Herioc Fantasy


New Member
I would like to keep the magic subtle, tactical, and unique. For example, I find hurling fireballs a bit cliche and superfluos.


In the world known as Rodera, an over zealous king as hurled the nations into fear by executing those who blaspheme his own personal god. The king is one night mysteriously murdered with only his nephew, Landon, to take the thrown. The king's death is coumpounded when, from across the sea, a race of feline warriors, with slitted, cat-like eyes, take over and occupy a city to the east of the king's city. A scout sends word back to the newly appointed king, Landon. The king learns that the feline race, called the Hiro, are led by a figure only known as the Seer. The Seer claims that it is prophosy that the Hiro will take over all lands. The king must ready an army for the invasion. Meanwhile, a group of unlikely heros band together and plot to kill the Seer. But how?

Play Environment

So, essentially I am looking for a group to join my character Dorian on this adventure. I would like to see how we resolve this. Do we sneak in quietly and assassinate the Seer? Do we join the army? I would like to through in some narrative and hurdles for our heroes--or even anti-heroes, to deal with. I guess I'd be like a "Dungeon Master" but also play along. I am not here to tell you how to control your character by any means, I just want to create more conflict for you to be creative with.

My Character

My character is Dorian, a 26-year-old who is well-versed in swordsmanship. He is nimble and uses a leight-weight sword to compliment his speed and reflexes. He is a bit cynical but also likes a crude joke every now and then. When he is quite, he is thinking.


If you are looking to join a sword and horse genre story, I'd love to see where we go with this.
Luka Vanzin is 19 years of age. She is quick on her feet and is very sneaky. She moves around like a ghost. She use to pickpocket people until she was caught and pretty much forced to help take down seer. She is great with a sword and won't take any ones shit. When she gets in a fight she becomes cocky... too cocky for her own good. But other than that she is quiet. She has a blue fox named Bandit. He sticks by her side no matter what.

Luka and Bandit=View attachment 9381View attachment 9382
Accepted. Just curious why she is forced to take down the Seer. I want to get into her background to get into her character. Thanks!

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