Help me develop the Dark Globe multi-genre setting

Eske said:
I'm not sure - I agree that when total transformation takes place, something truly terrible you described. But perhaps PCs can be turned against their group but still be saved if they are fast enough?
Hmm, I was thinking that once someone gets transformed, there is no turning back. I think that before the humans can fuse together into the big Abomination, they will have to be turned enough so that they are a.not human anymore (both in appearance and behavior) and b.completely evil and corrupted. Once they are in that state, then they can fuse with more. (You could have enemies be more than one human fused. There could be bunches of monsters that are composed of 5-10 humans. They are more powerful than one transformed human.)

Eske said:
Good question! I think we should strive to keep the group in one era at a time. Maybe they need the combined power of the group to travel in time?

Changes in the timeline should be immediate. If the PCs go back in time and destroys a village that would have turned into Paris in the current era, Paris is gone.

This goes for the villains too; if they see an option to destroy something, like an Order stronghold by going back in time, they can do so. The players should get the chance to save it though.
Maybe while you have one setting going on, you could get glimpses of the other two depending on whether someone gets sent. Let's say character 1 is sent to the present during the fantasy setting. The RP would continue as normal, with the fantasy setting being the main setting at hand, while you have character 1 interacting in the present as a side thing. This could also show how things can be changed. You can have the characters in the fantasy setting do something game-changing, and you could see through character 1's perspective the effect said actions had.
So who exactly are the players? Are they all members of the order? Are there other factions?

Also, if it ends up as a linear RP, then it can proceed in arcs or chapters, with no need to work on the present or future setting yet since you'll end up building on on the world created by the first setting.

Which means you either remove the time travel aspect of the game OR make it the end game.

Past - Present - Future - Time Travel - Past.

If you do end up playing the 3 eras simultaneously, then...well, it would be more confusing since all 3 are linked.

(But more fun to play!). Players in the past will affect players in the present will affect players in the future.

And of course, there's the time travel.

And the Time Paradox. Going by your example, if the players in the past destroy a small village which is to be future Paris...then Paris won't exist anywhere in the present or the future. (Or maybe it would, but it would be radically changed. Areas can be rebuilt after all).

Are there multiple spheres btw? Is there a fixed number?
augmentedspartan said:
Hmm, I was thinking that once someone gets transformed, there is no turning back. I think that before the humans can fuse together into the big Abomination, they will have to be turned enough so that they are a.not human anymore (both in appearance and behavior) and b.completely evil and corrupted. Once they are in that state, then they can fuse with more. (You could have enemies be more than one human fused. There could be bunches of monsters that are composed of 5-10 humans. They are more powerful than one transformed human.)
Maybe while you have one setting going on, you could get glimpses of the other two depending on whether someone gets sent. Let's say character 1 is sent to the present during the fantasy setting. The RP would continue as normal, with the fantasy setting being the main setting at hand, while you have character 1 interacting in the present as a side thing. This could also show how things can be changed. You can have the characters in the fantasy setting do something game-changing, and you could see through character 1's perspective the effect said actions had.
I see what you mean; it is a sort of scientific approach to it. Once turned, no longer human. But maybe we could have a way to save the PC before he gets turned then? Let's think about that one.

Regarding time travel, I like those ideas a lot. Some great storytelling can be made there.

But how about this: to avoid breaking the game completely by having too many changes to the timeline, we could have the Order be against changing the timeline. That, or perhaps another faction that disallows it.

This means that the players will have to abide by the rules, and ask the Order if a change is alright. There could even be some tension between the Order and the group if it's really important. What do you think? 

Xan said:
So who exactly are the players? Are they all members of the order? Are there other factions?
Also, if it ends up as a linear RP, then it can proceed in arcs or chapters, with no need to work on the present or future setting yet since you'll end up building on on the world created by the first setting.

Which means you either remove the time travel aspect of the game OR make it the end game.

Past - Present - Future - Time Travel - Past.

If you do end up playing the 3 eras simultaneously, then...well, it would be more confusing since all 3 are linked.

(But more fun to play!). Players in the past will affect players in the present will affect players in the future.

And of course, there's the time travel.

And the Time Paradox. Going by your example, if the players in the past destroy a small village which is to be future Paris...then Paris won't exist anywhere in the present or the future. (Or maybe it would, but it would be radically changed. Areas can be rebuilt after all).

