Help with a new game


New Member
Ok I'm starting a new game and it seems like I'm going to have about one or two characters of each type. So well I was wondering if anyone of you had any suggestionas to how to bring the group together since the lunars and sidereals wouldn't get along with the abyssal and the dragon blood might get along with them but would be pretty weak in comparison. So any suggestions? I was thinking of maybe some greater threat like a new deathlord rises or something like that.
Heh ... I just had a funny idea...

Give them all some kind of artifact that is separated into a series of X parts(X = how many people in this circle).  These pieces each have tremendous destructive, Creation grabbing, fate rending, political smashing power.   On their own!  Even broken apart!

... Except when theyre in proximity to each other.

This way everyone will be trying to get away from each other, and everyone else will try to make sure that doesn't happen!  Kinda ilke a bunch of people stuck inside a Hoola-Hoop, tryign to run in opposite directions.  Oh god the insanity!

yes yes i know that'd break down terrifically quick, in disasterous ways.  But it seemed like some cheesy anime plot basis - perfect Exalted material!  =oD
Have them meet in a tavern.

Wait, ignore that. Wrong game.

Giving them all the same mentor is handy. Make sure they don't have strong loyalties outside the group, or at least that their loyalties are hidden (like, the Abyssal might be posing as a renegade, but is actually an undercover agent). The Sidereal is a major problem; as the Sidereals book points out, ronin are incredibly rare. Maybe having the group come together under the auspices of a celestial god with some pull in Creation and Yu-Shan would allow you to work the Sidereal in.

The main piece of advice I would give is that you work with the players to make sure that they create characters whose primary (public) loyalty is to the group, or whatever plot device you use to bring them together (like, money, pardon for crimes against the celestial bureaucracy, whatever). Also make sure that there aren't too many ingrained rivalries like the ones you mentioned. Outcaste DBs and Lunars who have fled the Silver Pact, renegade Abyssals, stuff like that. If you want the tension in your game, that's of course fine.
I like the one about the X amount of pieces but I don't think that's what I want for my game. I might incorporate somethign similar to it for the loyalties to the group, that is pretty much waht I did, I told the guys that wanted to paly something else to be either ronin, renegade, outcaste, or not part of the siver pact. So yeah that is out of the way. But does anyone have any story ideas I could use for this type of game. It's my first time doing a mixed game so it's kinda a challenge.
They've all got be united in some purpose. Something has to draw them together, some common purpose.

Be that a common foe--a renegade Sidereal who is looking to unseat either the leadership of the Bronze or the Gold factions, one who has fallen to the whisperings of the Yozi, one who is deep into the Great Curse, and <i>thinks</i> that he has the best interests of the Mandate of Heaven at heart, but is blinded by hubris and serves dark masters from Outside the Creation.  The Abyssal's lord is concerned about a rival, the Sidereal is investigating abuses in power, or accounts in Yu-Shan that just aren't right, the Abyssal is investigating a rival or is placed in the center of the action to mete out its Master's idea of justice, the Dragon Blooded's home and family are threatened, the Lunar smells the wrong of plots that will endanger its home and people, the Solar has been manipulated in the past, and wants revenge?

A very old Lunar who has come from out of the Wyld, a powerful Chimarae who has a bit more reasoning than most, and a desire to unseat the Realm and propagate its mad seed, unwittingly or quite willingly a pawn to Fae. The Sidereal feels the skein of Fate gyring away, in the wake of the creature. The Abyssal's Lord is worried about a new player and possible rival. The Lunar's home and people are in the path of the maddened thing, the Dragon Blood is in the same bucket, and has forged an uneasy alliance, the Solar has seen the thing first hand, and is gathering forces to combat the new menace?

A Behemoth that is stirring. Everyone is making in their pantaloons. It's a Behemoth, and it's hungry. It's like living in the ghetto, nobody's smiling.  And his momma cried...

A Deathlord that is looking to unseat the interest of the Abyssal's master, destroy the Dragon Blooded's home, despoil the Solar's family, the Lunar's lands are about to be ravaged, and the Sidereal is in charge of uniting these elements together to end the threat?

