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Fandom Hetalia!


New Member
If you wanna be a country, just say so. Oh, and post a pic plz....why? Because I like seeing hot pictures of them, er... Because I said so... Blah!

If it's 2P! Make sure you do the same.

Wait for acceptance from me.

if your making an OC, follow this sheet.

Country Name:

Sir Name:



Country flag:

type of leadership: (communist, dictatorship, monarchy ect.)

realation to any other country:




If I'm missing anything just add it to the sheet. Thx!

You can be no more than 3 characters! Thx!
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8033e963_wp_ss_20160124_0001(2).png.43f53157419dcd28a40afc3f770b421b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107712" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8033e963_wp_ss_20160124_0001(2).png.43f53157419dcd28a40afc3f770b421b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I'm gonna be Canada, and Romano.... Possibly Russia but I'll leave him open if anyone wants him...... :( <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8034841d_wp_ss_20160207_0010(2).png.23a0820eedcd1d7e5d50f21149818b0f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8034841d_wp_ss_20160207_0010(2).png.23a0820eedcd1d7e5d50f21149818b0f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Country Name:Tanzania

Sir Name:Nyarai Kikwete


lamguages:Swahili, Kiswahili, Kiungujo, English, and Arabic

Country flag:shown in picture

type of leadership: Replublic

realation to any other country:Has fought with Germany and lost miserably,used to be controlled by the portugeese(but only the coast),was handed over to England after WW1 and did crops for him,but he let her go eventually.Friends with Uganda and Kenya.Also know all the other countries boardering her.




Bio/history lesson:

Tanzania is the 13th largest country in Africa, and the largest in east Africa. It borders between Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Malaw, and Mozambique. Tanzania has the Indian ocean on the coastline. It has a couple of islands named Unguja (Zanzibar), Pemba, and Mafia. The country is known for Africa's highest points being the top of Kilimanjaro Mountain (5,895 meters (19,340 feet). Kilimanjaro, a dormant volcano, is snowcapped even though it is near the Equator. ), and the floor of Lake Tanganyika. The country has also an active volcano "Ol Doinyo Lengai". Tanzania is also touristic for its wildlife-rich national parks such as the Serengeti. The country's population consists of more than 120 ethnic groups.

The country politically is stable but only started in 1992. Tanzania has a city Dar es Salaam which is the richest city in the country. Tanzania as a country is indeed poor, however it is growing. It's annual growth rate is 6.7% which is one of the best in Sub Sahara Africa. Earnings from gold have been rising and the find of a major offshore gas field is promising ( source: www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-…). Unfortunately, Tanzania has been a target for poachers "and conservationists have warned that the current rate at which elephants are being killed for their ivory the entire population could die out by the end of the decade."

A little bit of history; Tanzania is a country that is very unified, because of their unity and common language as well as other benifets, this led them to their path for independence from the British.

Heck not even from the British, but let's go back to 1498, when the Portuguese came first.

The portuguese were the ones that first European to set foot in Tanzania ( the Arabs that came first. Which also during this time period Tanzania's population were Muslim ) When they came, the portuguese were friendly and peaceful at first, but then they began to kill people, for their land, food and water. Also, Tanzania had to pay tribute to Portugal. Many countries were controlled by Portugal, and many have rebelled but were crushed by the Portuguese.

But the portuguese only controlled the coast of Tanzania and the Arabs began to push them out and won their land back from the Portuguese. This victory showed that they were a colony for Portugal, no instead they were the dominant power in the region.

Till Germany came, the Tanzanian's of course revolted but then they were crushed by the germans. Almost 100,000 people died (indicating the big bruise on the right side of her back )


After World War 1, Tanzania was handed over to the British. "Under British rule Tanzania exported cash crops like cotton. Much was grown on European owned plantations. However some was also grown by Africans.

Meanwhile the Africans began to organize themselves. In 1929 they formed the African Association in Dar Es Salaam.

Yet in Tanzania the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s were fairly uneventful. However things began to change rapidly in the 1950s.

