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Heroic Fantasy


New Member
Hey there!

I'm looking for a few partners (no more than a few) to roleplay with. I'm typically a casual RPer, though I can absolutely write a paragraph or more if I'm given something to work with. I enjoy stories that focus on characters and many (often internal) conflicts rather than one big, central, external conflict.

Romance isn't necessary, but a relationship of some sort between our two main characters will be present, obviously. So long as there's chemistry, whatever happens between them will occur naturally.

Firstly, a few of my own personal preferences:

  • Adequate English (decent grammar, etc., but it honestly just has to be legible; I'm not a picky person!)
  • Willing to discuss plot etc. out of character. Or, you know, just chat -- the better I know you, the better an RP partner I'll be. Probably.
  • Able to play several characters at once. Of course there will likely be a main one, but seeing as there would only be two people participating, we'll need to have other characters to populate the world, of course.
  • Keep one-liners to a minimum, unless there is a conversation occurring between our characters. No need to make super long responses if it's just filler and repetition -- quality over quantity.
  • Finally, characters need to be flawed and as three-dimensional as possible. A flat, perfect character has no room to grow and is therefore boring. Flawed but still somehow likable is the best kind of character.
That's mostly it -- again, I'm not a picky person, I just want someone generally friendly, literate, and willing to collaborate. Communication is a must, as I want to know if there's something I can do to make the story more enjoyable for both of us.

Onto some ideas, which I will very gladly develop with you in a PM! Feel free to share any ideas you have with me, of course. First idea is preferred.

  • Classic heroic fantasy, playing on the tropes of media like World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, etc. Not especially serious in nature, though I'm sure it could change. Perhaps a couple (or small party) of colourful heroes traveling across a typical bizarre, kind of medieval landscape.
  • Something low fantasy. I have basically no specifics here as this idea is barely developed at all, just something sort of comically cynical.
  • More of a typical, high fantasy regarding two warring countries. Possibly members of the royal family putting a stop to it somehow -- possible Romeo and Juliet-esque story?

Also, please be patient, as I am not available 24/7. I will reply at least once a day, if not more, if possible. I run by EST, and as I have a job I'm usually on in the morning and night.

Anyways, if you are interested, please shoot me a PM or write a response here in the thread, and we can get to chatting!
I'm down for some fantasy roleplaying. Just PM me if you want to discuss ideas.
I feel most comfortable with feminine characters. Also most experienced with females.
Chewed said:
I feel most comfortable with feminine characters. Also most experienced with females.
Chewed said:
Oh excuse me, you didn't ask me. Well, now you both know.
Lol, it's ok. It's not like I ain't looking for new partners myself (why else would I be here?), even IF I would prefer them looking at my search thread first (on my signature if interested).

PS: mindless advertising for the win!
I usually ignore advertising on the TV. But hey, this isn't TV so let me check you out.
Chewed said:
I usually ignore advertising on the TV. But hey, this isn't TV so let me check you out.
Alright! Just to clarify that's the "my new search thread" link I was talking about
Oh, hey! Sorry I'm replying so late, I had a very long day at work.

I'm comfortable with writing both males and females (and... other?)

Shoot me a PM if you'd like to discuss some plot ideas!

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