Helsing High School [Inactive]


Hell's Angel
Wolfsrain123 submitted a new role play:

Helsing High School - And you thought human high school was bad...

Welcome to Helsing High, named after the famous German Vampire Hunter Van Helsing. This school once was a school to train humans to kill vampires and was very famous among vampire hunter families and even humans that hated vampire kind. Lately, however, its become more than just a school for human vampire hunters. It drastically changed when the new principle took over. The school stopped training vampire hunters and left it to the families to do the training. Humans still went to the school...
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Ivan and Drake left the dorm. Ivan was listening to his music. They were both wearing their school uniforms that consisted of mostly black. Some girls looked over and blushed at the sight of them. Not only were they good looking but they were also fourth years so plenty of underclassman looked up to them. When they got to the main building, they walked through the front doors. They had a hidden past that no one but the faculty knew about and they were planning on keeping it that way. Drake looked at Ivan and smiled. The twins started to laugh together.

Elisabetta got to the main building. She smirked. "I got here on time, thankfully," she exasperated. She walked past the twins. She totally overslept and ate breakfast later than usual. She was so sure she'd be late. She let out a sigh of relief and went to her locker to take some of her books out for her first class. She might have hated this school but she wasn't going to be late for class because she overslept.
Aurora was already ready for class. She had woken up two hours before she was really supposed too. The last couple weeks she wasn't sleeping very well and she didn't know why. Was it the fact that she found something out about her father and she wasn't telling Skyver? Should she even tell Skyver? Aurora was worried that telling him would feed into his obsession on finding their father. She wasn't going to take that risk again, Things had just got back to normal with Skyver and she didn't want to screw that up. She decided to tell him when the time was right. Looking down at her cell she realized Skyver hadn't called her yet "Hmmm. Maybe he's over slept. I should go to his room and wake him up." taking one last sip of her coffee she gracefully headed toward the door. When she walked it was like she walked on air. Her feet never making a sound. She had debutante to thank for that. Right as she went to open the door she tossed the empty coffee cup over her shoulder and into the trash can. She elegantly dodged all the girls in the hallway. She said hello to some of the girls she knew but she wasn't there to chitchat, she was on a mission and she wasn't going to slow down for anyone.


