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Fantasy Hemeraray Academy

Ruler Of The Maniae


Welcome to Hemeraray Academy; where young girls and boys master magical powers and defeat Villains. Here you are taught how to be a Hero, and how to defeat the evil. Someone in your past was cruel and ruthless, and wants to ruin your life. They go to Nyxfield Academy, learning to master magical powers and destroy you. But here, we learn how to defeat them.

In most tales, good wins, and evil loses. Our school strives to keep that tradition; for Heroes to have their happy ending. Hemera, the headmistress, will personally come to you if it is time for your adventure. While you wait, you will learn how to defeat your enemy, and keep it that way.

Good luck, Heroes of Hemeraray!



Lessons Start;


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The sun is sinking along the horizon, behind Hemeraray Academy's tall, bright walls. A group of students walk through the entrance, bright green grass and flowers bordering the pathway. A garden filled with lively plants and trees run along the gates. The entrance slams shut, and a celestial substance fill the gates holes. The students turn around, seeing that there is no escaping.

You are one of these students.

Welcome to Hemereray.

@Skyscraper Ninja @sarahbella @Noyeh


Iris Fern looked around, and then settled her eyes on the bright gold doors that were already opening, the air inviting. She walked ahead, leaving her sister to look around as she explored the area. A fountain poured water into the bottom dish, and birds flew by and rested on the stone. Iris looked back to the doors, and walked towards them. She slowly started up the steps, and walked through the doors. Inside, a lobby filled with beautiful and ornate furniture welcomed her to the school. This might not be that bad, thought Iris.
Lavender walked towards the academy. The sun was shining brightly on the quartz walls. She walked past a fountain that was pouring out crystal clear water. When she finally got to the door she opened it and walked inside. She then walked down the hallway to the office. She asked for her dorm room key it had #56 written on the tag. She brought all of her stuff to her dorm room and set it down on her bed.

She grabbed a hair tie from her makeup bag and put her hair up in a ponytail then went down to the library.
Iris walked up to the counter and got her schedule and dorm key. #56 was written on it, so she walked up the stairs and down the hallways until she found her room. On the way there she saw her sister, Lavender. "Hey! What room did you get?" she asked, even though she knew the answer. "Where are you going?" She shoved the key in her pocket and folded the paper, putting it in her pocket as well.
Bellamie walked through the big, golden doors, coming to a courtyard with an ornate fountain. Looking around in wonder, her eyes fell on some other students who had also just arrived. I'll say hello later, once I've had time to get settled in. She decided. Steeling herself, she took a deep breath and headed towards the counter to get her room key. She grabbed her luggage as well and went to unpack.
Lavender walked down the hallway when she heard someone calling her, it was her sister iris she had asked what room she got "oh i got room #56 what about you?" she replied. as she was waiting for iris to reply to her she got an email saying come infront of the school now! its urgent. "sorry? hold that thought i gotta run"
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"Um, alright," Iris said. She continued down the hall looking for her dorm, and opened it. Just as she thought, her sister's stuff was on one of the beds, and on half of the room. This might not be that bad. She's already settled. After tossing her bag onto her own bed, she sat on the edge and looked around. The place was nice, a welcoming aroma surrounding everything. The bed's sheets and blankets were white, gold, and the thread keeping it together was silver. It all looked so perfect. I hope the teachers are nice . . . thought Iris, laying back to rest.
Lavender finally arrived in front of the school,but there was no one there,she looked around again and still nobody to be seen. So she ran back inside and went to her room and saw iris laying down on her bed. "iris? wake up!" she whispered to iris
Emily looked tiredly up at the academy, She felt like she should be impressed though she was too tired to feel such emotion. Upon walking in, she immediately b-lined towards the desk and lightly put her right hand on the rest. Or at least Emily thought she did it lightly. Once grabbed a key and schedule she faced the other way and yawned. Dorm room time.
Iris's eyes opened. "What the hell?" she scolded Lavender. "Dude, I was resting, not sleeping. What do you want?" She sat up and shoved her bag off of her bed, and moved to the centre. She then messed up the blankets and pillows while waiting for her sister's reply. Iris let her hands fall as she shifted, laying on her stomach. "Was it the text? Who was it?"

