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Fantasy 'Heroes' in the Making. - 1 x 1 Character/World Building

Euclid Leaf

Metamorphasis, Genesis, Metastasis
Hello, and welcome to my humble little thread. :^D

As you can tell from the title, I am interested in writing a story (or series of stories) revolving around the idea of 'heroes' and the over all concept of them. (Clarification: Heroes in this sense does not mean 'Superheroes'. But it can. I use it as a more blanket term for 'Protagonist') These different 'worlds' I create with each of you might even be connected somewhere, who knows. Whether this is a contemporary, traditional, or subverted notion of the 'hero' concept, this is up to you. I plan on playing a more complementary role throughout this whole process. As in, I will create characters and a setting based on what kind of story you want, revolving around your character(s) as the central focal point. They will be the 'hero' at hand, if you may. At this stage, input and suggestions is strongly recommended. Original ideas only. We can take inspirations from other places, but in the end, I want something we can call our own. You know? Starting from an idea, we will try to work out what you want to happen, and what you wish this character to experience and change. This can be a more traditional sense, with a clear protagonist and antagonist. Or a more complicated narrative, with many swings and twists that pop up along the journey. This subject can cover a wide range of genres, so I am open to many ideas so long as we focus on developing characters and their relationships. Even if you have just a vague idea, by choosing just a few core themes, we can branch out and make a whole setting, whether it be a highly technological universe or a simplistic fantasy world.

My Own Tastes: I'm a fan of melodramatic story telling with a lot of symbolism, and like to draw many parallels, as my personal background comes from art. Due to this, I enjoy mixing both visual and imaginative mediums. In that same vein, I am a fan of 'Epicness' at the expense of complete realism, and doing things by the 'rule of cool', as it were. Twisting contemporary ideas on their head, is something I like to do as well. But I do not the idea of having style without purpose. Sure I like to play around grand set-pieces and multi-layered relationship drama, but if it does not make much sense I will quickly opt out of an idea. The Final Fantasy and the Persona series (just to name a small few) are examples of fantastical/stylized settings with a strong character focus that come to mind. Basically anything with an 'anime' sort of feel and style. Yeah, I know, I'm one of those. Though I'm also sometimes keen on more realistic settings, such as shorter slice-of-life stories with a clear, powerful ending. So long as there is an interesting mechanic or core set-piece where 'larger-than-life' stakes can take place, I'm all game.

Expectations: Obviously, I'm looking for both long-term partners, and those who share the love of creation and seeing grand, beautiful narratives as I do. Now, I'm not asking for amazing literary skill from those interested in perusing this concept. As I believe good stories should be also simple and concise, as it helps accent the complexity within a narrative. But I do welcome a strong proficiency in that area. I am also happy to accept constructive criticism, as I am looking to improve in the art of story-telling myself. Of course, you don't have to be an artist too, but that'd add a nice extra 'flavor' to our interactions.

Who I am: I may act all serious on the 'business' end of things, but I tend to have a somewhat 'meme-y' sense of humor once I get to know someone well enough. That said, I'm a fan of joking and having fun. I am also rather passionate. Sometimes I can just focus really hard on an idea and forget about other things. So give me a good kick, if it gets to much. I reply often, pretty much whenever I have free time. And so I am looking for someone who is active as well. Please tell me if you have any problems, and I will also do so, as I want this to be a sort of open-ended creation process. If you aren't having fun and getting passionate, neither will I.

How to Contact Me: As for what we use for communication lines, I don't mind. We can use the PM systems, exchange E-mails, chat over some sort of service like Discord or Skype. Whatever you prefer.

