Hetalia Randomness


The Dark Poetry Mistress
Hey. I had the idea for a Hetalia RP and wondered if anyone would be interested. Basically, you can have an OC, such as a 2p, Sweet Devil or a Angel, or or one of the original countries.

Just give a name, what country, city or state you are, your family, age (appearance-wise), likes, dislikes, hobbies, history (just for OCs), and a description of your character.


No cybering. Take it somewhere else please.

2) I don't want any god-modding. I don't believe there will be any major violence. Maybe some quarreling, but no one will be killed. Please give the person you're fighting with a chance.

3) Countries, cities and states aren't human. But they aren't god so don't make them like that.

4) No love at first sight or love on the first day. If your character has loved the other character for a long time, feel free to do whatever but do keep it appropriate.

5) Try to stick to your character's personality. It's no fun if a cannon character is in a complete original character mode.

6) Only have multiple characters if you can handle it.

7) No Mary Sue OCs

I'll give an example of my character description if any of you that look at this are confused:

Mist Jones is the female "other side" of America. Her brothers are James and Al while her sister is Melanie/Mel. She is 21 or at least looks like it. She dislikes meat, being ignored and occasionally her siblings. She likes her bat, knife she's had since she was a child, children and animals (secretly), and being given a chance before people judge her. Her hobbies include scaring her good counterpart, chilling with her cat and siblings, baseball and coaching. Her history? It's basically normal as you know american history, just way bloodier. She is 6' 5" with blood red hair and light red eyes to match. She's often seen wearing a baseball jacket, white t-shirt and blackened jeans.
I'll join. Just give me a little bit. I gotta go off to class. But just wondering, does Antarctica count as a country? I know some people say it is, but some don't. Just wondering.
Coolness :)

Azeel Jackson, known to his family as Z, is Antarctica. He's mostly isolated from the rest of the world, keeping in touch with his cousins like Iceland and Greenland. He goes to some of the world meetings, talking to his brother (Russia) or hanging in the back with Sealand. His favorite belongings are an earring with a toucan's feather hanging off it that he "picked up" at a world meeting and a journal that he writes/draws in and keeps with him everywhere. His hair is pure white and his eyes are a dark black, barely distinguishing themselves from duller pupils. He looks to be around 18 or so, but acts more mature and level headed than most of the other countries. Doesn't fight at all but will get extremely upset and start yelling if countries act stupid for long periods of time. Has a tendency to sound very sweet but say threatening things that he learned from Russia and also tends to wind up with things that aren't his, though he will deny ever seeing it. His history is kinda short and simple on his part, but confusing since he was found by several different nations that fight over who's he is. Azeel doesn't really care and picked Russia as his unofficial big brother.
Lia Rose, or better know as Florida, was found by Spain, and later other countries like Britain and France. Though she was fought over, she deemed Spain as her older brother,being he found her first. She was eventually handed over to America in exchange for money, Florida didn't mind and still allowed her brother to visit. She looks like a 20 year old and is often said to be too forgiving, nice, or oblivious. She has short blonde hair that reaches her shoulders, kind of choppy at the ends with light blue eyes. She has a thin frame and enjoys the ocean, living near the beach, and is a great person to visit if you want to have a vacation from stress.
I'm going to be Russia. Description:

Anton Yatzkov is his name. A long time ago, people from other countries set off in search of new land, and later named themselves the Rus. Over years of bloodshed and the time of the Czars and the Soviets, Russia has been a land of cracked minds and corruption, if only they weren't so good at hiding it. Russia is an easygoing country and isn't afraid of much, only his sister, Belarus. He is brothers with Antarctica. Russia's hair is gray and he wears a trench coat.

Likes: China, Vodka, Creeping people out

Dislikes: Every other country except China, but he hides it to get along with people.