Skyver could hear the alarm clock ringing in his sleep. He groaned. With his eyes still shut he rolled over toward the annoying pest and went to smash it. But to his surprise he missed it and hit the night stand that the alarm clock once had sat on. Skyver opened his eyes to find his sister frowning down at him. "AHHH!" Startled, Skyver fell out of bed. While managing to get up he looked up at his sister " What the hell Aurora! You can't just barge into my room and do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Aurora smiled and took her delicate finger and turned the alarm off. "Well I wouldn't have to if you would actually wake up to your alarm clock. We have class in 15 minutes and we still have to go get our books" her smile was now a frown. She sighed and set down the alarm clock. " Get dressed. We have to go." She turned on her toes and headed toward the door. Her golden hair flowing behind her. Skyver huffed and blew his black hair out of his face. He headed toward the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He studied his features, From pictures he could tell he had some of his moms features but what features were his dads? He always thought about his father and why he didn't come back for him and his sister. Skyver shook the thoughts away. He turned on the water and washed the sleep from his eyes. As soon as he was dressed he exited his dorm room and found his sister leaning up against the wall waiting for him. Aurora looked over at him and smiled. Skyver smiled back while giving the head nod that said 'lets head out'. Aurora understood and skipped to Skyvers side. They were so different yet completely the same. He like that he had her around. She was the only one he could actually trust in this hell hole of a school.
The twin boys started to grab their things from their locker. A few girls giggled passed them and they waved. Ivan ran into Skyver and Aurora as they were walking to class. Ivan glared at them but Drake quickly said "my apologies." He pulled Ivan out of their way and seemed to be letting them go
Aurora was at war with herself. She wanted to tell Skyver but she couldn't, not when he was getting better. Aurora looked up at Skyver. "Skyver.. I.." Before Aurora could finish her sentence she found herself falling toward the floor. With one swift move Skyver grabbed Aurora by the arm and yanked her to the right of him then spinning her straight up, Her long blonde hair whipped around grazing drakes face. Auroras books hit the ground along with her bag. Skyver glared at Ivan. His voice firm "Watch where you're going!" Aurora blushed from embarrassment and grabbed onto Skyvers arm, "It's okay Skyver it was an accident! No harm done!" Aurora had never seen Skyver so angry. She was afraid he'd do something irrational.
Drake said "I apologize for my brother." Ivan glared at them and said "you should watch where your going instead." He walked off and Drake sighed. He picked up Aurora's books and handed them. "Sorry. My brother mood changes sometimes. Please forgive him."
Aurora blushed. She gracefully walked over toward Drake and flashed an embarrassed smile. "Don't worry about it." She grabbed her stuff from Drake and bit her lip. She spun around to continue walking with Skyver but saw that he was walking after Ivan yelling something profound. Skyver spun Ivan around and shoved him against a locker. His face was flushed with anger as he started to yell, "Have you no respect! YOU ran into a woman expecting that it was HER fault? When it was clearly yours! Have your parents not shown you manners!" Skyver went raise his fist. "SKYVER NO!" With one quick movement Aurora was already next to Skyver. She grabbed his arm and sent an electric pulse through Skyver bringing him to his knees making him release the hold he had on Ivan. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!?" Aurora realized that she was raising her voice and settled down. Skyver stood up and yanked his arm away. He was pissed, "I was going to teach him a lesson!" He started yelling. Aurora blushed and looked down at the ground. "What happened to you Skyver.." her voice was merely a whisper. Tears started to fill her eyes but she quickly whipped them away.
Ivan looked at her with worries eyes and asked "are you alright?" Drake hurried over to them. Both boys stood in front of Aurora, protecting her from Skyver. Ivan might have been rude to her before but he couldn't let someone make a girl cry. Ivan smirked and said coldly "we don't have parents. We've never met them." Drake was surprised Ivan mentioned their parents. "Ivan..."
Bludika passes all ruckus that were in hall thinking to herself"Gosh what an idots...hmph i shouldnt be here"she cames to her locker and trys open it but its doors wont budge"Seriously do they have anything working here?"she mumbled to herself after trying to figure out how to open it she forwns trying to control her anger but she cant Bludika starts yelling in language no one understand"Chikushō!(Damn it)"kicking locker as hard as she can drawing unnecessary attention to her.
Skyver wasn't shocked or even gave a damn. His comment was cold right back "Neither did we but people actually helped us to learn. Seems like no one gave a damn about you." He also smirked and then his face went expressionless. What had he done? The one person he cared about the most was crying because of him. He didn't know what to do. So he did nothing. Aurora heard what Skyver said and shot him the worst look she had ever given anyone. Her soft purple eyes turned red. She pushed through Ivan and Drake. Her voice starting to raise as she stepped toward Skyver, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT! NO ONE CARED ABOUT US EITHER! WE WERE JUST BORN INTO A FAMILY THAT HAD MONEY SO THEY HAD TO TEACH US MANNERS. DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY CARED ABOUT US? YOU? ME? NO THEY DIDN'T! AND I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS EVER CARED FOR YOU! AND YOU GO AND HURT ME AND TRY TO HURT SOMEONE ELSE? WHO ARE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE CERTAINLY NOT MY BROTHER" Aurora gained her composure and started to walk away pushing through Ivan and Drake. She softly whisper to Drake "I am so so sorry" Her walk was graceful and elegant even when she wanted to fall apart. She knew everyone else would break her heart but not her brother. She was so traumatized that she forgot all her things and just headed back to her room. Skyver felt how bad he hurt her. And it killed him. That's what sucked about being a twin was he could feel her pain literally. He got mad at himself. " Ugh why do I screw everything up!" He took his fist and smashed it into the locker leaving the whole locker dented in. He started to walk to class. He need to let Aurora cool down. She needed to cool down and forgive him. She was the only one he had left.
Ivan rolled his eyes and said "I'm not in the mood to go to class anymore." He walked off. Drake tried to stop him but decided to let him go. He knew it was impossible when Ivan got in these moods. He walked into his class and smiled lightly. Some girls blushed when they saw him and he waved. One asked "hey Drake. Where is your brother?" He looked over and said "he's not feeling well. Don't worry though. He'll be in class tomorrow." They seemed worried but started chatting amongst each other.
Aurora reached her room and threw herself on her bed. Tears pouring from her eyes. She rolled over and grabbed onto her teddy bear that she had since she was 5. She started getting angry now. She threw the teddy bear against the wall "How could he do this to me!" Her voice was angry. She screamed at the top of her lungs and her scream wasn't like any other. It was demonic. It made the whole building shake. She realized what she was doing and stopped. She hit her knees. She was exhausted. She started to shake, her anger hadn't left her system yet. She hit her side and passed out.

