Typin words til they make sense
- One on One
- Group
Hello, all! Its about that time to look for a few more partners to make fun worlds with (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I’m not good at fancy coding so I’ll just try to make this as quick and painless as possible and get right to the good stuff!
A little about me: You can call me Canary, or Cry. I’m 31F and prefer to rp with adults, anywhere from 18 and up. I work full time but am on the site regularly and am open to communication several times a day though I don’t always have enough time to make a full in character post. Depending on how busy I am or how tired, I can reply anywhere from once a day to once a week, though not usually any less than that. My posts range anywhere from 2-10 paragraphs, depending on partner preference and what’s happening in rp. I play either Male or Female characters, but generally only do MxF pairings, or platonic.
If you’d like to rp with me, please be over the age of 18, have a firm grasp of spelling and grammar (though I don’t mind some mistakes, I typo rather frequently myself
), be willing to help plot and discuss ideas, and be able to provide at least 2+ paragraphs per post, no less frequently than once per week. Please do not ghost. I’m so tired of finding interest and then never hearing from people again
I promise if you just let me know you’re no longer interested and it’s not something we can work out, there will be no hard feelings!
I like most genres in some capacity and usually end up with more character ideas than plot ideas, so if you like any of the bunch below, even if you just want to pluck one or two out of an ensemble cast, hit me up and we’ll work something out together! (More to come in comments below, as I get the time)
Most of these will be cut down to blurbs or short explanations, so if you’re interested or just want to know more, please hit me up and I’ll be happy to add more detail!
A little about me: You can call me Canary, or Cry. I’m 31F and prefer to rp with adults, anywhere from 18 and up. I work full time but am on the site regularly and am open to communication several times a day though I don’t always have enough time to make a full in character post. Depending on how busy I am or how tired, I can reply anywhere from once a day to once a week, though not usually any less than that. My posts range anywhere from 2-10 paragraphs, depending on partner preference and what’s happening in rp. I play either Male or Female characters, but generally only do MxF pairings, or platonic.
If you’d like to rp with me, please be over the age of 18, have a firm grasp of spelling and grammar (though I don’t mind some mistakes, I typo rather frequently myself

I like most genres in some capacity and usually end up with more character ideas than plot ideas, so if you like any of the bunch below, even if you just want to pluck one or two out of an ensemble cast, hit me up and we’ll work something out together! (More to come in comments below, as I get the time)
Most of these will be cut down to blurbs or short explanations, so if you’re interested or just want to know more, please hit me up and I’ll be happy to add more detail!
- Kitsune
- Vampire Addict
- Mage w/ Familiar
- Superpowers/Magical Girl
- Superpowers/Possible Love Triangle
- Writing Sample: Merman
Aster/Rin; Can be male or female iteration, depending on partner preference. A kitsune, either tied to one area as part of a gift/curse of magic or else linked inextricably to a shrine or temple grounds from times past. Likes to play little games with people like moving their things or closing doors unexpectedly, then disappearing like an urban legend. Can be awake and playing with the nearest town or village, or be awakened by someone accidentally leaving something behind at an abandoned shrine which acts as a sort of offering and awakens them. No set storyline or setting, but something potentially fun I’ve been wanting to play around with.
Arthur; In a world where vampires are known to the public at large and have evolved a sort of venom to keep prey from fighting back, Arthur began life as a child violin prodigy but later cracked under the pressure, turning gradually to alcohol and drugs as a way to escape. Eventually he landed on the high of a vampire's bite as his drug of choice, thinking there were no side effects, but has started to develop memory problems as time goes on and refuses to quit. Is generally a lovable dumpster fire of a man, if you're into that
Atticus; A mage who grew so skilled and so strong so quickly his own family became wary of him, facing challengers meant to do him harm since he was in his teens. Lives alone with just his familiar, Remi, for company, and is still struggling to interact properly with the world around him whenever magic isn’t involved. Can be played a bit more innocent and confused as he tries to learn how to interact with normal people, or a bit on the wild side as fighting to the death with other mages has become a normal occurrence for him.
Sophie; A girl whose superpower has her transforming into an alternate form which always looks so perfect she struggles to think how anyone could like her in normal life if she isn’t perfect then too, and is constantly trying to fill her mother's retired hero shoes. Sprouts wings to fly with and creates stars of varying densities to use as anything from energy projectiles to platforms hard enough to stand on. Can be played alone as a struggling hero, or with powered twins Zara and Moon to help keep her grounded, anywhere from high school to college age.
Meeka; A determined but often too risky heroine, living in a world where those with superpowers have been forced to band together underneath different training agencies to fight back the threat of the Amalgamates, a being consisting of a small central core, or 'heart', which controls nearby materials to form a body in search of no one knows what. The heart can pull in and reshape anything from rock to wood, metal to plastic, or if you want to get real dark about it maybe even bones - but only one chosen material, not multiples. By a strange combination of her power and her friend Bronner's, Meeka has an amalgamates heart fused with one of her hands, which down the line will allow her to begin to communicate with the amalgamates, and perhaps even control them.
