Here's an idea!: Dragons, drama, and deftly defying nature.

Thomas Walsh

New Member
The title actually has little to actually do with anything but it's eye catching. I'm mulling over a roleplay set in a fantasy earth in modern times, things are pretty similar if you're only looking at face value but magic is abundant and misused, mostly by the dragons no one really knows exists despite nearly a quarter of their population now living in proper housing... Some even wear pants! The dragons would probably live in secret, sneaking around and sometimes being a little dramatic about it but for the most part harmless... All though some habits do die hard.

Any thoughts on this?
I was thinking of secret lives more than family life. Community and stuff. Depends on what people want to do though. And what kind of setting people like. (Big city, small town, hot, cold, on a cliff, under the water.).
Thought: how did 25% of the world's population go completely unnoticed? These dragons better do more than wear pants to keep those kinds of numbers on the down-low, especially if they're abusing magic all over the place. The fact that you say they abuse magic leads me to imagine them as something naturally conspicuous... being dragons and all.

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