member
So yeah, signed up a few minutes ago and thought I'd make me one of these shiny, fancy new intro threads.

Not sure what to say as nothing makes you question your own existence quite as much as the question "WHO AM I?"

Uhm, well I suppose I could start by telling y'all something about my RP history and how I came to be here - in case anybody is actually interested. Just pretend to be interested, 'kay. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside ;)

ANywhoot. I'm a gal from Europe that's been writing for a decade now and RP'ing for a couple of years. Introduced by people I no longer call friends. Anyway, the hobby stuck around even after I broke with said people. Since then I've been on several forums and each gave me a reason to leave. The last one simply closed down. Such is life I suppose.

So now I'm basically looking for new awesomesauce to take my one running RP to and hopefully soon dive into more RP's with some new wonderful people.

Anybody who knows me I am basically addicted to writing, I can spend hours and hours discussing, planning and building wolds and stories. Nothing is as wonderful as to see characters go on their fictional journey and see them love, loose, gain and suffer.

Besides writing I sometimes doodle around with PS (my current avi is of my own make) and pen and paper. I'm not a great artist but it kills time and I find I like doing it from time to time.

Yeah, what else is there? I consider myself to be thoroughly boring tbh.

Y'know what? Just ask if you wanna know something xD

So much easier than trying ot think of things to say :')
Hi, Smiles! Welcome to RpNation!

Well, if you're addicted to writing, RpNation is certainly the place. We have creative and expressive roleplayers/writers here in excess. Also, I see your quite the talented artist! I thoroughly enjoy your avatar. (:

Anyways, welcome. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I hope to see you around the forum!

This avi is one of my personal favorites :3

Good to hear!

Can't wait to discover and meet more awesome people 8D
Hahahaha one day ;)

My secret is so simply I'd be surprised if nobody picked up on it xD

Hell I doubt it counts as a secret when so many people do it :')
Hm. Fair enough. (: Back when I used to do lots of lines, I'd blow up the image to be huge and shrink it down once the line art was done. Too bad I don't do much line work anymore.
Thats one way yeah.

Just make it huge and make it smaller to make it amoother

If I'm not mistaken this picture is originally over 1k pixels in both height and width.

I generally use standard screen sizes unless I need other specifications.

Perhaps I will add more work on the site in a while. Put up some drawings as well. Assuming I have something to share xD

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