-Meeka has a power similar to a mix of speed and teleportation which she calls a Jump, allowing her to disappear from one spot and reappear in another an instant later, but only in places she can reasonably get to. She can't start on the ground and appear in the air without something to get onto and jump off of, can’t go through closed doors with no way around, etc.
-Bronner can cover his body in a blue energy shield which keeps him from all harm, though not from pain. As he got older he learned how to spread that shield to others as long as they are in physical contact with him
-Arwyn, another friend and partner, has the ability to grant himself super strength for a limited amount of time. He can also cast it to someone else instead, or if he cuts the strength and duration into pieces can grant strength to multiple people
I could play all three up against a new member of the team, or play Meeka and one of the boys while you take the other
Korin had always been a bit of a loner, though not always of his own choice. His colors had always been different from the others; he stood out, drew attention, made traveling dangerous for them. Minamet, the mer that had raised him for as long as his memory went back, had always told him he would find his place some day, but he had yet to meet a pod that had colors like his. So when he was old enough for it he started to wander further and further away from her and her pod, and the safety of numbers. He used everything she'd ever taught him to survive by himself in the open ocean, with a cave as a home base but with much of his time spent exploring outside of it.
The human ships were his favorite oddity. She had always told him to be careful, that they could be dangerous, but he had learned much about them over the years. He liked to follow them around from beneath where no one could see, sometimes doing small things like removing unnoticed plants or sea life from their steering mechanisms, sometimes simply hitching a ride by hanging on to the bottom. Humans were really not suited for the ocean, he realized very quickly. They weren't very good at catching fish, and their boats crashed violently through waves during storms but sometimes without success. He took it upon himself to add a few things to their nets here and there, when he watched them struggle to catch enough to feed all the mouths on board, and had more than once over the years dragged a barely conscious figure back towards their vessel when the currents tossed them overboard, or used some of the magic tricks Minamet had showed him to support them with the water until they were dragged back up by their fellows. Once, when one had been stuck treading water with some sort of injury, he had even spent nearly an hour just swimming circles beneath them, deterring sharks from coming too close until they were finally able to be picked up again.
It had been easy enough avoiding the humans' collective gaze, and he was sure that if anyone had noticed that his stretch of ocean had fewer deaths and better fishing they would never know why. If any had ever seen him at all, it could only have been in faint glimpses, in the middle of storms. His scales were many of the same colors as the ocean itself, so he was sure they must think he was just a particularly benevolent fish, if they ever saw the flash of his tail disappearing into the depths from underneath the surface. But Minamet had warned him, and like everything else in his life she had been right.
He had thought, foolishly, that when Thoris and Astrit had come upon him one day and asked to come with him on his trip out to look for boats they were merely curious, or even wanted to help. It was one of those things that Minamet had told him were 'too good to be true', that the two mers suddenly wanted his company, but he was so used to being alone he'd forgotten how to look for it.
"It's easiest to toss them in when they're starting to rise up," Korin explained, a couple of squirming fish in his hands as he led them to where a boat had a decent sized net in the water. "So they don't just fall right out again, but you have to be careful since some of the lines can tangle you up."
Thoris, the younger of the two males, made a soft, interested sound, staring up at the boat as they went. "You sure know a lot about these creatures, Kor. Have you ever been snagged in one?"
Korin shook his head, focused on the way the net moved so as to dart along beside it and push the fish in his hands into its path so they would be scooped up. "I watched them for a long time before I got close, so I know how they move." And he had his whale bone knife, attached to his waist on a braided belt of undersea vines. If he ever got caught, he could just cut himself free. "They'll pull up now, so we should move back."
"What do you mean?" Astrit said, and Korin should have known something was strange about his tone even as he turned to look at him. "Don't you want to say hello?"
"What -?"
Astrit wasn't much bigger than him, but he was strong. The shoulder in his chest caught him by surprise and slammed him backwards, and smaller, quicker Thoris was right there, a rope in hand that wound twice around Korin's wrist and the net before he could recover from the blow.
"Hey- Astrit, stop! That isn't-!"
Funny. The words caught in his throat as the net suddenly yanked upwards, pressed his free arm into his chest and gathered his tail in so tight he couldn't push himself free. His knife was on the opposite side as his free hand, the angle just slightly too wrong for him to reach it in time, and even if he could've gotten to it he was already free of the water seconds later.
It all happened so fast. He remembered wincing as the net bounced against the side of the boat on its way up, and then, suddenly, he was hitting the surface of it with a heavy thud, squinting in the undiluted sunlight as his eyes struggled to adjust. The switch from gills to lungs was automatic, and nothing he hadn't done before, but the panic had him by the throat, the sudden onslaught of voices all around and so loud in the open air he felt like he was suffocating. He had to get back in the water. He was still close to the edge - if he could quickly cut himself free of the net he could toss himself back over.
At least, that was his intention. The first fearful hesitation was enough for one human to react, and something hard cracked against his skull before he could even reach for his knife.
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