Are there multiple spheres btw? Is there a fixed number?
The players are members of the Order, perhaps a fringe group that takes care of special situations.

There are spheres placed all over the world in vast quantities. Some are large, some are small. That reflects their power too.

Regarding timetravel, I see the issues. Yes, having people in different eras would be fun and I think we should make that an option; the group simply decides how to play the game.

They can go linear or simultaneous depending on their playing situation.
Agree with @augmentedspartan. A transformation should be irreversible. If it's not, then there's no risk. I get what? I can just be saved.

As for saving the PC...from what I gathered, you get turned from too much exposure (which also means you have great amount of power). A jump in time can transform you as well. If we're going with this, then the only way to save/stop a PC from turning is for them not to use their powers at all.
Eske said:
I see what you mean; it is a sort of scientific approach to it. Once turned, no longer human. But maybe we could have a way to save the PC before he gets turned then? Let's think about that one.
Well, it would kinda take out the horror of being transformed if you could revert it. Its like death in fiction. You have some books/movies/etc.. in which characters can be brought back if they die. This makes character's deaths less impacting than in works that don't do that because if they die there is still a big change that you'll see them again.

So if the change is permanent, you could have the PCs be more careful when approaching the spheres. They could try to get a boost out of one, or just decide not to risk it. It makes the spheres be more of a threat if their changes are permanent.

Eske said:
Regarding time travel, I like those ideas a lot. Some great storytelling can be made there.
But how about this: to avoid breaking the game completely by having too many changes to the timeline, we could have the Order be against changing the timeline. That, or perhaps another faction that disallows it.

This means that the players will have to abide by the rules, and ask the Order if a change is alright. There could even be some tension between the Order and the group if it's really important. What do you think?
That works. Combine that with some common sense, and you'll have very few jumps. Put yourself in their shoes, you could try to jump into the future/past and try to use that to your advantage, but why risk it? For all you know you could end up dead or worse and do no good.

Xan said:
As for saving the PC...from what I gathered, you get turned from too much exposure (which also means you have great amount of power). A jump in time can transform you as well. If we're going with this, then the only way to save/stop a PC from turning is for them not to use their powers at all.
Its not about the usage of powers, but more about getting them. Once you get your power, you can use it as much as you want, it won't affect your "chance" with the spheres. However, if you try to get more powers out of them via exposure, then you get a riskier situation.
And I'm going to assume the GM would be playing ALL the NPCs? :}

Having asked that, who are the NPCs?
Xan said:
Agree with @augmentedspartan. A transformation should be irreversible. If it's not, then there's no risk. I get what? I can just be saved.
As for saving the PC...from what I gathered, you get turned from too much exposure (which also means you have great amount of power). A jump in time can transform you as well. If we're going with this, then the only way to save/stop a PC from turning is for them not to use their powers at all.
Xan said:
Agree with @augmentedspartan. A transformation should be irreversible. If it's not, then there's no risk. I get what? I can just be saved.
As for saving the PC...from what I gathered, you get turned from too much exposure (which also means you have great amount of power). A jump in time can transform you as well. If we're going with this, then the only way to save/stop a PC from turning is for them not to use their powers at all.
Yep, agreed - no turning back!
Would that mean then that a single exposure results in 1 power? Say...I'm exposed to a sphere and now I can fly and I can fly as often as I want without fear of being turned.

Now, if I want the ability to shoot fireballs out of my eyes, then I need another exposure. Yes?
Xan said:
Would that mean then that a single exposure results in 1 power? Say...I'm exposed to a sphere and now I can fly and I can fly as often as I want without fear of being turned.
Now, if I want the ability to shoot fireballs out of my eyes, then I need another exposure. Yes?
Yeah, something like that. You go to one sphere and you get a power (each sphere would do something different) or if you are really unlucky, you get deformities, or even turned.