Anyways, thanks for your time. And I hope to see what fantastic ideas you wish to have explored.
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Hello, and welcome to my humble little thread. :^D

As you can tell from the title, I am interested in writing a story (or series of stories) revolving around the idea of 'heroes' and the over all concept of them. These different 'worlds' might even be connected somewhere, who knows. Whether this is a contradictory, traditional, or subverted notion of the 'hero' concept, this is up to you. I plan on playing a more complementary role throughout this whole process. As in, I will create characters and a setting based on what kind of story you want, revolving around your character(s) as the central focal point. They will be the 'hero' at hand, if you may. At this stage, input and suggestions is strongly recommended. Original ideas only. We can take inspirations from other places, but in the end, I want something we can call our own. You know? Starting from an idea, we will try to work out what you want to happen, and what you wish this character to experience and change. This can be a more traditional sense, with a clear protagonist and antagonist. Or a more complicated narrative, with many swings and twists that pop up along the journey. This subject can cover a wide range of genres, so I am open to many ideas so long as we focus on developing characters and their relationships.

My Own Tastes: I'm a fan of melodramatic story telling with a lot of symbolism, and like to draw many parallels, as my personal background comes from art. Due to this, I enjoy mixing both visual and imaginative mediums. In that same vein, I am a fan of 'Epicness' at the expense of complete realism, and doing things by the 'rule of cool', as it were. Twisting contemporary ideas on their head, is something I like to do as well. But I do not the idea of having style without purpose. Sure I like to play around grand set-pieces and multi-layered relationship drama, but if it does not make much sense I will quickly opt out of an idea. The Final Fantasy and the Persona series (just to name a small few) are examples of fantastical/stylized settings with a strong character focus that come to mind. Basically anything with an 'anime' sort of feel and style. Yeah, I know, I'm one of those. Though I'm also sometimes keen on more realistic settings, such as shorter slice-of-life stories with a clear, powerful ending. So long as there is an interesting mechanic or core set-piece where 'larger-than-life' stakes can take place, I'm all game.

Expectations: Obviously, I'm looking for both long-term partners, and those who share the love of creation and seeing grand, beautiful narratives as I do. Now, I'm not asking for amazing literary skill from those interested in perusing this concept. As I believe good stories should be also simple and concise, as it helps accent the complexity within a narrative. But I do welcome a strong proficiency in that area. I am also happy to accept constructive criticism, as I am looking to improve in the art of story-telling myself. Of course, you don't have to be an artist too, but that'd add a nice extra 'flavor' to our interactions.

Who I am: I may act all serious on the 'business' end of things, but I tend to have a somewhat 'meme-y' sense of humor once I get to know someone well enough. That said, I'm a fan of joking and having fun. I am also rather passionate. Sometimes I can just focus really hard on an idea and forget about other things. So give me a good kick, if it gets to much. I reply often, pretty much whenever I have free time. And so I am looking for someone who is active as well. Please tell me if you have any problems, and I will also do so, as I want this to be a sort of open-ended creation process. If you aren't having fun and getting passionate, neither will I.

How to Contact Me: As for what we use for communication lines, I don't mind. We can use the PM systems, exchange E-mails, chat over some sort of service like Discord or Skype. Whatever you prefer.

Anyways, thanks for your time. And I hope to see what fantastic ideas you wish to have explored.

. this idea is very intriguing, and i'd absolutely love to explore it with you. my preferred means of communication is discord, and i would pm you but i'm currently very new to this site and im not allowed to unless i make ten posts (what a burden). so if you shoot me a message, we could exchange accounts and get something going ?
Oh my goodness. This is... I lack any words. Apart from these, of course. And those. You know, I'll just shorten it to "You seem awesome, and if you are still free, I'd love to work with you!"

I am passionate about worldbuilding myself, and I find symbolism in storytelling to create some of the most sublime and lasting storytelling (as in leaving a lasting impression) on oneself. My time is more limited than I would like, but if you are even a fraction as interested in having me as partner as the other way around, then do send me a PM so we can discuss things. ;) As for what kind of ideas I will bring to the table, I can't say I will have a full fledged idea before hearing more about your tastes and giving it some more thought, but I definitely won't leave you empty-handed.

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