Help with my game (Guys from ENworld Exalted game stay out)

Favored Skills:  Good point.

Compile Chart is the 0 rank Art of Astrology.  All you have to do is have ranks in Occult and Wits 2 to use it.  It's not powerful, but if you have the Oadenol's Codex book there are a few more you can use.  It gives some in game uses for the Occult skill that are neat.  

Like there's a 0 level Warding Art that allows you to securely hold a door closed with a peice of string.  By no means powerful, but neat.
Oh, I agree that some of the rank 0 Thaum effects are neat and useful...just would think that actually having Thaumaturge as part of the concept one should have at least Apprentice level in a single Art, or know a Procedure or two. It's not that expensive, and if you grab the right ones can be quite useful...however, I suppose it's possible he's figuring that before he studied something of the Art of Wards, Exorcism and Banishment and figures that Emerald Banishment is something of the next step along those lines or some such, where his abilities outstrip anything he could have done with his Arts. Or possibly he's figuring as the failed Thaumatruge he never moved beyond the basics. If it's the later, perhaps his high Occult is as much a sign of his past Exaltations intruding into his current life? Perhaps occasional memories slipping in and giving him a new insight into what before he struggled to understand?
I'm thinking he doesn't own the Cordex book, which really opens up the concept of Thaumaturgy.  Since it's a pbp game, I can't lend him mine.  The stuff in the main book is fine, but I can see why someone might not take the abilities.  Don't get me wrong, I think they're great.  And if I was playing someone with Occult I'd take a few of them, but that's me.
Str2 Dex 5 Stam 2, Char 1, Mani 1 App 5 Per 3 Int 5 Wit 3
This is what concerns me. You've got a guy that can't take a hit or really hit that hard, but he's quick as lightning.  At the same time, he's absolutely abhorrent to talk to and can't lie his way out of a wet paper bag but he's as yummy as eye candy gets.  (Mentals look okay.)

This still screams twink to me.  If it were my player, I'd veto this spread, ESPECIALLY the Socials, without a damn good backstory or reason.
just would think that actually having Thaumaturge as part of the concept one should have at least Apprentice level in a single Art' date=' or know a Procedure or two.[/quote']
I agree wholeheartedly.

My Twilight player, who's concept was a mortal thaumaturge prior to her Exaltation, spent the points to purchase two degrees of Astrology at chargen, then spent experience to buy a degree of Geomancy when she had enough for it.  It's a fantastic way to flesh out a character, and even mortal sorcery can be useful to Exalts.
I usually give out a couple of dots in thaumaturgies to anyone with an Occult score of 3+, if they ask for it. No XP required.

I figure that it's minor magic that makes the character more interesting, not something to make them sacrifice other dots for.
IIRC average appearance is 2. That means that most people he engages in social combat with will have 3 less MDV against him, and he'll have 3 higher MDV. Unless you're in a lifestyle where you're surrounded by pretty people, you could easily go your whole life without needing to hone your likeability or manipulative skills. People are giving you what you want when you ask rudely, so why learn to ask politely?

Or in other words, I think the social parts are fine. Keep in mind that in social combat this character is going to get owned by anyone with a 4+ appearance and decent skills. IMO Min-maxing like this allows the GM some easily used prying points later on, and should be responded to with something along the lines of "are you sure?" instead of "no you can't."
Unless you're in a lifestyle where you're surrounded by pretty people' date=' you could easily go your whole life without needing to hone your likeability or manipulative skills. People are giving you what you want when you ask rudely, so why learn to ask politely?[/quote']
Alright, that's fair.

However, it's been mentioned that this guy was a mortal member of the All-Seeing Eye.  Would you really pass a character with no force of personality and no ability to lie who was part of one of the most secretive and manipulative and feared organizations in Creation?
I missed that part of the background. I'd definitely say "Why did they let you in?" If he couldn't provide a useful answer I might veto it. I also might accept it and think up my own reason, which would come back to haunt him later, depending on how  :twisted: I felt.
figgin said:
Also, what do you think the effect of walking around in Orichalcum Armor, with Ori bracers amd holding a few Ori weapons will be?
Orichalcum looks like gold, but is very obviously not gold up close.  Bracers he might get away with. Armor... eh. Decorative armor is often gold-plated or gold gilt.  But gold itself is way too soft to use as a weapon or as protective items.  It's also way too heavy for the ordinary run-of-the-mill person to be carrying.  If he's swinging it around like it's feather-light or trying to pass it off as gold in battle, it's pretty clear he's Anathema.

I'd say the effects of carrying or using ori items would be pretty obvious.

In the Realm: "Anathema! Kill it!"

In many parts of the Threshold: "Anathema! Call the Wyld Hunt!"

In Nexus: "Anathema! Make sure he pays the taxes on those artifacts!"

figgin said:
Oh, I noticed on another thread someone talking about the Games of Divinity and what would happen if one of the pieces found its way to Creation.  I really took to that idea.  I’m thinking a powerful ...Now with the Abyssal on their backs, Gold and Bronze Faction Sidereals trying to get the piece to at least get a better understand it.  And maybe a god comes down to collect it as well.
What do you think?  I really like the idea, but I think it might be too much too soon.
Exalted is epic right from the start.  If you want to run it, run it.  Worry about the details of balancing it for your characters after you flesh out your story arc.  

I like this idea though.  In fact, I like it so much I may include something like this (something important going missing from Yu-Shan) in a personal game I'm running.   ^_^

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