Now, if you want to go and get another power, you would go to another sphere (or if you want to make your current power stronger, go to the same sphere) and what would happen would be the same. You get another power, get some mutations, or just get turned. It would depend the amount of exposure you had before and luck.
augmentedspartan said:
Well, it would kinda take out the horror of being transformed if you could revert it. Its like death in fiction. You have some books/movies/etc.. in which characters can be brought back if they die. This makes character's deaths less impacting than in works that don't do that because if they die there is still a big change that you'll see them again.
So if the change is permanent, you could have the PCs be more careful when approaching the spheres. They could try to get a boost out of one, or just decide not to risk it. It makes the spheres be more of a threat if their changes are permanent.

That works. Combine that with some common sense, and you'll have very few jumps. Put yourself in their shoes, you could try to jump into the future/past and try to use that to your advantage, but why risk it? For all you know you could end up dead or worse and do no good.

Its not about the usage of powers, but more about getting them. Once you get your power, you can use it as much as you want, it won't affect your "chance" with the spheres. However, if you try to get more powers out of them via exposure, then you get a riskier situation.
Yep, there need to be bad consequences to time travel (and sphere power in general).

Quick thought:

...maybe there's a void in the time dimension used for time travel where terrible entities roam the nothingmess, perhaps they are related to the spheres?

Or a completely new dimension that the players can travel to, where the big bad villains hide out, controlling the Earth? It could be a fun climax to the campaign. Just a thought. 

Xan said:
Would that mean then that a single exposure results in 1 power? Say...I'm exposed to a sphere and now I can fly and I can fly as often as I want without fear of being turned.
Now, if I want the ability to shoot fireballs out of my eyes, then I need another exposure. Yes?
We haven't really talked about what kind of powers you get from the spheres. I think we should make them more subtle, yet distinctive; mind control, telekinesis, and other powers specific to the spheres. Let's think about this one because it's going to shape the game.
Eske said:
Yep, there need to be bad consequences to time travel (and sphere power in general).
Quick thought:

...maybe there's a void in the time dimension used for time travel where terrible entities roam the nothingmess, perhaps they are related to the spheres?

Or a completely new dimension that the players can travel to, where the big bad villains hide out, controlling the Earth? It could be a fun climax to the campaign. Just a thought.
What if its the Abomination's home dimension? Like you could have an extremely slim change of being teleported into their dimension. Maybe you'll be there for a second, and then finish the jump. Or you could be stuck there for eternity (until they devour you). Maybe its some kind of glitch to the sphere that follows a signal back to their home, or its a "go home" button that they put there so that once the planet is turned, it can join them.

The creatures would know how to use the spheres obviously, since they created them.
augmentedspartan said:
Yeah, something like that. You go to one sphere and you get a power (each sphere would do something different) or if you are really unlucky, you get deformities, or even turned.
Now, if you want to go and get another power, you would go to another sphere (or if you want to make your current power stronger, go to the same sphere) and what would happen would be the same. You get another power, get some mutations, or just get turned. It would depend the amount of exposure you had before and luck.
I can see that working, but we should think about what kind of powers the players can get and how many and how easily. 

augmentedspartan said:
What if its the Abomination's home dimension? Like you could have an extremely slim change of being teleported into their dimension. Maybe you'll be there for a second, and then finish the jump. Or you could be stuck there for eternity (until they devour you). Maybe its some kind of glitch to the sphere that follows a signal back to their home, or its a "go home" button that they put there so that once the planet is turned, it can join them.
The creatures would know how to use the spheres obviously, since they created them.
Good thinking, I think it's neat that the evil beings have their own dimension and that players can get a foreshadowing of what goes on there. Obivously they would be killed if they ended up there too soon, but when they are strong enough (or maybe have destroyed or conquered enough spheres?), they stand a chance. 

Xan said:
And I'm going to assume the GM would be playing ALL the NPCs? :}
Having asked that, who are the NPCs?
I think we can give the GM the freedom to choose whether he plays them all or not.

Who are the NPCs? They are the members of the order - it's hierarchal, so at least a strong, interesting leader type there.

They are scared human beings who seek help from the chaos that invades their lives. Maybe a family member has been turned, and now they don't know what to do. Call the players.

Other NPCs; enemies who seek to use the spheres for their own goals. Maybe they succeed and become powerful wizards with a stronghold based on the sphere.

Npcs can be heads of state in the current era that seek help against the corrupted regimes of other countries where evil reigns.