A demon cult is making its rounds, and each of the characters have lost someone dear to the Demon in charge--and it is looking not only to draw them all out, but is looking to whisper and corrupt not just one of them, but all of them, and draw them all to the service of the Yozi. It sets up conditions so that they have to make increasingly hard choices to combat the cult, to become dark and nasty to fight against them, and in the end, they cross over the line. Give in to anger, my son, feel the hate...

The important thing with mixed games is that everyone needs to be important to the plot. Everyone has something to contribute, and that means you have to look at their concepts, and maybe guide them a bit. Skills, Charms, Spells, something that each can contribute that is important to the ongoing plot. The Dragon Blood is going to be outclassed in raw power, so that character has to have something and kernals of plot that their contribution is important, even if that is talking to officials, being the Face man to their A for Anathema Team. The Sidereal doesn't just need to be a Sifu of Unrivaled Kung Fu Grip, but needs to be able to run hurdles in Yu-Shan and with the Celestial Bureacracy, and get solid intel. The Dragon Blood can do much the same in the Creation. The Lunar can do so in barbarian cultures. But each has to have their area of expertise and you have to give them all tasks that are equal to their measure, and that contribute to the general plot.

While the Solar and Abyssal are mirroring each other a bit, each has a thematic element that is theirs and theirs alone. Solar is maybe taking the high road, while the Abyssal is going the low road--or in a campeign where there's a Deathlord involved, the other way around. The Abyssal is the Face man to the Shadowlands, while the Solar is the hidden scout and sniper watching the Abyssal's back. The Lunar has to have tasks that it is good at, other than just regenerating and killing things.

While you've got heavy hitters, the Dragon Blood still has objectives that are equal to their measure. The Solar, Abyssal, and Lunar are taking on the Very Bad Guys, the weaker members are in charge of taking out important goals and objectives at the same time. Be that snatching things while the baddies are distracted by Towering Anima Banners That Flame in the Night, or securing defenses or taking out sentries that allow the Sidereal to get in undetected. Each has to be able to contribute, and feel that they aren't being slighted.

Mixed games aren't <i>that</i> much more difficult, you just have to gear the encounters and situations to each of the characters, matching their strengths and weaknesses.
Well, I'll toss in my 2 cents, although I haven't studied the game that long, so I apologize if any of my info here's wrong. There's 2 major issues there...storyline and game balance. The first is more important, because if they're asking to play a lower powered character and they know that entails being outgunned by the big boys, they're most likely doing it for roleplaying purposes, not powergaming.

Let's start with the DB in the group One way to think about it, is if the majority are Dragon-Blooded, they could very possibly be there to keep tabs on the other Exalts. Maybe a higher up wants to use them as a pawn in a political move to claim the throne. Just because the Dragon-Blooded are lowest on the totem pole powerwise doesn't by any means make them lowest on the social latter. On the same note, perhaps the other Exalts are using the Terrestrial Exalted as a way to get (insert political/resource/favor/whateveryoucanthinkof reason here). Anathema trying to make a difference in the Realm through a political scene aren't going to be able to do it themselves, but having a few DB's ears can work.

For the Abyssals, I'd suggest making them renegade or something. An interesting concept would be an Abyssal or 2 trying to get in the graces of the Unconquered Sun. It's a nearly impossible longshot, but hey, with ST ingenuity, anything's possible. That'll also give the Solars a reason to help the Abyssals, instead of nuking them on principle alone.

The Sidereals and the Lunars, unfortunately I don't quite know enough about them at the time to give a decent reason. One thing that can probably work though are things like life debts. (Insert PC here) saved random Lunar or Sidereal's life, and now it's time to repay the favor.

Now, onto game balance. If the PC's complained after wanting to play a lower powered race than the rest of the group, I'd say change races or get over it, but if you want to balance things out, you can always boost the bonus points during character creation for the lower powered Exalts a bit, the make them on par with the others.