@Skyscraper Ninja
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"Oh sorry i thought you were sleeping" "um yes it is about the text, i went outside and nobody was there"

"coincedence i think not" anyway wanna go for coffee later on,we need to catch up with eachother.

also another thing ive been getting kinda lonely lately i was thinking of getting a boyfriend but i dont know anybody, can you help me? she asked
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"Don't meme. No memes. No," Iris stood up, and walked to the door. "Also, you can get coffee. I'm getting ice cream." She slipped on her shoes and opened the door, stepping out and waiting for Lavender to follow. "And, no, I can't help you get a boyfriend. I am not skilled in that area of life. You can pay, though!" Iris smiled.
"ugh this is why your related to me" "but yes i will come and get ice cream with you so wait for me" she slipped on her grey vans and her hoodie then followed iris to the icecream parlour. "Oh by the way please dont be stupid this year" "Im the stupid one, nevermind haha"
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Time: 11:03

Date: 09/31/15

A small bell rings, getting everyone's attention. A raspy voice booms through the speakers, which were hidden in the walls before the announcement. "Welcome, students! I am your headmaster, Absinthe, and I am here to teach you to be better heroes. At lunch today, all Hemeraray and Nyxfield students will meet each other. This is where I want you all to find you enemy. You will hate them and probably be afraid of them before you even know their name. Don't defeat them just yet, though, there will be a time for that. Extra curricular activities start next week, and when your time has come, you will be given a mission to hunt and defeat your nemesis." The speakers slowly retracted back into the walls, disappearing once again.

@Skyscraper Ninja @JigokuTheBaka @sarahbella
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"Wait!? we have to kill our enemy?! but i'm not really the killing type" "this is gonna be quite the a year" -sigh- "i don't even know who my enemy is" "I don't like having enemies,i'm nice not bad"

"on second thought i don't wanna go get ice cream" she said as she took her shoes off, "i think ill just stay here and read"
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Iris hung her head, then looked up at Lavender. "Were you even listening? She said defeat. We probably just have to lock them up so they don't cause any more trouble," shaking her head, Iris grabbed her sister's arm and pulled her toward the parlour. "And your coming, okay? I'l pay, if you want." She dragged Lavender to the ice cream parlour and opened the door.

@Skyscraper Ninja
"oh,no I did not listen to a word she said" "at least we don't kill them,that's good enough" "Oh and I dont feel like getting ice cream anymore so i'm going to the library" she grabbed her book bag then walked out the door towards the library. She walked into the library and walked towards the back table in the corner. She grabbed her book from her book bag and started to read her book. she peeked over her book 5 minutes later and saw the cutest guy shes ever seen,so she hid behind her book,hoping he wouldn't notice. But of course he noticed so he walked towards her. At this point she was hyperventilating.


"oh uh hi"

"so I see your really into that book"

"yeah I guess I am" "oh i'm Lucas by the way"

"hi Lucas i'm lavender"

"that's a pretty name"

"oh thank you"

"nice meeting you"

"you too" she then picked up her book bag and went back to the ice cream parlour to meet with her sister.
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A clumsy blue haired cyborg ran into the school late. The ran as fast as it could but it's pinky on it's right hand randomly fell off. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm late for my first day! The half robot screamed in it's mind. What kind of idiot is late for their first day of school? Especially when the school is as cool as this one... The half human pushed it's self to run even faster. The cyborg kicked open the door and yelled, "Sorry I'm late! My pinky fell off and I really need to have a pinky!"
Iris had left the parlour, and walked back to her dorm. She changed into a swim suit and walked off, looking for the pool. When she found it (after a long while, of course. :P ) she set her towel down on one of the chairs, and jumped into the pool. The cool water surrounded her as she plunged to the bottom, her fingertips skimming the marble as she shifted in the water so she was swimming above the floor. Kicking off of the bottom, Iris floated through the clear water to the top, breaking through the surface and swimming to the edge.


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