Skyver heard the screech and it hurt his ears, He cuffed his hands over his ears. He was sitting outside the school under a tree and he could see the building shake from Auroras high pitched screech. "Aurora.." he softly said her name. Then all at once it stopped. He got up feeling that she was drained and headed back to the building just to make sure she was alright.
Ivan heard the scream and winced but went towards it. He slipped into Aurora's room and said "that's a mighty scream you've got there but you shouldn't waste your energy like that. I know the feeling. My twin brother Drake pisses me off constantly but I know he cares about me. The other orphan kids hated us because we were different." He sighed. "I don't remember our mothers face. I wish I did. Then I'd be able to hate her properly."
Aurora regained her composure. She spun on her toes to look at Ivan then spoke without thinking "At least you got to meet your mom.. Ours died while giving birth to me. I'm the reason she died." Aurora cupped her hands over her mouth. She was shocked and turned away from Ivan blushing "I'm sorry" Her anger wasn't completely out of her system but that was no reason to take it out on Ivan. She turned back to him, Her proper side coming out now "My apologizes sir Ivan, It was out of line and I take full responsibility for my actions" Her face was expressionless, Like something had died inside her. But she soon flashed a smile "what brings you into my room?" She had to at least try to change the subject. She couldn't stand awkward situations.
He looked at her and smiled "I thought you needed a friend to make you smile." He chuckled a bit but then looked away. "Our mom killed herself because she couldn't stand to look at us anymore." He sighed. He felt like he could trust this girl.
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Bludika finaly managed to open her locker she took her stuff and started to walk towards her classroom while she was walking thru corridor she heard insanely loud scream that made whole building shake.All students that were in corridor meantime grabbed their ears and fell on their knees.Bludika ignoring scream passed like nothing happened she finaly reached her class opened doors and stopped at entrance looking for place to sit she spots a table in last row near window she throwed her books on table and sit on the chair totally ignoring everyone in her class.With eye of corner she noticed Skyver sitting outside and for some reason she sinfully smiled.
Aurora was shocked at how open he was with her. And her face showed it. She blushed at the thought of how stupid she must have looked "I'm sorry.." She didn't know what to say to that. But it felt good to have someone else to talk to besides Skyver. She smiled at him "well now I'm not the only one that feels responsible for their mothers deaths." She threw her hands to the top of her head terrified at the fact that she just said that. Her face was a bright red as she spun around using her hair to shield off the fact her face was that bright of red. Her eyes were wide and she was searching for words that seemed to not be there.
He smiled softly and said "I'm sorry for acting like a jerk to you. I trust you unlike most of the girls at the school. Its weird but... I think you should forgive your brother. Siblings shouldn't fight. You two seem close too. I know I get annoyed when Drake protects me but I still love him. He's all I've got."
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