Now, onto game balance. If the PC's complained after wanting to play a lower powered race than the rest of the group, I'd say change races or get over it, but if you want to balance things out, you can always boost the bonus points during character creation for the lower powered Exalts a bit, the make them on par with the others.

Yeah I did decide to give them extra stuff to balance him out with the rest. Anyway I like the idea about the life debt cuz that would work out well with what I had in mind. As for the abyssal I was thinking about bringing in a new deathlord that no one knows about and him send the abyssal out to creat a new shadowland by any means possible. I think that could work for him. What do you think?
well the problim i see with the whole new shadowland tho is once the solars and everyone els find out then them abbys are fish food.  im thinking this game is supposed to be played like a anime right.. well and good anime has a rouge deamon or 2 that use there knowledge to help the good guys.  ie Drizzt dourden in forgotten relms.. came of age didnt like his ppl and left.. that could be a good enough way.

Perhaps the cult of the illuminade took a interest in the current party and sent some help ie the abysals.  they could work for the cult.. and with some storytelling skills u can work in with the PC's that there is a alterior motive.  perhaps trying to find some blue print to a 1st age artifact that the mask of winters wants to rebuld or something.

I am a newbie storyteller so i dont really know alt of the game but i read and have read alot of the core books so this is what i would do.. if i could find thsat many player. alas i am limited with only 3 ppl wanting to play =(
the easiest way i can think of to bring a group of characters like that together  comes with the first age. solars and abyssals are all just a matter of taint, they are in effect the same sort of essences so it is perfectly feasable that the party knew each other from the first times. sidreals are as immortal as the solars were so they themselves could have been around from the first age, failing that they can come under the gold faction. lunars were the ancient mates of the solar exalted so they again could know either solar or abyssal alike, as for the blooded the easiest answer is to have them as outcaste. occurring to me after this entire rant comes 4 simple words. "cult of the illuminated". sidreal mentors, solars trained up by them same as lunars, dragonblood retainers and they have at least one renegade abyssal.
the easiest way i can think of to bring a group of characters like that together  comes with the first age. solars and abyssals are all just a matter of taint' date=' they are in effect the same sort of essences so it is perfectly feasable that the party knew each other from the first times. sidreals are as immortal as the solars were so they themselves could have been around from the first age, failing that they can come under the gold faction. lunars were the ancient mates of the solar exalted so they again could know either solar or abyssal alike, as for the blooded the easiest answer is to have them as outcaste. occurring to me after this entire rant comes 4 simple words. "cult of the illuminated". sidreal mentors, solars trained up by them same as lunars, dragonblood retainers and they have at least one renegade abyssal.[/quote']
I do like the cult of the illuminated idea but the abyssals said taht he kinda wanted to be with the group and still work for a deathlord so that's what I came up with but I warned him that if anyone found out about the other players may react negatively and even kill him but he insist he wants to do it and he will take the risk so I guess I will let him besides I'm sure the players will come to some arrangement eventually. Well thanks for all the help guys I think I have enough info to make my game. Well thank you guys.
I've been planning a game with a mixed circle for a while.  Some things you can do is give the group a tremendous threat - something that will affect them all.  A rampaging behemoth, a invading army (as in the Autochtonians), a insane Dragon Blooded general on the warpath.  Work together or die.  Of course, you will have problems once the threat is over in keeping the team together.

Or, have some of the players know each other prior to the game.  Player A knows Player B, and Player B knows Player C.  Then you can have a meeting where Player B acts as a middle man to introduce the others to each other.
I'm getting ready to play in a mixed game. We have 3 Solars, 2 Lunars and i'm playing a Sidereal. My role as a Chosen of Secrets was to bring the group together for our mission. The group has a big background as we are all quite powerful and my character has been working to bring the group together for about 100 years. Our job in the game is to save Creation. Not fix it a bit here and there but to go and spank the Malfeans and the Yozis, to force out the bad Fae and sort out the Dragon Blooded. We've been gven 1000 XP to help us on our way. It's a big ass mission and we all have our parts to play which is core to making the campaign work. Because it is so open we can all play to our characters. The only thing with an idea like this is that as an ST you have to really know your stuff and be on your toes.

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