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Fandom Hetalia Traveling Circus


Cool Bat Saves the Ghouls
Name: (human name, then country in brackets (check the Masterlist in the Overview tab for available countries))



(Staff member, entertainment, or patron (note: being a patron may restrict you somewhat)? If entertainment, what is their stage name?)

How long have they been in the circus?:

Pic (optional, but preferred):

Physical appearance:
(At least a paragraph, say what species they are if they're not human (doesn't have to be super detailed if there's a pic))

History: (At least two paragraphs)

You can have up to two characters for now. Once your app gets a like from moi, you're good to go!
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Ivan Braginsky

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Role: Staff - Ringmaster

How long have they been in the circus?: Inherited it from his father at age 24 - technically 8 years


Physical Appearance/Personality: A very intimidating man, standing at 6'7". Often wears baggy cloths, making him look somewhat like a gentle giant - which he usually seems to be. Other than being kind to strangers, he has his father's charisma and easily captures the audience. However, he also has a dark side and the only ones who ever see his true cruelty are the those who have broken a rule.

History: Ivan lived in the circus for as long as he can remember. His father before him was the Ringmaster, but he never met his mother, who disappeared mysteriously when he was an infant. His father, too, met a sudden end when he had a fatal heart attack after a show in Italy.

Ivan took control of the circus, which his father left to him in his will. So far, he's been a much nicer boss to his employees than his old man was, but he was never picked on again after he came into power...




  • Age:16
  • Gender: Male
  • Role- Tightrope walker *The Crimson Walker* -Entertainment/Employee
  • How Long have they been in the circus?: Only for 3 years,mostly hanging out with the staff and other entertainers before the show.
  • Physical appearance/personality- A male standing at 5"9.A feminine looking blonde,skinny male with violet eyes.A kind,helpful man that is considerate of others. He often wants to help out others and hates bullies. Matthew is known by his nickname,Mattie to close friends and often wears comfortable and bright clothes that express the emotions of the circus along with special face paint. He also wears a ton of red clothes,which match the stripes on the tent. Matthew is rarely caught wearing casual clothes unless he is sent out to the city or shopping. He is trusting of others,but he has a dark side. When ever someone offends him or is brutally abusive or mean,he will try to get revenge and even hold some grudges against them. May even go as far as to ruin their career. He can even be tricky and sneaky in this stage to ruin their career,so it may look like an accident. It usually takes a lot to push him this far,but other than that he's a nice guy.
  • History- Matthew Williams,also known by his nickname Mattie has lived a sad life during his childhood. He struggled to make a living and was often bullied and robbed frequently. He was forced to do underhanded tasks and illegal trades just to survive. It was a tough life on the street and he still bears some scars on him. He tries to cover it with his circus outfit and often gets emotional when talking about it. One day,when he was making his usual street runs he had seen bright lights shine from a colorful tent in the distance. The crowds were cheering and it made his heart flutter at the sight.
  • He fled to the circus to see the acts and caught sight of the amazing ringleader and his crew. He wanted to be with them,they seemed like a true family. Matthew waited until the circus had finished and snuck over to the tents,where the other staff members were. He got caught by the Ringleader and begged to join. He pleaded with tears in his eyes and told his sad,pitiful story and the man had mercy. He allowed Matthew to join as long as he could learn a profession to stick around. He agreed to the deal and soon took up some special talents he learned along the way.
Feliciano Vargas [North Italy]

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role: Entertainment, Acrobat, known as ’Spice of Life'

How long have they been in the circus?: Not too long, perhaps a few months? He’s still getting used to circus life!

Physical appearance/Personality: Pretty short, wears a simple suit most of the time. His hair is curly and unkempt, a note on how carefree he can be. One particular curl sticks out in a somewhat spiral shape, but that doesn’t mean you should touch it! He is always smiling and dancing around, and loves to tell jokes. He loves to cook food for his fellow performers. However silly and laid-back he appears, taller, scary looking people intimidate him quite easily.

History: He lived at home with his foster parents(he’s lived with them as long as he can remember, he never met his real, biological parents), but got bored of sitting around and listening to them. Their life was rather simple, but didn’t amount to much. As he was somewhat spoiled as a child, he is unused to the real world and how cruel it can be, his fear of more intimidating-looking people stems from this.

