Hetalia Randomness RP

"Im not really a big fan of cats...i have nothing against them, but they scratch and claw and i can't handle it...." Florida sighed and looked at the dog "Are they nice?"
"Yeah Brutus and Fluffs are nice....to certain others at least but....eh Brutus here won't bite." Brutus merely barked in what seemed to be agreement. Fluffs simply purred in her sleep. Mist shrugged a bit.
(( /casually jumps in ))

At that moment, barking was heard from somewhere nearby, along with a girl's frantic German-accented voice. "Oi! Aster! Behave yourself, ya filthy mutt! Ah!"

A German shepherd trotted around a nearby corner, dragging its distressed red-eyed owner along by its leash. The girl had her feet planted in an obvious attempt to stop it, but the dog seemed to be stronger than her. The mud on her jacket and her frazzled white hair gave testament to previous episodes where she'd lost control. The dog, which she'd called Aster, stopped right in front of the little group, staring intently at the sleeping cat. The Prussian woman sighed in exasperation. "Arschloch," she muttered, glaring at the dog. Then she looked at the other countries assembled. "Oh, uh, guten tag. Are you three here for the conference too?"
Mist looked at the newcomer before shrugging. "Maybe, maybe not." Brutus barked before growling softly. "Ah shut it Brutus. You'll wake Fluffs. And we both know what'll happen if you wake this satanic thing." As if hearing her name, a low, satanic purr emitted from the grumpy, sleeping cat. "Little devil knows when we talk about her." She chuckled softly as Brutus barked before promptly sitting. "Yeah yeah. Just sit down Brutus."
"Mir leid," Maria said, a little sheepishly. "Aster can be a bit tough to handle sometimes. Of course, I never have any trouble! I am, after all, the erstaunlich Preußen!" She tossed her hair over her shoulder to emphasize her point, though in its current ruffled state, her hair was less than impressive. If she noticed this, though, she didn't let on. "So, ah, who might you be?" she asked, glancing at the others. Her gaze stopped on Mist. "You look like the Amerikaner dumkopf. But you're not, eh? His Schwester, maybe?"

(( mir leid - sorry

erstaunlich Preußen - amazing Prussia

Amerikaner dumkopf - American idiot

Schwester - sister ))
Mist chuckled before grinning slightly. "Sorta. I'm...that infamous other side to America." Fluffs slowly opened her eyes and hissed softly. "Ah shut it you. Between you and Brutus I swear..." With her free hand, she ran it through her hair. "Call me Mist, by the way."
"Mist, heh? Why not Nebel?" Maria asked with a grin. "You can be an honorary German for a day. Oh, yeah, I'm Maria, by the way. Maria Beilschmidt. And of course, since mein Brudern are utter arschlocher, they stuck me with doggy duty." She rolled her eyes once more. "Gil's always trying to keep me away from the important stuff. Stupid brother."

(( Nebel - Mist

mein Brudern - my brothers

arschlocher - assholes ))
"Heh. I'm perfectly fine with watching my animals. My brother and sister's though? No way." Mist chuckled softly. "Alfred and Amelia aren't exactly perfect either. Neither are James, Al or Melanie. But eh. Can't exactly pick a perfect family." She shrugged, causing the cat in her arms to hiss. "Oi just shut it. You can't hiss every time I move."
"Ja, I suppose you're right." The Prussian woman sighed dramatically. "Mein Schwester and I are always getting the short end of the stick, though. Gil and Luddy didn't even want us to be here in America, let alone attending the conference. Gil will probably lock us in our rooms the whole day just to keep us from going." She chuckled. "It's times like these where a cell phone, a bobby pin, and a clueless yet adorable Spaniard come in handy, eh?"
"When your brother gets a load of me and my baseball bat, I think he'll consider otherwise. Besides, I'm suppose to be there. At least one American has to be on time, eh?" Mist chuckled softly before grinning.
"Ha, and at least one Prussian has to pay attention! Honestly, Gil would be totally lost without me. Spends too much time flirting with the mirror, if you know what I mean." She grinned. "Those boys better get their arses out of the way when the girls come in!"
"Heh. It's the same with Al and Alfred." Mist's grin widened as she chuckled again. "We'd probably get things done quicker than them anyways. I've seen the way they handle things at the conferences."
"That sounds like a great idea. But there are some guys who actually want a say in things. But the numbers are pretty thin." Mist shrugged slightly, surprisingly not causing the satanic-like cat to hiss.
Anton walked around the corner and spotted a couple Hetalians. He wanted to say hi, hoping that they wouldn't freak out. The country Anton is is Russia, and it gets some advantages.

"Privet, Comrades! I'm Anton, or Russia." he said coldly, but cheerfully. Anton walked closer, and revealed that Latvia was walking with him.
Mist glanced over at the Russian before shrugging. "Hey." Brutus growled softly. "Shush Brutus." Said dog growls again before remaining calm again. "Eh....Sorry about 'im."
Maria eyed the new arrival warily, almost unconsciously taking a step away from him. "Guten tag, Russland," she greeted him stiffly, her eyes narrowed. The dog at the end of her leash seemed to notice her tension, for she started to growl softly. Maria turned her attention to the animal, bending down to pet it comfortingly. "Shh, Aster, ya lousy mutt. It's alright. Shh."

(( Guten tag, Russland - Good day, Russia ))

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