Hey all!


Hit Me!
Seeing as I'm new around here, I figured the first order of business was to pop in over here and introduce myself. Unfortunately, I'm pretty bad at introducing myself (and this site gave me about ten 502 errors while trying to navigate here), so I'll try to keep it all cohesive.

I first started role playing... oh, maybe ten years ago, if I had to guess. I remember being excited whenever I got to use a computer in fifth grade because it meant I could keep up with my RP partners. Times were simpler then, aha. Anyway, the point is that this is a long-standing hobby of mine that I'm trying to pick up again.

I used to RP just about anything short of fandoms. I was (and still am, I suppose) too afraid to mess anything up in the worlds that other people have created. That said, I'm always willing to try something new. If I had to pick a favorite topic, though, I'd have to go with urban fantasy; I've always liked having a bit of a fantasy edge in my stories.

Outside of RP itself... I'm a multi-instrumentalist with a penchant for hard rock and metal. I write music in my spare time, but nothing ever comes of anything I write because I leave everything half-finished and forget where I wanted to take the piece. I also think I couldn't write coherent lyrics if my life depended on it, but then again, maybe I'm just my own worst critic.

I'm currently working (as an intern, admittedly) full-time in a STEM field, so I'm pretty busy most of the day. Strangely enough, I'm actually less busy now than I was when I was attending classes. That said, I can always find time during the day or in the afternoon to poke my head in here and see what I missed, so being busy should really translate to: "occasionally having things to do, sometimes." Ah well.

I'm a native English speaker and I don't speak any other languages fluently, but I can kind of speak Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish. I try to spend a little bit of time every day studying language to keep my mind active. I'm not sure of any practical applications for what I know, but, there you go.

That's probably more than anyone wanted to know about me, but hey. Gotta fill up this space somehow, right? Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to being a part of this community, and hoping that I don't get another 502 error thrown at me when I try to post this!
Welcome to the site, Okami!

The reason why are you receiving those 502 errors is because the site has been a little cranky lately. Don't fret, the issue is being handled by our lovely administration. The issue should be fixed relatively soon! In the mean time, I suggest drafting all of your replies onto some kind of word document or Google Doc. RpN is usually good at saving your drafts, but only if the site is online.

Which instruments do you play? I am a flutist, though I also sing, and I can play the guitar and piano (not as proficiently as the flute or voice). I like writing music, too! Generally my pieces are just orchestral arrangements. I never really got immersed into the whole song writing business. Perhaps we should collab sometime! ( :D )

Again, welcome to the nation! If you need anything, do be afraid to ask!
hey! you have my background kinda! I do STEM research and will be in graduate school in a year (Taking a year break to intern/co-op) somewhere.

Um I forgot what else I was going to say, but Welcome.
Musician said:
The reason why are you receiving those 502 errors is because the site has been a little cranky lately.
Oh, I know all about 502 errors, haha. I just found it funny (in a not-so-funny way) that I joined in the midst of connection issues.

Musician said:
Which instruments do you play? I am a flutist, though I also sing, and I can play the guitar and piano (not as proficiently as the flute or voice). I like writing music, too! Generally my pieces are just orchestral arrangements. I never really got immersed into the whole song writing business. Perhaps we should collab sometime!
I'm primarily a guitarist, but I play the bass and drums as well. I can make my way around a piano/keyboard and I like to pretend that I can sing. And maybe we should collaborate! I'm in the middle of a horribly uninspired period, but generally I'm always interested!

And thanks for the welcome, of course.

AkuNoOkami said:
hey! you have my background kinda! I do STEM research and will be in graduate school in a year (Taking a year break to intern/co-op) somewhere.
Oh, very cool! I've got a little while before I need to start thinking about graduate school. I'm not really looking to do anything research-based, though, so I figure I'll wait until I find a company that will pay for me to go, haha. Nice to meet you!
Welcome to the RPN. I wish you luck on your future roleplays and the great memories you will forge here.
Hi @Okami ! Nice to meet you and welcome to the Nation!

So you've been roleplaying for 10 years? That's impressive! Always awesome to have a new veteran here to call this place home (hopefully. it's a pretty nice site I must say ;) ).

You like anything other than fandoms is what you're saying? I'm the same way! Although I tend to lean more towards science fiction and modern themed.

OH ho ho you're a musician too?? I'm so jealous. I don't have an ounce of musicness in my body, unless poetry counts. Then I guess I have some of that...


You can practice your lyric writing here if you'd like in the Prose section! As long as the content is PG13 of course, haha.
Endymion said:
Welcome to the RPN. I wish you luck on your future roleplays and the great memories you will forge here.
Thanks Endymion!

Wreck said:
You like anything other than fandoms is what you're saying? I'm the same way! Although I tend to lean more towards science fiction and modern themed.
Well, sort of. It's not that I don't like fandoms, but I always feel weird playing around in an already established world. I like world building too much, is what I'm trying to get at, I guess, haha.

Wreck said:
You can practice your lyric writing here if you'd like in the Prose section! As long as the content is PG13 of course, haha.
Hmm, well, maybe. That's assuming I don't trash what I write before I even hit save, aha. And I know about the PG-13 rule, no worries. :)

Thanks for the welcome!
Hello there! Welcome :-)

I can't really play an instrument, but I admire anyone who can! I sing, myself, and that's a difficult enough job!!

I hope you're having a great experience on the site, so far! And here's to no more 502s!!
Thanks, Elle!

I have to say, I don't really play any of my instruments at an advanced level, aha. There's something to be said about focusing on one thing and not spreading yourself too thin.

And the site seems pretty nice so far! I'm sure I'll be a regular around here pretty quickly. :)

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