The future has resistance fighters, new Order hierarchy, snitches that work for the Abominations, a human "police" instituted by the same evil.
Eske said:
I can see that working, but we should think about what kind of powers the players can get and how many and how easily.
It'll depend on probability. Think about the average deviation curve. You got 2-3 powers as the average, then it goes down in probability to 4-5 powers, or just 1 power. There could be one in a millionth chance of being turned in the first try, or one in a quadrillionth chance of being able to get all the powers without turning.

For the powers themselves, I like your idea of it being subtle rather than being able to trow fire or shoot lasers. Maybe even weird powers, like being able to have body parts exist in other dimensions, but still be attached to them (think Mi-go from Lovecraft) or being able to access and extra dimension so that when you walk one step, you would be moving a mile while still being on earth.

Eske said:
Good thinking, I think it's neat that the evil beings have their own dimension and that players can get a foreshadowing of what goes on there. Obivously they would be killed if they ended up there too soon, but when they are strong enough (or maybe have destroyed or conquered enough spheres?), they stand a chance.
I was imagining the creatures be semi-omnipotent. They would be nearly un-killable and have all the powers from the spheres. After all the powers from the spheres would be THEIR powers that they implanted into the spheres to spread to other life forms. So even if you had several powers, you would be screwed facing one.
augmentedspartan said:
It'll depend on probability. Think about the average deviation curve. You got 2-3 powers as the average, then it goes down in probability to 4-5 powers, or just 1 power. There could be one in a millionth chance of being turned in the first try, or one in a quadrillionth chance of being able to get all the powers without turning.
For the powers themselves, I like your idea of it being subtle rather than being able to trow fire or shoot lasers. Maybe even weird powers, like being able to have body parts exist in other dimensions, but still be attached to them (think Mi-go from Lovecraft) or being able to access and extra dimension so that when you walk one step, you would be moving a mile while still being on earth.

I was imagining the creatures be semi-omnipotent. They would be nearly un-killable and have all the powers from the spheres. After all the powers from the spheres would be THEIR powers that they implanted into the spheres to spread to other life forms. So even if you had several powers, you would be screwed facing one.
re:powers - this is really important. I like your ideas about "weird" powers. There are a lot of options, so let's give it some thought. What kind of powers would you like to see, Xan? 
@Xan and @augmentedspartan

Some notes:

We're in development, which means that we have made no final choices about any of the game elements. They are all subject to change, even including the setting name Dark Globe, should that be relevant.

It's important that we voice our opinions and keep to our guns regarding which directions we each want the game to take. Therefore you should think like you have a veto-power against ideas that you feel makes the game worse.

When we finally agree on all the game elements, we can begin putting them together. The end result will be a lot better if we all have visions of what the game should be like.

Hope that made sense.
Makes sense!

Just catching up since I was afk for a bit.

Perhaps we could start listing the game's facts (while we continue to brainstorm) so we can use them as a starting point to build the rest of the story. We could refer to these points moving forward.

First, the spheres:

(this is what I understand so far)

1. There are countless spheres.

2. A sphere destroyed in an older era won't exist in a newer one.

3. The sphere was created by an alien race.

4. A sphere can do four things:

a. grant a specific power

b. cause deformities

c. turn someone into a monster

d. become a portal to a different era

Yes? No?
it's yes!

I was literally going to do a list as my next move, so we can keep organised.

Your list contains all the elements,but I'd like to change the wording a little.

1. There are countless spheres of different sizes all over the world

2. Time Causality in the 3 eras

3. The sphere was created by an alien race.

4. The origin and purpose of the spheres are unknown to most, except the Order

a. Spheres emit metaphysical energy with various properties

b. PCs can learn to use the sphere energy, but at a price

c. The spheres corrupt everything, the human mind and body.

d. The spheres act as dimensional ports for the alien race

9. Some spheres can be used as time machines with fixed destinations in space-time

10. The PC belong to an Order with one objective: to destroy the evil that emanates from the spheres.

There are more elements, let's add them all.
I have a list of questions too. (And you've answered some with this list!)

Oh, and is this meant to be like a tabletop game? Or mostly written RP?
bring on the questions!

I think this game could be both tabletop and PbP. Let's keep both options open. 
I forget if I posted this snippet of text, so here we go:

A great catastrophe in the 1400s deactivates and hides the spheres from human touch, but the 100 years of interaction with the spheres has created a cultural history unlike our own. The texts from this period provide the research field of the horror genre setting.