Going out to venture across the world and the countries it beheld, he took upon all sorts of new recipes, because quite the cooking prodigy. However, his life still lacked something, and he found exactly what he needed at circus one night. Marveling at the shining lights and nimble actors and actresses, he was mesmerized and immediately applied to be let in.

Alfred F. Jones


Age: 23

Gender: Male

Role: Entertainer; Daredevil; Daredevil Jones

How long have they been in the circus?: Three years, give or take.

Physical appearance: Standing at a height of 6'1, Alfred F. Jones is the walking, talking definition of the all-American golden boy; save for the one unruly stray hair, set of glasses and slightly crooked nose from the time someone brought a baseball bat to a fist fight. Nevertheless, though he packs a surprising amount of muscle underneath his trademarked jacket (considering the amount of junk that makes up the majority of his diet) he has what seems to be an eternal case of boyish youth; perhaps due to his baby blue eyes, boisterous enthusiasm or the impish grin he sports as often as the American flag bandana around his neck, folks that get to meet Daredevil Jones find it hard to believe he's actually a part of the freakshow. What folks don't know, though, is that Alfred F. Jones is just as much a freak as the rest of them.

History: If there was one thing Alfred learned through growing up in the slums of Chicago and reading a dubious amount of comic books, it was that the world needed a hero; a role model; someone who wasn't afraid to look at the odds and defy them anyway. In all, they needed someone who was strong and brave and sheer awesome enough to stand up and prove the impossible possible, and that's exactly the someone he set out to be. From fighting bullies to riding rickety carts off ramps, Alfred had as many crazy stories to tell as he did broken bones and bruises by the time he reached the tender age of eighteen. Unfortunately, though, one stunt too many left him ineligible to fulfill his dream of joining the U.S Airforce and becoming a pilot-- a stunt that left him near blind and a hard-edged crack running through his good natured spirit.

Years later, downtrodden and down on his luck, it was by chance that Alfred encountered Ivan Braginsky's traveling circus and bought a ticket for the show. Entering as a patron, he knew as soon as he saw the blinding lights; heard the
ooo's and ahhh's of the crowd; felt the tingle of pure magic in the air that he couldn't leave without becoming an entertainer himself. Having somehow convinced the ringmaster to let him join in on the show-- reasoning that Alfred assumed was the high mortality rates of daredevils in general-- Alfred henceforth gave up his life and normality in favour of the bright lights and adoring crowds. It wasn't as if his life before was all that normal, anyway.
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Arthur Kirkland



Age: 24

Gender: Male

Role: Entertainer; Magician; Wiccan

How long have they been in the circus?: 5 years

Physical appearance:

Thin as a shadow, though not nearly so tall, Arthur has a small, wiry build. While this lends him little strength in physical fights, it is quite useful for an someone so immaterial as himself. Perhaps by necessity or possibly as a direct result of his abilities, he has a rather insubstantial quality about him. He has the look of someone who might dissipate at any moment. There is only one portion of his appearance that is defiantly solid, his eyes, which are unlike his other features, an undiluted emerald hue, bright as freshly cut grass.


Prior to joining this circus, Arthur resided in a gilded garden of glittering trinkets, as the adopted child of a pair of philanthropists, he was the heir to the corporation, Janus Jewels, makers of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and similar wares. The business had a somewhat immoral company history (Arthur’s adopted grandfather had embezzled hundreds of thousand of dollars in the late ‘80s), but was otherwise quite reliable and sold millions of stones and gems each year, providing Arthur’s family with the steady stream of funds that contributed to Arthur’s luxurious childhood. Arthur was presented with all he could possibly wish for and more. He loved his parents, despite the fact that they could be as cold as the stones they sold at times, and his house, an expansive, sprawling estate, and his nanny, a sweet, Scottish girl who was paid too little for all that she did for the British boy. He adored afternoon teas and his stuffed rabbit, Winston and he was truly happy, at least for a while.

