HellSide HighSchool

Name- laurette gremory

Gender- female

Age- 30

Personality- a psychotic and twisted soul, believes in extreme punishment and takes great pleasure in it.


History- originally abused by her father, she had enough and bashed his skull in with a baseball bat. By the time she was twenty she was able to become the queen of gregory army

Pure Blood? If so which family- gregory

Devil/Angel/Fallen Angel?- angel

Sacred Gear- though nothing mystical she has a state of different emotional stances (rage - fury stance, sadness - defence)

Pets/Familiars?- none

What Rank do you want?- queen

Other- she drinks energy drinks to give her a high boost of energy and she whips her own back to experiance pleasure
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sorry to say but the Gremory must have Red hair and they cant not be Fallen Angels the fallen angels are the ones the got turn down by god but they are will to work for him and get back into heaven.



Personality- kinda shy and not good at making friends do to his awkward silence pissing people off


History- never knowing his parents zero lived in a orphanage for most hi life till he found a nice after school job to pay for his own apartment and take care of himself the school heard of what he was doing and offered a free spot in the school so he took and now its his first day and you can guess how nervous he is

Pure Blood? If so which family- not pure blood and will just wait till recruited by a family to change this

Devil/Angel/Fallen Angel?- human now but probably get changed to devil later

Sacred Gear- none


What Rank do you want?- none yet let king that recruits me choose

Other- none

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