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Realistic or Modern Hero Acadamy


This will be similar to X-Men/Heroes (TV show) in terms of the basic premise. All of our characters will have recently discovered their powers and have been recruited to join an academy where the gifted are taught and mentored by those who are already experienced.

The ages of the people who have discovered their powers can be anything. There are late bloomers who discover their powers at age 30, and others who have discovered theirs by age 13, so feel free to have any age (within reason though, ages 14-35 seems good to me). Some are naturals who learned early and others have had their powers triggered late by traumas or stressful situations, so feel free to get creative.

This will differ from other similarly styled RPs in one way though, there are skill points that you assign to determine what kind of power you will get. Let me break this down for you.

The three skills are power, technicality and control. You will have 17 points to assign to the three skills.

Technical skills require more experience to master, powerful skills have raw power, and skills with control are easy to handle and are very stable.

An example of a powerful and controllable skill is super strength. It's easy to control and has a lot of raw power, but it isn't very technical and so it doesn't have a very high ceiling, there isn't much more to super strength than super strength, so there isn't a lot to aspire to, although it is a skill that even a beginner will master quickly. This route will make you the strongest in the beginning, but as time passes you're less powerful, yet more technical peers will get as strong, if not stronger than you. A couple more examples would be the ability to become a man/woman made of metal and the power of complete physical invincibility or regeneration powers.

A skill that is technical and has control, but low power is the ability to read minds. At first you just pick up thoughts, but after a long time that develops into the power to persuade people (think Jedi mind tricks) and control peoples movements. It doesn't start out powerful but after a long time it is an extremely powerful power. Another example would be the ability to accelerate the growth of plant life (i.e controlling life energy). At first it's a lame power that is sort of useful to tangle up opponents as a support hero, later on though you'd have the ability to control the life energy of animals and humans, allowing you to literally drain the life out of an opponent or heal others.

A skill that has high technicality and power, but low control would be the ability to emit radiation and split atoms. In and of itself it is an unstable power, at first you would be emitting radiation without trying, creating accidental explosions by simply getting angry and burning surfaces without trying, but after a very long time it could be controlled and honed. Another would be the "rage beast" powers, like the hulk. It's powerful but lacking in control, so it would take a long time to master i.e a "technical" skill. Another example would be the ability to create black holes. This is a very unstable power but also one that is extremely powerful and technical. These are probably the most exiting powers but also come at a cost. These people will have emotional baggage, most likely from accidentally killing people with their unstable powers, often powers that are triggered by negative emotions (think Ted from Heroes season 1, or the Hulk)

A balanced skill would be the ability to channel electricity. It's not easy to control, but not hard, and while powerful it's not insanely so, and while it can't grow massively, there are several abilities one can aspire to with this talent. Magnetism control, ice/fire control and generation, telekinesis (object moving), and light generation and control would also fall under this category. A lot of the basic elemental powers fall under this category.

You will have 17 points to assign between the three skills. Depending on your choice, you will have a list (a lengthy and well thought out one btw don't worry there will be many options, and you can change the points if the list isn't to your liking).

I will arrange the RP in a story arch style, with each arch having a clear beginning and end, with a clear goal, villain, or issue to deal with. As time passes and our characters train, fight and do hero like things, you will be given the go ahead to add aspects to your hero's powers.

You can have two characters, so if you want to have one on each end of the spectrum, you can.

This will be a "realistic" superhero RP. So no anime BS where you vanish from one spot and appear somewhere else to dodge a hit (unless you have supers peed or teleportation). These are human beings, like you or I, that have abilities. They can be shot, stabbed, knocked out, etc. so keep that in mind when writing action sequences with others or with non player characters.

I am open to having one or two Co-GMs who help me manage this, especially if this gets big. Please don't ask if you're an un-experianced writer/RPer. I don't want to reject people (I hate it tbh) but I can't have someone with a 9th grade writing level attempting to help run this RP, I need mature and solid writers who wont sketch out, so please, only ask if you're truly confident in your abilities to manage an RP and write well.

In terms of people who can join, I don't really care what your writing level is. You don't need to be Mark Twain, just write legibly and with a clear purpose.
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I would love to join. I could also be a GM, if you would like. I can post a writing sample, if you want to see one.
This sounds really fun and I'd love for it to be my first RP on this site, fear not though; I have much experience elsewhere. Also, would controlling magnetic fields be an acceptable power?
Whatsup guys! I'm happy to see this gathering some interest but there's another RP that's going to be started soon that's basically the same as this one, although it does have a different skill point system (it's less restrictive than mine). It has over 20 people in the interest check thread so I decided to join up in that RP considering that this one is looking kind of underpopulated. I guess if that one crashes and burns or fails to start up I'll start this one, but for now it's looking like that might be our best bet for this kind of RP.

Link - Casual - Another welian trainwreck: Dumb Superhero Academy Shenanigans
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