[Heralds of Autocthon] The Rat Race


Elder Member
In Autochtonia, among the eight nations, Gulak is known as the melting-pot among all the others. There are so many different forms of religions, that it would be hard to put some people into a category without an extensive knowledge of the sects and factions. Gulak nations is separated into multiple spheres where town and cities, make great use of the limited space. Thutot is the biggest sphere of Gulak but covering only a 30 miles radius, make up for it by having thousand yards long towers and buildings.

In the middle of a circular arena, one of the most famous games in all the nation was happening with members of the tripartite, the populat standing in stadium. Mutated large rats were the ones engaging in combat in a circular arena. The rats riders came with bunch of tools and weapons, while avoiding the dynamic terrains dangers such as rising plateform, flamethrower, etc...

In these events, the regulators were patrolling and making sure that the population wouldn't get too rowdy and violent during this sporting event. The champions or angels as they were known by most of the people around here had been invited to watch the games. Many sects and factions believed that the presence of the champions would dissuade from possible hooligans.

The crowd was going wild at each fight and more strange and mutated rats make their appearance, as most of the rat rider had made sure to come with the biggest and strongest rat that they could find. Each of them had various colors to represent their teams colors.

So far it didn't look like any troubles was about to erupt. All the champions had been placed in a private booth watching over the arena and receiving live streaming from the battles going on in the arena.
Unyielding Aegis of Will sits with his arms crossed watching the game and wondering to himself if being sent here was meant primarily as a reward or as a duty.

After some time he reaches the conclusion that he would prefer the later since that way his presence wouldn't be a complete waste. Still, best to make most of it, his duties hadn't brought him together with his assembly fellows for some time and who knew what the future would bring.

Say, Hammer how are things going with your squad? Have that minor bureaucratic mess with their shifts been solved yet?
Hammer of the Populat is quiet during most of the specticle. He is more at home on the training field with the army of Gulak, or perhaps, in the arena fighting the rats himself than sitting in the spectator box watching what was going on. When UAW asks him about the shift mixup that he's been trying to resolve, a low rumble can be heard from his chest. "Red tape is my bane. I wish I could just do my job without having to file reports in triplicate before hand. But I must adhere to the wisdom of the Assembly. Fortunately, it appears that the proper forms have been recieved and my squad will be able to continue working together. Another headache resolved by following the designs of the Great Maker. Thank you for asking about them, by the way." He pauses to take a drink from his beverage. "I hope that they are enjoying the tickets that I was able to get for them to enjoy the time off of their training schedule." He pauses again in thought. "It has been some time since we have had the chance to sit and talk. It is a good thing for the Champions of Gulak to maintain their bonds of friendship."
Vivacious Livewire, commissioned only one month before as Gulak's newest Alchemical, is off to the side of the booth. She is perched rather precariously, crouching on the back of the chair, slowly swaying but not falling off. Her attention is currently occupied with a little magitech device of indiscernible properties, which she is tinkering with. She does not look up from the device for a large portion of the performance, preferring to mull on her own project. The event does not seem to hold any appeal for her, at least as far as the others could tell.

In fact, it was somewhat surprising that she was allowed to be here at all. The other Champions know that she is embroiled in a recent scandal, where she publicly tackled the Soulsteel caste Assurance of the Clockwork Assembly off a walkway and into a vat of gel. The specifics of the incident would have taken an active investigation to reveal, but rumors flies fast in Thutot, and Livewire is the talk of the month. Rumor also states that she is in hot water with the Tripartite Assembly, though there have been no public recriminations yet.

Livewire is finally distracted from her project by the discussion between Aegis and Hammer. Her eyes flick up to them and she speaks in a distant and speculative voice. "If you have any more problems, file your reports under edict 234-F. Your request will be forwarded to the head of the line, and as an extra perk you can be as informal about the report as you want. If you are wondering how this works, it boils down to bureaucratic shenanigans and the unintentional intersection of obscure regulations. It is a funny story, if you are interested in that kind of stuff."
"I'll have to file that away for future use, just in case. Or, I should come and talk to you in case I have any more troubles. You seem to have a better handle on the system of paperwork than I do. Someday, I'll have to find a way to repay the favor. Need any outlying territories invaded by a special ops squad?" He smiles to show the humor, and let everyone know that he wouldn't do such a thing without proper authorization.
Soooooo bored.

