Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP


"As I've said I'm heading to the rec room so you can head with me and wait to go with the others," Ace said as he began to head to the rec room again, "So just come with me to there."
Luna nodded and followed Ace to the Rec room, "So when you start being a mega agent?" " She asked, feeling a bit more comfortable
(Laney : She does know he's a Mega Agent too right? Because, I get the feeling that some of the ones joining the RP keep on confusing Hero Time and Mega. Yes he's joined the Hero Project, but he's also still an agent of Mega.)

"Me and my team were the first ones to be asked to join," Ace said as they continued down the halls of the Mega HQ.

Ace didn't bother responding as he stayed in silence. He didn't care if she talked to him though. Eventually, they made it to the rec room. (unless you had something more you wanted to say.)

(Mouse, Thesmashbro, Naomi-tan, Mitaku, Laney : Remember I leave tomorrow. I'll be leaving my laptop home though :( So I'll be back on sunday i think. Also, as soon as Luna arrives in the rec room, we just need to wait on Mitaku 's character to finish getting recruited. Then'll we'll begin the next part.)
(Mitaku : Ok so apprently I forgot the @ in my last reply... So I'll repost it here anyways.)

Brice was in his office doing some paper work on his desktop computer. He noticed as Amitie was walking up, through the window in his office. So he waited for her to enter. 

Ace shook his head, "No, but it shouldn't be too long, " Ace said, "Brice is recruiting one more then it'll be time to begin."
(JCKane Naomi-tan Thesmashbro Laney)

"Alright," Rila said wondering what this conference would be like.

"I win!" Ellie bounced happily at the air hockey table. The score showed 2 to 7.

"I still say you cheated somehow." Dani replied trying to look annoyed, but failing. She did feel embarrassed however for losing.

"Me?" Ellie pointed to herself with mock innocence. "Cheat? I would never cheat!"

Dani chuckled as they walked toward the couches. "Yeah, well I'm still going with you cheating somehow. It sounds better to me."

Ellie giggled. "If it makes you feel better, it would have taken faaaaar less time if I used my speed."

"I... think that makes it sound worse." Dani took a seat next to Luana, who was reading something on her communicator.

Grinning, Ellie hopped onto a nearby couch. A flash of electricity covered her and in a second, her horns, tail, fangs, and wolf paws returned.

(Alright. I don't think I'll be able to get on either this weekend since I may not have Internet. Not sure though.)
(Mouse, Naomi-tan, Thesmashbro, Laney)

Kaylie was getting closer to the high score that JC had set.

"Come on, Come on, " Kaylie said as she continued to play. She was already on her last continue. If she lost this one she'd loose.

JC stood there with a grin on his face just watching her play the game.

Amitie knocked on his door before entering,"Um...Did you need to seem me Mr.Brice?"She asked meekly as she stepped into the office.She had been in his office many times,but usually when she got a direct order from him to come,then she was in trouble.

Brice smiled up at Amittie as she asked her question. "Well I've been going over your records, " Brice said as he went ahead and gestured for her to have a seat, "I've noticed that you've had your fair share of successful and failed missions. But there's something more else here that's come to my attention." Brice laced his fingers together as he continued to speak, " You see, as you well know, you're are not only the first but so far the only member of Mega who has any kind of special abilities. Due to this I've decided to look into your work here in Mega just to see how much your abilities have effected your work."

"My abilities have not majorly effected my work.Most of my missions have been accomplished through my own natural ability,not supernatural.If I have used my abilities in any of my missions,it was to boost speed to escape detection,or if I had to face a giant group of enemies...Other than that,there is nothing but natural ability,nurtured by your good will."Amitied explained with a straighten face,out of respect and curiosity.She wondered he had called her in to talk about this all of sudden,could she have done something wrong,or maybe Mr.Brice was under mind-control or something.Amitie had no clue what it was,but she was a little scared.
(Thesmashbro, Mouse, Naomi-tan, Laney : I'm back.)


Brice nodded as he listened to her. Then he spoke up again, "That's the thing really," Brice said, "I've been wondering if some of your missions wouldn't of gone better if you had used your powers more often. Though I do think being completely reliant on your powers may come to a problem if you find yourself without them, "Brice pulled out a file and placed it in front of him, "I had CD run some simulations. Seems that your mission success would increase ten fold if you used your abilities more. Due to this I've come to a conclusion." Brice stood up and offered out his hand for Amitie to shake, "Welcome to the Hero Project."
(Mitaku : Just so you know we are waiting on you before we can get to the next part in the RP. Once your recruited, Brice will be taking Amittie to the Project Hero Conference room as he also informs Ace to bring the others there as well. That is the next part, the first Meeting.) 
(Mitaku, Thesmashbro, Naomi-tan, Mouse, Laney : Where is everyone? or are you all waiting on the next phase to begin?)

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