Hey everyone!


New Member
Now, while I am no new comer (or novice) to the Role-Play Experience. I am, however, new to this site and the technical workings that beautify such a wondrous layout. Just thought I'd say hi and introduce myself. I am Sivvir. And if you ever want to RP, just let me know. I'm usually down for all kinds of RP. Whether it be modern or fantasy. Futuristic or Fandom. It matters little. Hope to hear from you soon. ( :P )
Hey. Newbie here too. Always open to RPing and I have virtually the same interests when it comes to genre. Welcome to RPN.
Thank you! I wasn't expecting a response so quickly. Maybe I'll see you in the realms at some point. ^.^

Welcome to the Nation! I do hope your stay is pleasant and that you find RPs that you seek. ^ ^

I'm Eliza (must confess it's not my real name) it's nice to meet you.
Hey Sivvir!

Welcome to RpN. If you like RPing, you came to the right place. The people here are generally, quite awesome as well. I'm sure you'll be just fine here. :) Looking forward to seeing you around!
^.^ It's okay, Sivvir isn't my real name either. However, it is the name of one of my most prestigious characters.

It's a pleasure to meet you, of course. Thank you for the warm welcomes.
Twist, I expect that I may find a home among the realms of RpN. I look forward to it. Thank you!
Sivvir said:
^.^ It's okay, Sivvir isn't my real name either. However, it is the name of one of my most prestigious characters.
It's a pleasure to meet you, of course. Thank you for the warm welcomes.
I like the name Sivvir, somehow it has a nordic feel to it. What is your character like, if you do not mind me asking? :)

You're welcome, of course you should be greeted with warm welcomings.
Nah...you'd be surprised at how much people ignore you if you're not proven to be up to snuff with their level of intelligence. Or rather, lack thereof. Either way, I am thankful for the warm welcoming. ^.^
Oh and my character is actually a Highland High Elf. One that has lived in solitude for most of his existence. He's rather timid, but an expert marksman and believes in defending the weak in any possible way.
That seems to me like an attempt to close oneself off from people, just to feel some kind of superiority. Which isn't very nice.

All I can say is you're welcome yet again. ^^

Sounds like an intriguing character! Should you ever want to rp, let me know.
Well, I'm always down. If you have an idea, I have a character for it. If you have a foundation, I have ideas to contribute. ^.^ I do every form of RP. My preferred in Medieval, however, I am not biased on that fact. ^.^

ElizaVioly said:
That seems to me like an attempt to close oneself off from people, just to feel some kind of superiority. Which isn't very nice.
All I can say is you're welcome yet again. ^^

Sounds like an intriguing character! Should you ever want to rp, let me know.

I would love to do a Medieval one! ^^ I'm very open to different genres as well though.

Perhaps I should send you a PM so we can discuss there?

I gather you cannot because you're entirely new. ^^
Can I receive PMs, even if I cannot send them? Because I, too, would thoroughly like to explore this venue.
I am happy to deliver the good news; you can! ;)

I will send you one shortly.
YAY! It works! Thank you...I still can't send my own until 24 hours from the time I created my user. However, I am glad to have one friend to PM til then. ^.^
Hurray for receiving PMs, even if one cannot send them ... Yet! ^^

I am glad you're glad and I look forward to future PMs! :)
Hey there. Just wanna jump in here to say you're not alone on the newb boat. I like that you're open to so many different genres of role play.
Thank you! Yeah, I thoroughly good a story line (as stated before). So as long as it has that, I am open for whatever may come my way.
Yeah, I get ya. I like character interaction too. I can dig it if a role play just has a lot of character development and emotion even if the plot is lack-luster.
Greetings and salutations!

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

You've found us, congratulations for choosing the best RP site on the whole intertubes, we're glad you're here and a part of the expanding universe that is RP Nation. Also, now you're officially one of the cool kids.

Before you being your quest to becoming one of the old hats here at RPN, please do take a second and take a look at the site rules. You can find them here: INFO - Official Site Rules | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum.

Unlike the Pirate code, they aren't more like suggestions but rules that we take a bit seriously. If, however, you've got a few pieces of eight you'd like to swing our way, we're always more than happy to take it. (I said, the rules weren't suggestions, never said we weren't piratey mate).

Once you've had a glance over the rules there's more information to be had here: Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum. You can find something there to answer just about any question you might have.

Now then, I know that you have to answers that you're wanting answered now and the first is, you can join any RP that is open. You can find the different RP genres here: Roleplays | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

They're set up by genre so if you're looking for that Belgariad fandom RP (sorry, none yet exists here) then you'll know you aren't going to be looking in the futuristic genre. Each genre has an interest check at the top of the page and you can peruse this to see if anyone is wanting to create an RP.

If you are trolling the RPs and you just gotta make your own futuristic version of the Elenium, then you can pick the genre (future or fandom? I don't know!) and create an interest check. In the interest check you can tell the whole world about your RP and what you want to do with it. If you get enough people to say Aye! then you create your RP.

If you have any questions, issues, or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with either the moderators of your forum (the genre), the Super moderators, or even the admin staff. You can do that here: Site Questions & Information

Again, welcome to RPN and happy RPing.


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