Unexpected Flowering of Heroic Fortitude can’t remember having enjoyed this spectacle in any of her lives. Well, maybe the one where she was a teenage boy…

She shifts in her seat. It’s enough to almost make her wish she was back out on ‘propaganda patrol’ as she secretly calls it, or analyzing doctrine with the clerics. Almost.

But at least I’d be doing something, instead of just watching a bunch of oversized rats!

At Hammer’s words, though, she perks up.

“Any idea what your next assignment will be?â

"There are always rumors running rampant about the barracks, but I put little stock in them. Most of the time, they turn out to be wrong. I know of no upcomming missions, but I do my best to keep the troops ready to go at a moments notice. I personally feel almost undressed without my assault crossbow strapped across my back, but I have faith in my beamklave in case trouble strikes during this performance." His hand goes to the hilt of the weapon with an affectionate pat.
Vigilance is sadly a virtue we always must be prepared to show on pain of lives lost or destroyed. Aegis focus shift involuntarily towards his own weapon as he speak. Then he turns his attention back to Vivacious Livewire, determined to get to know his newest peer a bit better.

Vivacious Livewire, would you knidly tell me, what was that story behind that edict? he says in an attempt to start the conversation, but even through his face is hidden and he tries to control his voice it is obvious to anyone with the slightest bit of social awareness that he lacks any actual interest in the answer and merely listens out of politeness.
Shadowed Recursive Vigil sits behind the others, listening. As the second-newest Champion commissioned he has found listening more productive than speaking in many situations. He fingers the amulet dangling from the chain of gears around his neck, diamond soulgem catching the light from a flamethrower on the field as he moves. His short spiky hair frames a face of planes and angles above a body of modest muscles but amazing grace. His moonsilver buff jacket gleams softly in the light. The over-sized chevron buckle for his belt also gleams moonsilver. Organic-appearing capacitors' pistons pump around his ankles and traceries of various metals scrawl across his face.

He leans forward to the others and asks:

Do any of you know why we are here? Is this a reward for work well done or are we here to remind the Populat that Gulak watches them even here?
Hammer shrugs. "We are here to be a symbol for the populat. What greater purpose is there? In my years as a Blessed of Runel, I have seen much that can bring dispair upon the workers of this great nation. The sight of so many of Gulak's Champions here is something to help uplift the spirits of the common men and women of the city." His attention wanders across the mutant rats as they fight. "While this may not be my favorite pastime, we must remember the greater duty. Even this," he motions with his hand, "has its purpose in the design of the Great Maker."
Vigil nods thoughtfully.

That is a good reminder, Hammer of the Populat. Eliminating those who serve the Void might be more to my preference but the needs of the State before the needs of any of its servants, yes?
Hammer nods with a smile. "I have been told that I think more like a priest than a soldier some days. Personally, I cannot picture a more devout believer than a trooper in a foxhole waiting for a barrage of arrows or Essence weapons to stop so you can bring the fight to your enemy. It is just important for us to remember that each and every one of us has a important role to play in the works of the city. Cogs in the great machine, if you will. Even the lowest of the lumpen have a duty to the Great Maker."
“I don’t see how the state really needs us here sitting around,†Flowering opines. “Surely there must be more useful things we could be doing!â€
He smiles once more. I must remember that I was this young, once. She will learn her place in time. "We are as much symbols as we are workers in the grand design of Gulak. Important symbols that many of the population will never get the chance to see in person. These public specticales are an important part of being a visible symbol to the people, to assure them that their Champions are real, and as much a part of their lives as the worker sitting next to them. You speak with the impatience of youth, and, there are times that your fresh visions of what is around us is just as important as a older, more sedate opinion. But, some truths you still have to learn. Patience, my friend, is one of them."
Undauntable Bride of Industry is pacing methodically along the edge of the booth, her eyes roaming not over the spectacle, but over the spectators. Like all members of her caste she is an imposing figure, and her powerful form is only made more so by the heavy plates of orichalcum that cover it, plates inscribed with prayers to the Great Maker and his Divine Ministers, of course. At hammer's last words she turns, causing her long, golden hair to fly out behind her and her perfectly formed face to regard the rest of the assembly. "We are here for another reason as well, brother, both be seen and to see. The people as they are here are uninhibited by the usual constrains of caste and duty, and a perceptive eye may see things on a day such as this one than on one spent laboring in the factories." But despite her patriotic words, those with the sense for such things can see that the Archon is no more satisfied with this duty than are her fellows.
Vigil looks thoughtfully at Undauntable, then back out over the crowd, eyes thoughtful.

