Hey heh.


Running, always running and never stopping.....
Hey everyone. I'm Nate, nice to meet you.

I've been roleplaying since I was ten, I'm 23 now, have operated and ran multiple succesful roleplay sites.

My itch left me after being busy doing theatrical productions, and now recently it came back and I am motivated to spill words onto digital paper once again.

I think that's good for now. I'm easily approachable so talk to me when you want.

Also, I love doing graphic design but I don't see signatures are allowed here if there's a way to use a signature please tell me :3
Hello and welcome to RpN @Wolfheart

We've been roleplaying about just as long (i started at 8 and now i'm 23)

There's a couple of links you should visit.

Site Rules:Site Rules


Staff List: Staff List

Are some nice links to visit before you get started with your venture on RpN. Once you're comfortable, you can go on and look for or post for recruitment in our recruitment sections.

1x1: 1x1 Recruitment

and Group: Group

That's a few of the good links, if you ever get lost or overwhelmed, make sure to ask one of our friendly members for help!

In case I've missed a helpful link to you, Welcome has a ton of helpful links.

Also don't be afraid to visit the chatbox and chat it up!.

I'm sorry my thingy is not pretty like some of the staff has, but I like to give a personal flavor to each one! Though I will make it prettier for the links at least once I get the time.

Thank You!

Hello there Nate!

On this website you can find many people to RP with. There are group RPs, 1 on 1s and the ones that use Dice to determine stats and stuff.

The staff and people are really kind, I'm sure you'll fit right in!

If you ever need help, you could check the lobby chat.

From Super,

P.S. The guy above ninja'ed me :c
Hey Wolfheart, you do have a rather impressive history! Well, I am glad you thought RpNation was a good place to start, because I assure you it is. This is a great place for people of all levels of writing to grow and I hope you can use the grand enviroment we have here to express your regrowing interest in writing!

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