In 1953 Julius Nyerere was elected president of the Tanganyika African Association. In 1954 it was renamed the Tanzania African National Union. It campaigned for independence with the slogan Freedom and Unity (Uhuu na Umoja). The National Union participated in elections for the legislative council in 1958 and 1959. However two-thirds of the seats were reserved for non-Africans.

In 1960 that restriction was removed and in an election TANU won almost all the seats. The move to independence was now unstoppable and Tanzania became independent on 9 December 1961 with Nyerere as prime minister. On 9 December 1962 Tanzania became a republic and Nyerere became president."

With this, economy went back with Nyerere as president but then Ali Hassan Mwinyi became the next president and he began to repair the economy.

Other:Whenever she sees Germany she gives him the stink eye.
WoodenZebra said:
Country Name:Tanzania
Sir Name:Nyarai Kikwete


lamguages:Swahili, Kiswahili, Kiungujo, English, and Arabic

Country flag:shown in picture

type of leadership: Replublic

realation to any other country:Has fought with Germany and lost miserably,used to be controlled by the portugeese(but only the coast),was handed over to England after WW1 and did crops for him,but he let her go eventually.Friends with Uganda and Kenya.Also know all the other countries boardering her.




Bio/history lesson:

Tanzania is the 13th largest country in Africa, and the largest in east Africa. It borders between Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Malaw, and Mozambique. Tanzania has the Indian ocean on the coastline. It has a couple of islands named Unguja (Zanzibar), Pemba, and Mafia. The country is known for Africa's highest points being the top of Kilimanjaro Mountain (5,895 meters (19,340 feet). Kilimanjaro, a dormant volcano, is snowcapped even though it is near the Equator. ), and the floor of Lake Tanganyika. The country has also an active volcano "Ol Doinyo Lengai". Tanzania is also touristic for its wildlife-rich national parks such as the Serengeti. The country's population consists of more than 120 ethnic groups.

The country politically is stable but only started in 1992. Tanzania has a city Dar es Salaam which is the richest city in the country. Tanzania as a country is indeed poor, however it is growing. It's annual growth rate is 6.7% which is one of the best in Sub Sahara Africa. Earnings from gold have been rising and the find of a major offshore gas field is promising ( source: www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-…). Unfortunately, Tanzania has been a target for poachers "and conservationists have warned that the current rate at which elephants are being killed for their ivory the entire population could die out by the end of the decade."

A little bit of history; Tanzania is a country that is very unified, because of their unity and common language as well as other benifets, this led them to their path for independence from the British.

Heck not even from the British, but let's go back to 1498, when the Portuguese came first.

The portuguese were the ones that first European to set foot in Tanzania ( the Arabs that came first. Which also during this time period Tanzania's population were Muslim ) When they came, the portuguese were friendly and peaceful at first, but then they began to kill people, for their land, food and water. Also, Tanzania had to pay tribute to Portugal. Many countries were controlled by Portugal, and many have rebelled but were crushed by the Portuguese.

But the portuguese only controlled the coast of Tanzania and the Arabs began to push them out and won their land back from the Portuguese. This victory showed that they were a colony for Portugal, no instead they were the dominant power in the region.

Till Germany came, the Tanzanian's of course revolted but then they were crushed by the germans. Almost 100,000 people died (indicating the big bruise on the right side of her back )


After World War 1, Tanzania was handed over to the British. "Under British rule Tanzania exported cash crops like cotton. Much was grown on European owned plantations. However some was also grown by Africans.

Meanwhile the Africans began to organize themselves. In 1929 they formed the African Association in Dar Es Salaam.

Yet in Tanzania the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s were fairly uneventful. However things began to change rapidly in the 1950s.

In 1953 Julius Nyerere was elected president of the Tanganyika African Association. In 1954 it was renamed the Tanzania African National Union. It campaigned for independence with the slogan Freedom and Unity (Uhuu na Umoja). The National Union participated in elections for the legislative council in 1958 and 1959. However two-thirds of the seats were reserved for non-Africans.

In 1960 that restriction was removed and in an election TANU won almost all the seats. The move to independence was now unstoppable and Tanzania became independent on 9 December 1961 with Nyerere as prime minister. On 9 December 1962 Tanzania became a republic and Nyerere became president."