It was when he turned eleven that complications began to arise. He had been arguing with his mother, (As happy as he was, they still had the occasional quarrel) who had explained to him in shrill, warning tones, that she and her father were quite busy and would have to postpone his birthday treat (“For the fifth time,” he had interjected bitterly) and that they could celebrate in October (“Which was six months after his actual birthday!” he might have cried indignantly, had she not left the room moments later to answer a call) He was absolutely boiling with rage, and in a fit of frustration, he had shut his eyes and wished with all he had to simply melt. And so he did, in a manner of speaking.

He slipped through the large, oaken seat on which he had been resting, down past the polished floor -What on earth was happening- and down to the second floor. -He wasn’t sure if he’d ever escape this incorporeal state- he’d sliced through a chair, -He needed focus- Arthur closed his eyes for a second time, he’d dropped into the plush carpet, he would be in the basement in a few seconds, he wished desperately to manifest, to become material once again, the basement floor was rising to meet him and- Pop. The sound echoed through the estate’s lowest level, and Arthur sat on the cold basement floor, pale as a ghost. After a few seconds of stunned silence, he had the good sense to shriek, and Sophie, following the ear-splitting noise, found him.

Arthur had resolved to conceal this ability for as long as he was able. Whatever had happened was quite frightening and he needed no help scaring his parents away. And he was quite successful for a long while (With a lot of help from Sophie). Eight years came and past with many close calls, (He once nearly vanished into the carpet at a public library). He learned that he had some level of command over the ability, and that he was liable to fade into the floor when emotions ran high. So, remaining cool and serene was a necessity. He learned to be normal at least for a while, until one fateful night.

It was a brisk winter evening, two days after Christmas, and snow and wind alike pounded a tattoo on the windows of the Janus Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Janus were, for once in their lives, relaxing in front of a grand, merrily crackling fireplace, discussing their business in numbers and other jargon. Arthur was reading a new novel he was rather taken with, a story of adventure and intrigue, performance and deception, titled ‘Freak Show’. An exchange of words occurred, as did an incident involving his ‘peculiarities’. Most importantly, that the night had ended with Arthur sprinting and skidding down a slick, slippery London street, his feet sinking farther through the pavement with each step. It was during his flight from the manor that he came upon the circus by chance. One it’s numerous signs caught his gaze. It was a bit scuffed at the edges, it's corners blackened and center stained, and it bore the same title as the book he had been reading, “Freak Show”

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Chun-Yan Wang (Nyo!China)


Age: 26 ( Is this okay or should I make her older?)

Gender: Female

Role: Patron

How long have they been in the circus?: She's just about to visit the famous circus for the very first time.

Physical appearance: She stands at 5"4 and has a very small body frame. She has pale skin with light brown eyes,her long deep auburn hair is often,if not always in two buns.

History: Ever since she was little,her father's presence was always missing since he was a businessman, while her mother is a dedicated practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine that works at their home. She was a helpful girl, often helping her mother pick herbs in their garden,helping create medicine and assisting clients. From the very start she knew she would continue the legacy of her mother, though to her surprise, her father announced that she would assist him in his work and later take over his position when he retired.

One of Chun-Yan's fondest memories is when her father had taken some time off and took her and his wife to a travelling circus, that was currently staying in their city. She enjoyed the bonding time of her family and the spectacular shows presented in the circus. Though one peculiar incident that had took place was when she was buying cotton candy was that she had saw a boy, some years older than her,nevertheless was still a boy walking in employee restricted areas. ( Well, that may have happened if Kenzimalija agrees )

When she grew older, she often got sent by her father to associate with his business partners and thus gets the opportunity to travel often. After finishing her obligations she would often decide to stay in the city for a few days to enjoy herself. She would go explore the place, try their food, go shopping and see the tourist's attractions.​
Name: Gilbert Beilschmidt [Prussia]

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Role: Staff Member

How long have they been in the circus?: 2 years

Pic (optional):


Physical appearance:
Prussia has very light blonde hair, almost white. His eyes are red, and his skin pale. He usually wears his navy bule military uniform with his Knights cross of the Iron Cross on his tie. Although recently he has switched to his uniform for the Circus. He still tends to hid his cross on his uniform in some way, trying not to scare off the circus' audience.

History: Gilbert grew up with his brother Ludwig. Ludwig has never been to fond of him, and deep down Gilbert is kind of bothered by that. He tries to get on Ludwig's good side, but frequently fails to get his brothers approval. Gilbert went into the military at 17 in order to try and get Ludwig's attention. He wanted to make Ludwig think he was powerful, but alas Ludwig didn't care.

