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Help Me! I'm Lonely! (Ignore Reply Count)


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hiya there. I'm an avid roleplayer and I'm on RPN nearly everyday. Even if I'm not posting, I'm probably lurking. Anyway, I'm looking for long term partners that like writing a usual minimum of 2 paragraphs. It fluctuates depending on how the story is going. For example, if only the two main character are present and having a conversation, the replies may only be a few lines long because the new reply depends on the previous. I'm very excitable and love romance. I'm usually stick to the modern tag but sometimes dabble in the others. I really only play female character (because I'm not confident in my writing as a male) but I may make an exception if you're really, really great and your really, really beg. I'm alright with playing side characters and I'm alright with all pairings.

Now, here is a summary of all the stuff I said up there in case you're lazy or you want a recap:

  • Online daily
  • Long-term
  • 2 paragraphs min (usually)
  • Romance is great!
  • Mostly modern
  • Will play side characters
  • Mainly play female
  • MxF/FxF/MxM are all cool

Reply or pm me with any ideas/questions/suggestions/concerns you have in mind!
Oh, well. I guess I can work with that. While I don't have any ideas at the moment, I'm sure that I can work something out with a bit of time. PM?
Hey there! I think we might be able to come up with a fun plot to RP between the two of us. I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to plots, quite comfortable with playing male characters. Hit me up on PM if you want and we can see if we can work something out between the two of us.
Hiya! I'd like to Rp with you! I'm pretty new to RP-nation but my free time allows me to be on here tons. Hit me up in like a PM or you can contact me by my email at: LlorrieBae@gmail.com I'm willing to do literally ANY role play topic or genre. and I mean any. Hit me up if you're interested and we can talk about some plot points and whatnot!
Hi! Um, if you're still looking for a long term rp partner, I could rp with you, I'm on every day most of the time and would love to have roleplays stacked up(don't mind this), so I don't get bored so easily~ we could talk about a plot over pms maybe?
I'm definitely interested. I have no problem playing the male role, PM me if you're interested.

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