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Multiple Settings Here’s My Character Idea: Help Me Come Up with the Plot, Setting, and Details (MxM preferably, but opened to MxF) (ALWAYS OPEN)


Dreams Come True
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
So here’s what my character’s general background is like:

my character being a male who is part human, part vampire, part werewolf who can combine the forms in anyway they need to (but with each having their own downsides, and they can each effect another aspect of him, so he could struggle between all of them at times if not careful). He would also have a dark secret during a blood moon, which he has the power to summon if not left in check of his own emotions.

Now for the rest, I would like to work with anyone interested on all the other details, like the rest of the plot, what the setting should be, who your character is, etc. I like it best when coming up with the other parts with my partner because everyone will always bring something different and unique to any idea like this. So if you are interested, message me and let me know, and we can come up with the rest later.


Not really a rule, but keep in mind I have low functioning Autism, so please be willing to work with me on that just in case.

Must be 18+ to be accepted

Keep things PG-13 or less

Try to be nice and friendly at all times (for if I can’t work with you nicely, then I wouldn’t want to at all) even when going through emotions

I would like to have our characters become romantic to each other during this, just start out not at all and work our way up to it

Please let me know if you lose interest or are needing time before making your next post. If you need a break or more time, just let me know, and I will happily wait, just please don’t ghost me at all. Thank you.

Again, let me know if something isn’t working for you, no matter what that thing is, and be perfectly opened and honest with me. I’m 28 years old, I can handle it much better than one might think, and I’ll either work on helping to fix whatever is needed to be fixed, or completely understand if you don’t want to RP anymore. Just be perfectly honest with me, as that’s what’s best, trust me.

Please no one liners. Give me at least a paragraph of five lines or more at the very least. If I can’t work with the post you gave me, then this probably wouldn’t work out very well.

Please keep to the RPNation’s official rules

Also, please be okay with me using emojis while talking to you OOC. I have my reasons for why I use them and why they help me. Please be okay with their usage.

Also, just to note, I see every RP partner as a new chance at friendship, and thus would love to talk and get to know one another as friends because over the years, I’ve learned I remember my friends from RPing the most more than I remember the RP later down the road. I treasure all my friendships, so if you ever want to talk OOC about anything at all, no matter how minor, I’d be willing to talk. Just putting this out there.

And most importantly:

Have fun. I want this to be a fun experience at the very least. 🙂


Also, I only RP on this site and via PMs, just to note that.)
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