Gilbert fought in the military for 6 years and has recently returned back to see Ludwig. While visiting Ludwig, Gilbert met Arthur. He was very strange but that was interesting to this boring life Gilbert was living. Ludwig caught on to Gilbert's crush and makes fun of him whenever he catches Gilbert staring. Gilbert is very confused about his fascination with Arthur. He refuses to accept that he might be gay. Ludwig and Gilbert had visited this circus a couple months before Gilbert started working here. Gilbert saw Arthur and his work and had fallen completely in love. He was so graceful and unique, it made Gilbert happy to see him in a place he enjoyed being. Soon after, he started working at the Circus. He hoped that being an extra would help him get to know Arthur, but he simply can't get close to him while working on dishes in the kitchen.
Name: Emil (Emmy) Sørensen


Age: 19

Gender: male

Role: Aerial silk. ' The Silk Rabbit.'

How long have they been in the circus?: Three years.

Pic (optional, but preferred):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/_20160602_175908.JPG.19c35af14b719cd9aad53fa3b21e02b5.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/_20160602_175908.JPG.19c35af14b719cd9aad53fa3b21e02b5.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Physical appearance:

Standing at 5'3, it is pretty easy for Emil to flip and twirl around in mid air. He has freckles on his shoulders and some down his back. His hair is dirty blonde. Is very flexible.

Don't make fun of his height or He will fight you.

Emil is a very fun person to be around. He can be pretty talkative at times. He is very kind to the other members of the circus and the audience. He even has nicknames for most of the members. It is very easy to make him blush, he is just easily embarrassed even at dumb small things.

History: You have probably already heard the stories of little boys running away and joining the circus, it's not like it's anything new! But what about boys from an orpanage running away to the circus!? Boom, i just created somthing new.

Emil never knew his parents, he had been stuck in an orphanage at a very young age. It wasn't a very good place. The head of the orphanage would usually take the donations and use it for himself. The rule was that each child was supposed to get 19 dollars for all the work they did but that never happened. They were all basically slaves. Emil's job was to cook.

When a child reaches the age of eighteen, they would be kicked out into the street. Emil didn't want that to happen, so when he turned sixteen he and some of his friends ran away. But not before stealing a bunch of money from the man in charge. "It's not like what we did was bad! We took the amount of money he owed us!"

They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Emil stumbled upon the circus. It seemed so interesting to him so he went to look for the ringmaster in order to ask him if he could join. When. The ringmaster asked him. What his talent was he had to think of something quick. "I-i can dance...in the silk drapes and such!"

He was surprised he got in.



  • _20160602_175908.JPG
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Vash's hair is actually very long, and she loves to have it braided in one of the bottom two styles or a normal braid. However, should an event be formal, it becomes the top right style.

Vashlie "Vash" Zwingli [switzerland]


Gender: Female

Role: Vash is a staff member. She doesn't really like being the center of attention unless necessary, so she prefers to stay backstage, working on performers' costumes and overall appearances. She also doubles as security. However, if needed, she will go on stage as someone else if they cannot perform, should it be necessary. This is because she was once known as "Precision", and was a deadly accurate sharpshooter and knife thrower. She soon retired from performing after she injured herself.

How long have they been in the circus?:
Vash is not new to the circus, she's been around for about 7 years. She was one of the original staff members, and was once a performer.

Physical appearance:
Vash is a rather tall girl, standing at about 5' 11", with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Her hair is usually either straight and down, or tied back into a braid. She is almost always wearing boots and pants, with a casual shirt and an old military-like jacket that belonged to her father. She has a slim yet athletic build, which is good for running and getting out of small spaces. She is heavily armed, so if you look close enough, you'll notice a plethora of weapons on her persona. Occasionally, there is a rifle strapped over her shoulder.

