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New Member
I'm Ivy, which is why I usually choose the username of ivysaur. I like Pokemon, but I'm not totally obsessed with it, which I guess makes me kind of a poser. Anyways, I just think it's kind of nifty that a Pokemon has my name in it. Aside from that, I'm attending a 4-year college this coming fall, and I plan on majoring in art. However, I do enjoy writing occasionally and I have dabbled in role playing for years now. I hope to create some interesting plots with other people and I look forward to it!
Yay! More artists! A higher chance of having someone else draw a character of mine... >3 heehee

Nice to meet ya, Ivy! I'm Oitetment, but you can call me Oitet or Oit, or whatever you want as long as it's not Ointment.

Welcome to the RPNation!
Oitetment said:
Yay! More artists! A higher chance of having someone else draw a character of mine... >3 heehee
Nice to meet ya, Ivy! I'm Oitetment, but you can call me Oitet or Oit, or whatever you want as long as it's not Ointment.

Welcome to the RPNation!
Aww, thank you! I'd be happy to draw some characters in my free time! And Oit is a really cute nickname, I'd be happy to call you by that, and I will refrain from calling you Ointment!
Oitetment said:
What genres are you usually into?~
Haha, no worries!

And I think typically I enjoy realistic role plays and fantasy role plays too. I'm pretty much down for anything now that I think about it. Except maybe some fan based ones, I like creating unique stories and characters. How about yourself?
Hey thar, Ivy! That's a cool name you got there. Aaand I don't think calling yourself Ivysaur on here makes you a poser, for the record. If you like Pokemon, even a little bit, then you should be able to do something like that without worries and stuff.

And COOL a fellow artist, awesome. How long have you been drawing? If you're going to major in it for college, then I'mma assume you've been at it for awhile.

i'll also spare you the "the road of an artist is tough and penniless" speech because you've probably heard it a billion times already
[QUOTE="Kokino Hu]Hey thar, Ivy!

Hello! I appreciate that very much, I specifically like the original 150 Pokemon because I'm an overly nostalgic person, haha.

I know it's pretty typical, but I've been drawing for literally as long as I can remember. I can recall drawing in preschool. That doesn't mean I'm superb at it. I just hope to get better when I take classes in college and I really have a passion for it.

Oh yes, my family likes to joke that I'll be their starving artist. It'll probably be true too! I have no idea what kind of art related career I'll chose. What kind of art do you like the most?
ivysaur said:
Ahhh, the original 150. Those were the days! Man, I wish they'd stop making new ones; it's just not the same as it used to be. Pokemon versions X and Y need to stop.

That's cool! So, what kinds of things do you draw?

XDD "Starving artist"...geez. Well if you ever make it out big someday, that'd be pretty awesome, right? It's too bad it's so hard to make a decent living as an artist. owo It really is one of the coolest careers a person can have. As for me, I don't really have a preference. I mean, I see a cool painting and go "YEAH THIS IS THE BEST FORM OF THE ART" and then I see a sculpture and the same thing happens, and then I'll feel the same way about graphic novels, and so forth and so on. And now people are making really beautiful prosthetic limbs now, too. How can one decide which is the coolest? Anyhow, what's your favorite kind of art?
[QUOTE="Kokino Hu] XDD "Starving artist"...geez.

Yeah, the new ones are getting kind of out there and they definitely pale in comparison to the the originals.

I like to draw a lot of crazy monsters and mostly females. I know it's lame, but I think drawing guys isn't as fun as drawing girls, haha. Coincidentally, I enjoy playing girl characters more than guy characters in role plats. Accidentally sexist? Maybe so... But I have nothing against guys!

I definitely agree that being an artist is one of the coolest careers, though being a contortionist would be pretty stellar. Too bad I'm not flexible though, so sticking to art is what I have to do, haha. It definitely can be hard to choose a favorite form of art. I really do like it all, but if I had to choose, It'd either be clay sculptures or probably surreal/contemporary art! 

PunkKat1 said:
Hello and welcome.
Hey! Thank you very much!
ivysaur said:
Yeah, the new ones are getting kind of out there and they definitely pale in comparison to the the originals.
Yeah, that's for sure. But I guess when you're as popular as Pokemon, quitting when you're still in the game doesn't sound too nice. Still, the originals are deffffinitely the best.

Hey, that's not lame at all. Tons of artists have a preference with drawing genders, and to me that's actually more interesting. It kinda adds to their style, maybe. And it's pretty much the same thing with roleplays...Come to think of it, the majority of roleplayers I've met have said they have an easier time with female characters, but my brother, who's (obviously) male and is the only male roleplayer I know of, has a much easier time with roleplaying men. It must be a matter of understanding the psychological stuff for a person, y'know? Like...women...women are so complex; I can't do them well. xD It's weird how people have limitations like that, but it's also kinda cool.

Clay sculptures are awesome. It's always really amazing to see what people can sculpt out of a lump of clay, especially when the sculptures are really detailed and all. Do you sculpt?

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