Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP

"I agree," Kanjo said as he also stood up, "being able to communicate over long distances would greatly assist our recon."
(JCKane Naomi-tan)

"Not at all," Ellie smiled.

Luana walked over to Jennifer and Jason. "May I join you?" She asked.

Eve meanwhile looked around, awkwardly. She didn't know what group was still open.

(JCKane Mitaku Thesmashbro)

"If there are I bet I can make them sync with ours." Rila said quickly motioning to Dani. She was rather attached to her communicator and hoped she wouldn't have to exchange it.
(Mitaku and Thesmashbro Mouse)

"The Com device on Amittie's wrist is what you'll be using. There's an attachable ear piece that comes with it," Brice said almost looking at Amittie as if she had forgoten all about the Com, "You'll each be provided with one in the plane. I would of distributided them during the meeting but we are still awaiting for the new shipment to arrive. The new ones should be better than the Standard Mega Com and they will be given to the members of the Hero Project. So the standard Com will be survice for this mission until I can get the others to you. As such, the Pilot will inform you on the Com's basic intructions as he takes you to the drop point."

(Mouse Mitaku Naomi-tan <I forgot about adding you last time... i think.)

"Thanks," AC said as she stood with her group.

"Sure," Jennifer said as Luanna asked rather they can join their group or not.

As Eve wondered who to team up with. The remaining group came up to her. It was Ace and JC.

"Looks like your with us," JC said to her.
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Amitie walked out the door with a gesture to follow,"Let's go!"Not worrying if they followed or not.As she made her way to the hanger,she wondered if they would need to stay underwater for longer periods of time.More than likely,they probably had people viewing the beaches at all times.With in minutes they had made it to the hanger,where the helicopters and jets alike sat,"There is our's!"She said pointing toward a plane prepped and ready for take off.

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