Heroes Generations


Well, my other rp called The Endless Dungeon appears to have died. Therefore, time to make a new one! And in this one... You can be pretty much ANYONE. You can rp as a Pokemon, a character from your favorite cartoon, anime, show, etc., the possibilities are ENDLESS! Wait, what's with me and endless stuff? Whatever. The basic premise is, you can be a hero or a villain. Heroes fight villains, heroes can die, heroes can return without logical explanations, villains can die, villains can also return without logical explanations, I may add more, this is a run-on sentence and I don't care, let me sum some stuff up here:


1. Nothing inappropriate.

2. The battle between villains and heroes may end, villains may win, heroes may win. If that happens, we proceed on to a new generation (That's why this is called Heroes Generations).

3. No-one can be invincible. I just need to make sure that no-one makes them self invincible so that they can easily defeat all of their opponents. Any hero or villain can die, and if you are going to kill a hero or villain controlled by someone else, make sure it's ok with them first.

4. Have fun! (People who don't follow this rule will be prosecuted... JUST KIDDING)


To be in this roleplay, you must fill out this form and get accepted by me. * = required.

*Name: (I don't need to explain this, right?)

From: (What show or game or whatever are you from, If your not just something that actually exists?)

*I am a(n): (Are you a Pokemon, a dinosaur, a dog, etc.?)

*Appearance: (What do you look like? This may be a description or a picture.)

*Weakness: (All heroes and villains have a weakness!)

*Alignment: (Villain or Hero? There is no neutral as of now.)

Here's an example of a hero and a villain that I made:

*Name: Ninjamander

From: Pokemon

*I am a(n): Ninja Charmander

*Appearance: A charmander with a ninja suit on... Yeah that's about it.

*Weakness: Water

*Alignment: Hero

*Name: Blastortise

From: Pokemon

*I am a(n): Evil blastoise.

*Appearance: A blastoise with a top hat and monocle. Also has a cane that shoots lazers.

*Weakness: Grass

*Alignment: Villain

When/if you sign up, the thread to rp is here: http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/heroes-generations.12066/
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Hmmm... I can't help but notice the lack of interest in the SuperHero genre here... Man. I thought this was a pretty good idea too...
*Name: The Avatar Of Khaine, also known as FireLava

From: WarHammer 40,000

*I am a(n): Avatar of the Bloody Handed God

*Appearance: about 20 feet tall


*Weakness: any water and some ice. fire and heat attacks just make him angry.

*Alignment: Heroically awesome.
Firelava said:
*Name: The Avatar Of Khaine, also known as FireLava
From: WarHammer 40,000

*I am a(n): Avatar of the Bloody Handed God

*Appearance: about 20 feet tall


*Weakness: any water and some ice. fire and heat attacks just make him angry.

*Alignment: Heroically awesome.

Another question, do you mean, if you aren't from a television show, or video game, ect, then do you have to be something the exists?
*Name: Maxine

From: Teen Titans

*I am a(n): Azarathian

*Appearance: Long black hair, with a red robe and a black gem in her forehead.

*Weakness: If Maxine loses control of her emotion, she could be very dangerous

*Alignment: Hero when in control of her emotions, villain when not.
Neodrach said:
*Name: Maxine
From: Teen Titans

*I am a(n): Azarathian

*Appearance: Long black hair, with a red robe and a black gem in her forehead.

*Weakness: If Maxine loses control of her emotion, she could be very dangerous

*Alignment: Hero when in control of her emotions, villain when not.
Accepted. I'll probably make a thread of the rp later today, because I think we have enough people, even though there's only one villain. (Well, two technically, because Maxine becomes a villain when- Well, you get it.)
*Name: Bloodthrister

From: Warhammer 40,000

*I am a(n): Daemon

*Appearance: he is the big one


*Weakness: he cannot heal any wounds caused to him without retreating to the Warp( Daemon dimenson )

*Alignment: Villian of the worst kind

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