Heroes and Nightmares

Remember those Uncle Sam pictures in which he points at the viewer and under him were texts that wrote "I want you in the US army"

Well...I couldn't resist...

ModelZXGiro said:
Now I want a poster, lawl.
I was thinking about drawing a poster with how many heroes I could,gonna be difficult but when I get some inspiration I might do it!

Rath is just gonna go into crazy berserk fight because evil is bad mode now. Because that's fun and what he's good at. 
I'm kind of aiming to just make Rath be as psychotic in the sense of having his obsession for justice almost be as bad as the nightmares obsession with injustice.
ModelZXGiro said:
Rath is just gonna go into crazy berserk fight because evil is bad mode now. Because that's fun and what he's good at. 
I'm kind of aiming to just make Rath be as psychotic in the sense of having his obsession for justice almost be as bad as the nightmares obsession with injustice.
Oooooo,nice.but as the living nightmares he will have to deal with the consequences,also I'm planning to tear off some of Berendil's limbs too.I don't know why.

Yeah, well I think the consequences of being so obsessed with justice you'd decapitate someone for stealing a candy bar.

(Although he probably wouldn't murder you for stealing a candybar, it's a possibility) would be that people probably don't like you very much.
ModelZXGiro said:
Yeah, well I think the consequences of being so obsessed with justice you'd decapitate someone for stealing a candy bar.

(Although he probably wouldn't murder you for stealing a candybar, it's a possibility) would be that people probably don't like you very much.
What I meant is that at one point,since the Heroes are some kind of second police or pretty much a guard assembly,he will have to be disciplined,either by a superior or on his own.And about that we should settle down the ranks of our characters,I've already done that with Berendil (hopefully not a selfish move from the start)
Am I douchey? Cause I get that impression sometimes.
I'm waiting for this event to find a spot where it opens up, so I could jump in. I'm not dead, just so y'all know c;
ModelZXGiro said:
No, I'm just making a joke about Rath and discipline.
Good,thanks.I thought I was being mean.

P.S. Wish me luck with this

Thank you!I don't think I'll be able to finish it now. 

ModelZXGiro said:
Like, I literally I can't breath.
Aw,come on I'm not THAT good.I'm just training to be the very best.That no one ever was...ARTISTMON GOTTA DRAW THEM ALL!
DryPunishment said:
Thank you!I don't think I'll be able to finish it now. 

Aw,come on I'm not THAT good.I'm just training to be the very best.That no one ever was...ARTISTMON GOTTA DRAW THEM ALL!
Hehe, well, you look amazing to me. Well, get to it then :D
ModelZXGiro said:
Naw. If my character is actually drawn...Well...That would be rather amazing.
Brace yourself,he will be! Probably colored too,but that would take a while.I'll make sure to post the lineart here and then hopefully the colored version if I have the motivation.This is probably the most characters I've ever drawn in a piece.Might take a while. 

Daeya said:
The same here cx As a reference, she's a version of Belarus from hetalia c:
Nobody is safe from my rampages...

In case you didn't recognize her,that's supposed to be Ivy.
I don't experience writer's block that often,but I do experience art block which can be equally annoying.I'm just sitting there redrawing the same line over and over until either me or my pen tablet gives up.So if I'm slow with the drawings I'm either unsatisfied with the outcome and attempt a redraw or I just take a large break.Plus these drawings are good practice.
Dang. Rath is gonna be agitated.

No murdering evil-doers! What is this? 
I think we need a battle.

Yeah. That's what this needs. With explosions!
Yassss. Ivy can do explosions. Say she hears something from the library window and investigates it?

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