To see. I had not truly given thought to that aspect of our presence here today. I am far more used to listening from shadows than I am looking in full light. However, you raise an excellent idea to make use of.

He pays even less attention to the game in front of him as he looks out, giving his attention to the crowd as a whole, watching those watching the game.
“It seems a pretty long shot to me,†says Flowering. “We and our fellows already walk among them every day, unseen and unrecognized, as they work and play. Why would they reveal more now, when they know our eyes are on them?â€
Unyielding Aegis of Will speaks to answer Flowerings question Much can be learned from observing the difference between how people act when they are aware of you and when they aren't. If they never know that you are there you lose this opportunity.

Futhermore not all they can reveal to us is something they desire to be unknown.
"That is indeed the case. Each state of being must be observed, otherwise you cannot discern the difference between them."

Silent March of Guidance had been silent until this point, observing the games below with no small bit of interest. Unlike his fellows, he competed in such things himself when his duties allowed, and watching other athletes always interested him.

For this outing, the Soulsteel caste wore a tidy regulator's uniform seemingly woven from soulsteel thread with moonsilver accents and embroidery. The few exterior Charms that he has installed were visible, his Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier not active for a change. This was a moment to stand out, after all.
Vigil looks over the crowd, then to the players of the game themselves. This setting was not one he came to often, so he spent a few moments gauging the course, the riders, and their mounts to gain a sense of the difficultly the riders faced. He then returned his gaze to the throngs in the stands.

Perhaps one might stroll through the crowds and record their reactions for further study. After all, this is an opportunity to establish one baseline to compare other lines against, yes? I have the equipment needed to record reactions and events. I shall return upon completion of a circuit.

With this, Shadowed Recursive Vigil stood and headed for the door, then out into the arena itself. He walked purposefully, not trying to make eye contact with any, but nodding to any willing to look at him. His path appeared to be taking him into every section of seats and along every concourse before returning to the Champions' booth.
The Games were going as planned, the crowd going wild from times to times when some contestants hit the floor out of exhaustion or their mounts taking a fatal wound. The games kept on going for a little while until one hooded rider came into the arena with what appeared to be a huge rat as big as a truck mixed with metal and flesh, The creature bit off one of the rat head without any difficulties. The crowd screamed seeing the splatter of blood.

Coming from the gates, 4 large golems creatures with 4 arms walked in, covered of the oil black ichor. The hooded figure on top of the rat put down the hood and you could see a mix of flesh and metal with apparently a mask on his head and tentacles coming from his body made of soulsteel. It could only be one apostate.

"I'm here to free you all from your sufferings. Resistance is futile, The Dread Gear will awake and destroy us all. Voice of Authority is not here to save you! He is too busy attempting to stop the Dread Gear awakening but nothing will stop it! Go my minions and feed on them!"

As the large golems headed for the crowd and most of people attempted to run away as the regulators were attempting to keep the golems away from the crowd.

Voice of Authority how can I put it simply...Superman is a dick? yeah pretty much, an alchemical soulsteel who is essentially the super star of Gulak. He fights gremlins and apostates on a regular basis. He is the most popular Alchemical in Gulak by far and also the most infamous taking part in debauchery, seducing young alchemicals and tripartite members alike, organizing parades etc... You can run down there, jump down there well whatever you want to do. To help the people.
Bride whirls around in an instant, her armoured fist crushing the glass pane separating the Champions from the Populat. Even before the apostate has finished speaking, her familiar voice blocks it out and speaks calmly, "People of Thutot. The games are finished for today. Please proceed calmly through the nearest exit."

I'm activating my armour's built-in Pectoral of Resplendent Speeches to block out any sound other than my voice within a hundred yards and make me clearly audible out to two hundred yards. I am also using this a social attack to make the evacuate in an orderly fashion.
Seeing the Horrible creatures moving towards the helpless populace Ageis springs into action rushing up and moving his hand towards his weapon all the while vigilantly keeping eye on the scene.

7 successes,

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