Note: Antarctica and China are his best friends.
Aeola Genna, also known as the personification of the country of Libya, is a young amnesiac girl who doesnt remember much of her history or past, due to an unknown accident. Aeola is very shy and quiet, and barely ever speaks. Her only friends are Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano. Aeola is a tall and doll like girl with sandy colored mid back length hair and bright, intelligent green eyes. Her skin is lightly tanned and covered in small white scars.
Maria Julchen Beilschmidt is better known as the country of Prussia, though if you ask her, she'll demand to be called "My Liege" or "Your Awesomeness". She appears to be between the ages of 18 and 21, and is tall and slim, standing at about 5'8". She has pale skin, white hair, and red eyes, with a long, thick scar along one cheek. She's typically seen in her blue military-style coat, white blouse, black mini-skirt, and white knee-high boots. She has a flair for the flashy and ostentatious, and can often come off as a little (or a lot) obnoxious. This tends to make her lose friends and gain enemies, but she honestly doesn't really care. She's pretty perverted as well, though it's all bark and no bite. She's actualy really insecure, but she covers it up with claims of awesomeness and attempts to make herself seem important. Around people she trusts, though, she'll lower her guard and show more of her true feelings.

(Fem!Prussia :33 I can be regular Prussia if you'd prefer, though.)
Naga said:
I'm going to be Russia. Description:
Anton Yatzkov is his name. A long time ago, people from other countries set off in search of new land, and later named themselves the Rus. Over years of bloodshed and the time of the Czars and the Soviets, Russia has been a land of cracked minds and corruption, if only they weren't so good at hiding it. Russia is an easygoing country and isn't afraid of much, only his sister, Belarus. He is brothers with Antarctica. Russia's hair is gray and he wears a trench coat.

Likes: China, Vodka, Creeping people out

Dislikes: Every other country except China, but he hides it to get along with people.

Note: Antarctica and China are his best friends.
Alright. You are accepted. 

[QUOTE="Assassin Of Fate]Aeola Genna, also known as the personification of the country of Libya, is a young amnesiac girl who doesnt remember much of her history or past, due to an unknown accident. Aeola is very shy and quiet, and barely ever speaks. Her only friends are Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano. Aeola is a tall and doll like girl with sandy colored mid back length hair and bright, intelligent green eyes. Her skin is lightly tanned and covered in small white scars.

You are accepted. 

quixoticSorceress said:
Maria Julchen Beilschmidt is better known as the country of Prussia, though if you ask her, she'll demand to be called "My Liege" or "Your Awesomeness". She appears to be between the ages of 18 and 21, and is tall and slim, standing at about 5'8". She has pale skin, white hair, and red eyes, with a long, thick scar along one cheek. She's typically seen in her blue military-style coat, white blouse, black mini-skirt, and white knee-high boots. She has a flair for the flashy and ostentatious, and can often come off as a little (or a lot) obnoxious. This tends to make her lose friends and gain enemies, but she honestly doesn't really care. She's pretty perverted as well, though it's all bark and no bite. She's actualy really insecure, but she covers it up with claims of awesomeness and attempts to make herself seem important. Around people she trusts, though, she'll lower her guard and show more of her true feelings.
(Fem!Prussia :33 I can be regular Prussia if you'd prefer, though.)
You are accepted. P.S. I love Fem!Prussia.
Marisola Baron is Mexico, and she prefers to be called that. She is a cheeky, flamboyant, and at other times shy lady, she likes to wear a officer's military jacket, with a huge hat with peacock feather's on top, she is slightly tanned, with black hair and blue eyes, she can talk a little too much for her own good, and once America got just a little too angry at her over her stealing Texas, she is generally nice, that is until someone get's a little too close, then she lashes, but of course, the lash may be flashy and all, but in the end, gold is much weaker than iron, but the effort is honest, very honest. She calls Spain her big brother, and likes to be friendly to about every country except for Cuba, she actually really hates Cuba. Though she can be flamboyant and cheeky, she gains friends and at times has problems gathering her self, as seen by her quite messy lodgings. Around almost everyone she's super friendly, but when somebody manages to make her angry, she will get quite angry.

(Eek! Why is my little Mexico so much like Prussia, it could be like the sort of 'you're ripping me off' complex, that isn't a bad idea now that I think about it, but please tell quixoticSorceress to see if she's ok with it, if not I can change it.)
Sage Clark, the personification of the state of Nevada. She is a little rebellious and extremely loud mouthed. She is sometimes really flamboyant, although this is normally when in a huge group of people. She likes parties well enough, but she would much rather be out exploring the desert.

With short brown hair and slightly tanned skin, Sage has the appearance of a eighteen year-old girl. She normally wears slightly baggy jeans, a tank-top, and a blue sandstone bracelet.

Her nickname is Silver.

(I think that's good. Her name is based on Navada's state flower, the Sagebrush, and Clark County, the most populated County in Nevada. Hah... I'm clever :3.)

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