Hetalia Randomness RP


The Dark Poetry Mistress
Mist Jones was walking down a random alleyway in her own country, dragging her spiked bat along the ground. Her usual monotone expression and baseball attire made others think she posed no threat. Oh how very wrong they were. She was more deadly than anyone knew. The world meeting was here, in New York instead of Washington DC, its usual place when held in America. The 1p and 2p countries had made an agreement to all come. No one knew what would happen with both parties in the same meeting room. Heck, even Mist hadn't a clue what would ensue. All she cared about was killing some time before arriving on time, unlike her two counterparts, Alfred and Amelia.
Azeel walked around the city, trying to find something to do before the world meeting started. When he had gotten invited, he was extremely surprised, considering the fact that half the countries didn't even know he existed. Buy it didn't matter, all he cared about was doing something with other countries. After a while Azeel found a park, a large sign saying the it was central or something like that, and sat down on a hill away from the main roads to draw.
Mist continued wandering until she found the park she had been searching for. Earlier, her dog Brutus and her cat Fluffs had scampered off in this direction and general area. She had been searching and searching until the day of the meeting but the mischief-making animals evaded her. Now, she figured the two were hiding in the park, just waiting for her to find them. Shaking her head in annoyance, she began searching yet again. After all, she did have the time for it.
Azeel looked up from a sketch of the park he was drawing when he saw two animals, a cat and a dog, just sitting in front of him. Looking around, he didn't see anyone and the two didn't have any leashes or collars on. Putting his notebook away, Azeel smiled at the two animals and picked them up, one in each arm. "You guys are really clean for strays," he said, starting to walk out of the park. He was sure someone at the world meeting would want them, there were almost one hundred different nations in the world that went to the 1p and 2p meetings. About halfway out of the park Azeel saw a girl with a baseball bat walking around. He smiled and nodded, not paying much attention as the cat was pawing at his shirt collar.
She looked up a couple trees before grumbling and slinging her bat onto her shoulder. Her animals were usually friendly and curious to those they trusted. Shaking her head, she pulled her hood up and made her way out of the park. She muttered, "I swear those animals are more trouble than they're worth sometimes. But who else'll put up with 'em? Besides, they help keep that thing outta my room." She chuckled a bit at the memories of her roommate and counterpart Amelia's animals and little alien friend.
Azeel watched the girl walk away, feeling like he had seen her somewhere. After a few seconds of watching her walk away, Azeel jogged after her, thinking that the only people he knew he had seen at the world meetings. "Excuse me, miss," he called to her, making sure to keep the animals in his arms and not drop them. "Sorry if I'm interrupting your evening walk, but do you happen to be a Hetalian? You look vaguely familiar...." Azeel paused in thought, looking down at the cat and it meowed at him and the dog tried to lick him.
(I'll reply tomorrow.)

She turned her head and shrugged. "Yeah. I represent the more...darker side of America. I'm a 2p." She smirked slightly before looking at the animals. "So this is where you two spoiled things have been, Brutus, Fluffs. Hey aren't you...." She paused for a moment before speaking again. "Antarctica right?"
Azeel put the animals carefully on the ground, nodding to answer the America girl. "Yes, I'm Antarctica. Or Azeel, it's shorter." He smiled and started to walk out of the park before stopping and looking over his shoulder at the other Hetalian. "Um, do you happen to know how to get to the meeting place? I've never been here before, so.... Yeah."
Florida walked along the steets of her neighborhood, thinking about other Hetalians "I haven't seen America in a while....and he's like my step-older brother...." She thought out loud to herself. She smiled slightly, thinking of Spain, her real brother "I was sold for good reason...." She remembered the fight that some Hetalians had over her, and who she belonged to...
The cat instantly hopped into her arms, purring like what a friend of her's called a "satanic cat". She nodded before taking out a spiked leash and collar, placing it on Brutus. "Yeah I know where it is. I'll show ya." Strangely, she was feeling oddly nice and willing to help. "Come on." She nodded once more before walking ahead, chuckling.
Florida had to get to the meeting place of Hetalians, being one and being invited to the meeting. "Ah, now where was it....?" She thought for a moment and started heading in the direction she was supposed to go.
Azeel followed the girl, slightly nerveous by the way she was laughing. But she couldn't be that bad. After all, she was related to America, and that idiot couldn't hurt a fly. He smiled a little to himself, thinking of how the stupid country had been fussing over global warming but was the main cause of it. Looking at the girl ahead of him, Azeel wondered if she was as stupid as the original America.
Mist remained silent, oddly enough. The boy behind her probably thought that she was like that idiot male counterpart of hers. She wouldn't be surprised if he did. Many people deemed her immediately like him. Oh she was far from being like her normal male counterpart. She had proven that on more than one occasion.
(im not really sure now to enter the RP.....)

Florida was dazed in her own thoughts, but she noticed two people far ahead. She decided to ignore it, she didn't recognize them very well 'i might know them....should i talk to them?'
{i'll help you jump in}

Azeel was blindly following the girl, looking at the lit up city. He looked up when he heard footsteps behind them and glanced over his shoulder, seeing someone following them. "Um, I think we have company. She kinda looks like America, so if she's a Hetalian then she could be your, um..." He thought for a second and shrugged. "She could be related to you somehow." Stopping, Azeel smiled at the girl, hoping that she was a country and not some random girl that would think he was weird.
"Ah. Must be one of porkchop's states then." Mist glanced over her shoulders and shrugged. "I believe that's the good counterpart to my Florida. Heh maybe I should visit the brats once in a while." The "satanic cat" in her arms purred in agreement. "Oi you only want to go because they give you fish." Said cat continued to purr as though she hadn't heard her.
Florida noticed Azeel smiling at her and blushed, she never got much attention...but she did smile back, a little nervously though. She walked a little closer to them, but still behind. She mumbled a "hi" Just loud enough for them to hear.
"You're Florida right?" Mist kept a cool composure instead of her usually grumpy one. She still felt odd but she shook the feeling off with success. Brutus barked a little while Fluffs continued purring. "Hush up the both of ya!"
"Yea i am...." She smiled walking next to Azeel and Mist. 'i don't really talk much to others.....but the girl looks familiar.....'
"I figured you were one of porkchop's,...I'm Mist by the way. Many know me as the female "other side" of America. " Mist shrugged as Brutus moved ahead of her. The cat in her arms hissed slightly, causing Brutus to growl. "Ah shut it the both of ya!"
"Sorta. I got sort've a twin and yeah maybe we're like his brother and sister. But eh. I figure Amelia's more family to 'im. " Mist chuckled slightly. "Yeah. I do like animals. As long as they get along with these two."
"Im not a big animal person, but i love dogs!" Florida said, with a grin on her face "My real name is Lia, but im called Florida....."
"Yeah I'm pretty fond of Brutus here. But Fluffs gets as much attention." Mist shrugged a bit, causing the cat to hiss a bit. "Ah shut it. I ain't sorry for disturbing ya."

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