With this, economy went back with Nyerere as president but then Ali Hassan Mwinyi became the next president and he began to repair the economy.

Other:Whenever she sees Germany she gives him the stink eye.
Hey, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! But your excepted!

BTW, I really like your character! :)
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Country Name: Astrana

Sir Name: Mirabella

Age: Looks to be about 6 or 7, but her land was recently created through volcanic activity, and is only about 200, 000 years old (basically a newborn land wise, since it takes a long while for underwater volcanic lava/rock to reach the ocean's surface)

Languages: Italian and Spanish

Country flag: Doesn't have one yet, since she was taken over by Spain and South Italy (Romano)

type of leadership: (communist, dictatorship, monarchy ect.) Half democratic, half parliamentary monarchy

Relation to any other country: was taken over by both Spain and Italy, and land wise is cut in half, one half for Spain (the left side) and one half for Italy (the right side). She now lives with Spain in his house and Romano come over constantly.

Appearance: Land Wise- A small, circular island country with a long stretch of beach and lots of woods/ Human or Body Wise- A young girl with medium length choppy brown hair, bright brown eyes, olive skin. She is found wearing a faded white dress.

Personality: Bubbly and cheery. Very childlike and is always full of energy. Loves to try and please her big bro's.
Country Name: Astraea

Human Name: Athena Jones

Human Age: About 11

Country Age: 105

languages: English, French, Spanish, Astrean

Country flag:

type of leadership: Democracy

relation to any other country: Technically the younger sister to America and Canada



personality: Astraea is rather shy, however, if angered (Which isn't hard) she'll grow rather feisty. She does try and make jokes, though mostly fails. She gets rather clingy to those she is close to.


-Astraea is a safe haven for immigrants.

-She is mostly a village

-Her island is in the atlantic

-The island gets extremely warm summers and frigid winters

-She's scared of large countries due to stories of them from her people

-Astraea's weapon is a garden spade
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May I be 2p north italy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2p_italy_x_reader_hide_and_seek_by_bichesrsnichesnstich-d67bm3k.jpg.1c5e54d74069543e38bc4850377e4122.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2p_italy_x_reader_hide_and_seek_by_bichesrsnichesnstich-d67bm3k.jpg.1c5e54d74069543e38bc4850377e4122.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Country Name:


(It's Magyarorszag guys! Say it with me...)

Sir Name:

Matthias Corvinus

(It's Pronounced Mat-yash guys! Matyas! Why are my words so hard?)

Human Age: 22







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/HUNG0002.GIF.a01adc06d048dcf51980dc9cfecf3087.GIF" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/HUNG0002.GIF.a01adc06d048dcf51980dc9cfecf3087.GIF" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Type of Leadership: Democracy

Relations to Other Nations: Ex-Spouse of Austria, Ex-Housekeeper of Russia, Works for Germany


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/45563343180576dbd4d8117dd6f52710.jpg.2e1a9378b9151bfcbea76870ca9e0b85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/45563343180576dbd4d8117dd6f52710.jpg.2e1a9378b9151bfcbea76870ca9e0b85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hungary... (It's Magyarorszag you narrating shmuck!!) *ahem* is a very agressive country, due to the long history of oppression and foreign rule. He will challenge anyone who crosses him to a fight or other contest, though he often loses, picks the wrong side, or is simply bullied by stronger nations. He is amicable to other nations he sees have been oppressed and reaches out to them with the mutual bond of suffering, promising loyalty and a friendly bear hug.


Hungary was founded as a kingdom around 700 AD, though the Hungarian people had been living in a tribal system since the time of Attila. The kingdom maintained independence from the other powers of the time until the Hungarians were betrayed to the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic church. Since then the Hungarians have been ruled by foreign powers until the fall of the Soviet Union. Over that time Hungarians were used often as cannon fodder in the army of the Hapsburgs and had many failed revolutions. This Hungary has fought in all of them.


Did you know Hungarians and the Finnish are related by common tribal ancestry? Because of this, Hungary often visits his Nordic cousin.



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