Here kitty, kitty, kitty (Harlequin and Vel rp)

"Well sooooorry, dude." His eyes rolled once again, standing up. "Just point me toward wherever the outside of your territory is. I'll go there and sit." He stood up, looking down at the other feline. "You have some serious obsession issues, my friend."
"Back the way you came. And of course I do. If I let just one cat in here everyone gets the idea that my territory is open and then it interferes with my schedule and it is just really troublesome. Hear that, you are troublesome. Shoo. Out of my territory." Nakhti sniffed slightly in disdain at the thought of his food supplies running low. Or even worse. Someone kicking him out of his territory he had worked so hard for.
Stopping about five feet further than he was, Alex turned to face the cat. "...Doesn't it get lonely though? I mean.. think about it. You have all of this..." Spreading his arms in a gesture to quantify how grandiose the whole of Nakhti's territory is. "Yet... you don't really have anyone... do you?" His arms and shoulders slumped. "It's sad, if you think about it." He paused for a moment. "...Or don't. Really, it's just sad."
The feline blinked slowly at this, tail curling around his body as best it could being shorter than normal. "Lonely? I suppose. I don't know. I do not really recall what it is like to live with another by now. I live a comfortable life here and that is all that matters I suppose." Nakhti's reply was stiff, tail tip flicking slightly.
"That's actually really sad." He stated bluntly as he focused on the other. "Maybe you should give others a chance. Who knows. You might find another cat who you can share everything with. Companionship. You know. Someone to hunt with and such. But I understand wanting to live on your own... trust me. I do. But, hey! If you want a friend, I'm here."
"Letting other creatures in only makes for trouble. Lack of food. Sickness increases. Others invade. It's a hassle. I worked hard to get this territory seasons ago. Once that old kook that was originally here that I lived with died off it became mine and mine alone." Nakhti exhaled slowly, pawing at the ground absently as he spoke. He wasn't lonely. Gosh no. He'd already made it a few seasons alone so the rest of his life shouldn't be too hard. Well that is what he had convinced himself anyway.
With lips twisting up in a slight half frown, Alex made his way back over to the cat. "You know... I use to think I was meant to be alone. I mean look at me." He tugged at his ears and pulled his tail around front to show it off. "I was born to human parents, but I look like a freak. Isn't that just terrible?" Shrugging a bit, he focused on the ground off to his right. "Most people avoided me, gave me odd looks, called me names... But, hey, I got used to it. You get used to the looks and the names. And it changes you. It makes you think you would really be better off alone. Sometimes I still feel that way." Inhaling deeply, he shifted his head upwards to squint at the bright sky, sighing. "But, you know. Maybe we are meant to be alone and not have friends. Maybe it all is as simple as that. Maybe others mean lack of food and more sickness." Finally, he shifted his gaze to the cat. "But others can also mean comfort. Friendship. Warmth and compassion. How nice would it be to have your meals handed to you, to bathe in the sunlight of a windowsill, keep warm all night..."

His shoulders rolled in a shrug and he bit his lip slightly. "But, hey.. what do I know? I'm just a silly.. thing."
For just a fraction of a second the feline's gaze softened before hardening again. "You're just a house cat. You know nothing about the life of a feral cat." Nakhti said, spitting the words out bitterly, as he slid his claws out and dug them into the ground. "I fought for this territory. I fought to protect the warm place I have to sleep and my food supply. Breaking down and letting someone else in for this companionship you speak of will have this taken away. It would mean having my meals taken from me, my warm den gone, and the time to sprawl out in the afternoon sun gone. I never had companionship before really and I don't see it helping now. I'm just a feral cat trying to live."
"Just a house cat, huh?" That hurt. That really hurt given all he'd gone through. "Fine, then, since I'm just a house cat I wouldn't know anything about hunting or gathering food, would I?" His eyes rolled dramatically. "That's what I'm saying! Imagine being someone's pet, wouldn't that be great? You wouldn't have to worry about territory, you would get your meals handed to you quite literally if they're nice... I wouldn't mind being someone's pet. But you know, it's kind of difficult for someone to get adopted when they're a five-foot-seven human-cat-hybrid-thingy."
"Yeah, and it is different when you are feral. I'm a wild cat. Born and raised without human contact. I'm not good with you human-like creatures. Feral cats don't have a place as a pet as you say." Nakhti stood ripping dirt clots up from the ground in irritation as he mulled over the fact. He'd never done anything wrong. He was just born in the streets to a loon of a female that died not long after he reached a season. He didn't get why this creature had burst into his life and was now telling him he should want something that he had never even considered. "I was born here. I was raised here. I've watched the seasons change almost three times here. I've lived this way all my life. I do not know this life as a pet you speak of wistfully."
"Yeah, well.. If I'm to be honest, neither have I. I'm a cat, more or less stuck in a human's body. With.. catlike features." He shrugged. "Not exactly the easiest life. But then why do you care? You're just a grumpy-butt old cat out in the middle of nowhere."

"Exactly. You have the body of a human. You can do whatever you want. You can go wherever you want." Nakhti turned his back to the other, flicking his tail in irritation again. "And I am not old, thank you very much. I am just two, almost three seasons old ((Laughs cause I got his age wrong going from memory before)) and I live in the city."
"Yeah, the body of a human. But it isn't easy keeping my tail and ears covered all the time, and people don't exactly like it when you just start laying in the subway seat, purring." Alex's eyes rolled and he sighed. "Old, young, point is you're a scraggly cat out here doing nothing but sleeping and lazing. You don't even want to see what else there is in life."

(( Shhhh honey. ))

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