Hey Everybody! :)


New Member
Hey everybody, this is my kinda lame introduction post. I really don't know what to write here at 3:30am, so I'll just leave this here and people can ask questions and I will be sure to answer them.

thanks :)
Welcome to the RPN four star motel.

Everyone is welcome, and loved, so please enjoy your stay!
Hello, Mooney! AS QUEEN OF THE LIKES, I WELCOME THEE TO THY HUMBLE SITE!! Welcome to RPN, I look forward to RPing with you one day. :3
Thanks everybody, yeah I used to RP a lot back in middle school and some of high school, but I've been out of the swing of things for about three years now. Sadly I got really rusty but I'm looking forward to refining my writing and getting back into the swing of things :)
Welcome to the haven that is RPnation, enjoy.

P.s every wanna RP, just message me xD

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