Vash is a very very introverted female. She prefers to be alone in the quiet sanctuary of her living quarters, drawing up designs for new costumes or maybe reading. She is a very serious and work-oriented person, with a no bullshit attitude. She tends to keep to herself, but if she does say something about you pissing her off, you better run. She is fully armed and not afraid to use it. She once began firing a rifle at an Italian for running across her lawn after "forgetting" their clothes. Now, she does it every time he even gets close to her property. She absolutely hates loud and obnoxious people, wishing nothing more than to be able to deck them in the face to shut them up. She is incredibly stubborn and sarcastic. She is not afraid of Ivan at all, and can look him straight in the eye, unlike most of the other performers. She is often described as "fearless." This is not true. She is scared of many things, including being forgotten and losing those she loves, especially after losing her fiancé only three years prior. While she might seem quiet and kind, the fact is quite the opposite. If she likes you, sure, she'll be nice to you, but that's hard to accomplish. Despite her personal vow of being neutral and calm in disagreements, she is one of the most violent people in the circus's staff, and tends to go a bit insane if stressed out.


There really isn't a huge story behind Vash. She grew up in a very traditional home, with only one sibling, a younger brother named Lyle. This is reflected in her ways of speaking with proper grammar, and always having a very professional and traditional posture.

After coming to the circus, which she joined to get away from her home for a while, she joined with the talent of being able to shoot and throw knives, (or anything for that matter) with deadly accuracy.

However, one day at the circus an animal got out. Obviously not happy, it attacked a performer, causing Vash to jump in and help. This ultimately resulted in her almost dying. After this, she became a behind-the-scenes manager, only performing if it was necessary.
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AllTheFangirlThings said:


Vash's hair is actually very long, and she loves to have it braided in one of the bottom two styles or a normal braid. However, should an event be formal, it becomes the top right style.

Vashlie "Vash" Zwingli [switzerland]


Gender: Female

Role: Vash is a staff member. She doesn't really like being the center of attention unless necessary, so she prefers to stay backstage, working on performers' costumes and overall appearances. She also doubles as security. However, if needed, she will go on stage as someone else if they cannot perform, should it be necessary. This is because she was once known as "Precision", and was a deadly accurate sharpshooter and knife thrower. She soon retired from performing after she injured herself.

How long have they been in the circus?:
Vash is not new to the circus, she's been around for about 7 years. She was one of the original staff members, and was once a performer.

Physical appearance:
Vash is a rather tall girl, standing at about 5' 11", with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Her hair is usually either straight and down, or tied back into a braid. She is almost always wearing boots and pants, with a casual shirt and an old military-like jacket that belonged to her father. She has a slim yet athletic build, which is good for running and getting out of small spaces. She is heavily armed, so if you look close enough, you'll notice a plethora of weapons on her persona. Occasionally, there is a rifle strapped over her shoulder.

Vash is a very very introverted female. She prefers to be alone in the quiet sanctuary of her living quarters, drawing up designs for new costumes or maybe reading. She is a very serious and work-oriented person, with a no bullshit attitude. She tends to keep to herself, but if she does say something about you pissing her off, you better run. She is fully armed and not afraid to use it. She once began firing a rifle at an Italian for running across her lawn after "forgetting" their clothes. Now, she does it every time he even gets close to her property. She absolutely hates loud and obnoxious people, wishing nothing more than to be able to deck them in the face to shut them up. She is incredibly stubborn and sarcastic. She is not afraid of Ivan at all, and can look him straight in the eye, unlike most of the other performers. She is often described as "fearless." This is not true. She is scared of many things, including being forgotten and losing those she loves, especially after losing her fiancé only three years prior. While she might seem quiet and kind, the fact is quite the opposite. If she likes you, sure, she'll be nice to you, but that's hard to accomplish. Despite her personal vow of being neutral and calm in disagreements, she is one of the most violent people in the circus's staff, and tends to go a bit insane if stressed out.


There really isn't a huge story behind Vash. She grew up in a very traditional home, with only one sibling, a younger brother named Lyle. This is reflected in her ways of speaking with proper grammar, and always having a very professional and traditional posture.

After coming to the circus, which she joined to get away from her home for a while, she joined with the talent of being able to shoot and throw knives, (or anything for that matter) with deadly accuracy.

However, one day at the circus an animal got out. Obviously not happy, it attacked a performer, causing Vash to jump in and help. This ultimately resulted in her almost dying. After this, she became a behind-the-scenes manager, only performing if it was necessary.

Sorry for the wait, hop in whenever you want! ^^

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