The horror setting portrays a contemporary world, where the hidden spheres begin to corrupt and destroy human civilization through terror and chaos. The spheres have been lost since the 1400s, but the discovery and activation of a single sphere triggers a series of consequences and unleash chaotic horror upon the modern world. Spheres are either operating on their own, or they are used for evil by cults and power-hungry maniacs. Corporations are interested due to the value of the sphere’s powers. Stories revolve around finding the necessary information to stop the evil that leaks from the spheres. You can play the setting any way you want; psychological horror, action-horror, investigative horror or a mix of those.
So, I haven't known if this has been answered yet, but what capabilities to these orbs allow once a beholder attains one?
Hyydra said:
So, I haven't known if this has been answered yet, but what capabilities to these orbs allow once a beholder attains one?
This is an important question, and we're leaving it open for suggestions, since it will have such a great influence on how the game runs.

Share any ideas on it.
Well, within the cause of there are countless spheres, but yet different time eras, I say the powers differ. WIthin the past era, I would suggest a more advanced power, such as modern day or futuristic. They would not know how to control it exactly, but they have the most powerful potential. Things this would allow I'd suggest small catastrophic events such as a temporary black hole, or spawning a strange organism.

As for the modern time era, I suggest that they have the second most powerful, but struggle to bare it. They are capable with most of what the orb allows them, but will still struggle with it physically and mentally. Their capabilities will grow stronger with every achievement, but then fall with every defeat.

As for futuristic, which I presume as the third era, yes? I say they are capable of mastering all that the orb gives them, but only a lesser power benefits. They are strong in numbers, but alone their skills for surviving are futile.

With all of this, I say that the physical mutations occur to benefit the wielders. Such as the Futuristic, they are weak with the abilities but their physical bodies can be improved, such as immense muscle growth or brain capacity.
Hyydra said:
Well, within the cause of there are countless spheres, but yet different time eras, I say the powers differ. WIthin the past era, I would suggest a more advanced power, such as modern day or futuristic. They would not know how to control it exactly, but they have the most powerful potential. Things this would allow I'd suggest small catastrophic events such as a temporary black hole, or spawning a strange organism.
As for the modern time era, I suggest that they have the second most powerful, but struggle to bare it. They are capable with most of what the orb allows them, but will still struggle with it physically and mentally. Their capabilities will grow stronger with every achievement, but then fall with every defeat.

As for futuristic, which I presume as the third era, yes? I say they are capable of mastering all that the orb gives them, but only a lesser power benefits. They are strong in numbers, but alone their skills for surviving are futile.

With all of this, I say that the physical mutations occur to benefit the wielders. Such as the Futuristic, they are weak with the abilities but their physical bodies can be improved, such as immense muscle growth or brain capacity.
Good stuff right there.

I agree that the spheres should have different properties in each era. I like the idea that people don't know enough about the spheres to really control them 100% in the fantasy era. Some catastrophes could help create an interesting alternative history for Europe (or any other place in the world).

Another point: In general, people don't need to know anything about Europe, because of the changed timeline. Some people would find it intimidating playing in a strictly historical setting, we should avoid that.

I also agree with the part about mutation from the spheres: It definitely is important that the afflicted become stronger, since they represent many of the enemies of the Order. The options for mutations are endless, as you suggest: brain power, muscle, "magical" abilities....

First off: your suggestion of "orb" instead of "sphere" - how do people feel about that? More accurate?
I find it more accurate and simpler to describe it as. Being it a sphere has an endless description, sphere of plastic, metal sphere, etc. Orbs as well have that property, but are moreso used to describe supernatural items such as what we speak of here.
Hyydra said:
I find it more accurate and simpler to describe it as. Being it a sphere has an endless description, sphere of plastic, metal sphere, etc. Orbs as well have that property, but are moreso used to describe supernatural items such as what we speak of here.
No arguing against that. So unless we figure something really neat about using the word "sphere", maybe we should go with orb instead?

One thing though: Does orb indicate that we're talking about a small object? Can an orb be huge?
Orbs can vary on size, but the shape remains. Be it as large as a mountain or as small as a gold ball, it can be determined as an orb, or simply a relic.

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