hey all I'm new


The New Boy Wonder
Hi I'd call myself an OK role-player. I've role played on a couple forums that have had sub role play forums before. I'm looking to meet new people while role playing and just have fun with it.
Welcome to RPNation :)

You've come to the right place it seems. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Heya!(: I'm sure your going to have a bunch of fun here. I love this site and I would be happy to be your friend :3
Welcome to the RpNation! Hope you enjoy your stay. Let us know if their is anything we can do to help you along your way here =)

Your new friend


Sent from my DROIDX
Welcome to the site, haha, despite having seen your name pop up a bit every now then, I'm pretty sure you have the swing of things. Regardless, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or problems, feel free to ask.

To continue the trend, WELCOME TO THE SITE!

Hopefully you'll find an rp you'll enjoy here, and if not you could always...iunno, make one!

Hope to catch you around.

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