Elenion Aura
Two Thousand Club

Nikandros frowned, looking between the waitress, Tom, and the so-called “weapon receptacle.” His grip on his spear did not loosen.
“To be parted from one’s weapon is to be left naked before the gods,” he declared. “Would you ask a hawk to surrender its talons? A lion, its fangs?”
He turned his unimpressed gaze to the umbrella stand, then back to Tom. His nostrils flared.
“That,” he said, gesturing to it as if it personally offended him, “is an insult. A mockery of arms-bearing men!”
Nikandros’ expression shifted slightly in response to Tom's logic. Casting his gaze around the diner, he did not refute the statement.
Slowly, almost ceremoniously, he raised his spear, eyes locked with Tom’s as he did so, as if daring the man to doubt him for even a moment. Then, with exaggerated delicacy, he set the legendary weapon into the umbrella stand.
The flimsy plastic frame wobbled. The spear was, predictably, too long, the tip sticking out at an awkward angle.
“Do not let it fall,” Nikandros warned the stand, as if it were a squire charged with guarding a king’s sword.
Then, at last, he strode fully into the diner, satisfied that this was, indeed, a worthy compromise.