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Realistic or Modern Hellsfield Asylum


Sassy Wild Horse




Sexual Orientation:


History: This should include why you came to Hellsfield.



Other/Special Situations:

Name: Bandit Carlile


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (taken by Camden <3)

Personality: quiet, shy, hyper, awkward, introverted

History: Bandit was always different around his parents, being a closeted teen wasn't easy. However, when they did find out, he began acting out being they're weren't supportive of his sexual orientation. He started using drugs and smoking. He would also go out drinking. Bandit went through a long period of depression and started cutting, but his boyfriend help get him through this though he continued drinking. He got into a car accident, nearly killing a friend. It was then that his parents decided he was to out of control and go him sent to Hellsfield.

Medication(Y/N): anxiety, ADHD, and sleeping pills.

Psychiatrist(Y/N): N/A

Other/Special Situations: ADHD and he enjoys fighting other teens here.
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Name: Edward Michael Gildcrest


Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Personality: caring, protective, understanding, solitary, reserved (especially about the past and why he's in Hellsfield)

History: Edward decided to take Artemis and his girlfriend out camping the one day. Edward put them in the car and as they were heading there he got into an accident. In the accident, he lost his girlfriend and Artemis went into a coma. He tried to get them out of the car and when he did he suffered a wound on his left arm that would turn into a scar. He called 9-1-1 and went with them to the hospital. He got them both checked in and figuring that he would lose his sister as well, he left the hospital. He completely changed that day, for he now goes to drinks, smokes, and does other certain drugs to help deal with the loss. Later on, he was put into Hellsfield Asylum due to numerous police reports on drug busts and alcoholic rage.

Medication(Y/N): Yes: anti-depressants and anxiety meds

Psychiatrist(Y/N): Yes

Other/Special Situations: Scar on his left arm and bronze dragon tattoo along his shoulder-blade with his sister's name in Kanji.
Name: Camden Alexander Evans

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-5_16-26-18.png.6e5a351b29b9904185a48fa2c0945bdb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-5_16-26-18.png.6e5a351b29b9904185a48fa2c0945bdb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (taken by Bandit <3)

Personality: rebellious, extroverted, flirty, adventurous, sarcastic, stubborn and smart

History: Camden was always a troubled kid. When he was 15 he started experimenting with drugs. His parents tried to get him off of them, but Camden refused. He also started cutting at one point due to constantly fighting with his parents. His dad would beat on him and abused him. It became so bad that at one point he had to pull a knife on his dad to protect himself. He decided to run away from home so he could keep feeding his addiction. This didn't work long however, his parents found him and quickly sent him to Hellsfield. Even now he still finds ways to use, always making sure the psychiatrists and nurses aren't looking.

Medication(Y/N): No

Psychiatrist(Y/N): Y/N

Other/Special Situations: He's protective of his boyfriend so be careful what you say around him. He also likes to tattoo his body with marker.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-5_16-28-15.png.17309eb62a3ffa52efbd51d350fa5754.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-5_16-28-15.png.17309eb62a3ffa52efbd51d350fa5754.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Janet 'Jinx'


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/0mri-2.jpg.3bbd55f191de711bd69c73986873367a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/0mri-2.jpg.3bbd55f191de711bd69c73986873367a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 20

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Personality: Deranged. Has a very big interest in weapons, bullets, and loud noises such as gunshots. Stays up all night talking to her stuffed bear, or moving around her room. When she does sleep, she sleeps under the bed. She likes to hum nursery rhymes, some more sinister sounding then others. All around, she never seems sad unless she's mad. Usually she'll talk about somehting that sounds like nonsense or something like that.

History: Been born insane. She was taken to Hellsfield at a young age and has been there ever since. She even has her own chair and corner she sits in, watching everyone very closely. One thing she hates, sitting still. SHe is always fidgeting or twitching violently.

Medication(Y/N): Surprisingly no, most of the doctors seem to cant find the direct cause of her insanity.

Psychiatrist(Y/N): N

Other/Special Situations: Has made several escape attempts and is known for finding and crafting stabbing weapons. She watches outside, claiming her cat Fishbones is standing there everyday and she will find a way to get to him

Name: Devin


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f49f3bc_14-1(3).jpg.da14bb9a1b410824e23d6101cfe3f00c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f49f3bc_14-1(3).jpg.da14bb9a1b410824e23d6101cfe3f00c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 24

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Personality: Calm and hard to shake, working in an asylum for years has helped her gain posture and almost emotionless state of mind toward anyone who says something weird or does something dangerous.

History: Working at Hellsfield as a nurse to help pay for her life. Previously a tattoo artist she was fired and replaced with a better artist.

Medication(Y/N): N

Psychiatrist(Y/N): M

Other/Special Situations: N



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Aleena Meredith Carter


They also represent her "fashion style/sense", though she doesn't consider it a fashion, she considers it: wearing clothes because that's what mother chuckin people do!


Her hands are wrapped because of burns, they take a while to heal so she is always wearing them, but she does change them when she needs to, and takes themn off only when she has a shower. They are clean and washed unless she dirties them on purpose.






Sexual Orientation:

Straight as a Pencil

((If you have any thoughts, PM me))


Aleena is just how you would expect an Insane 21 year old to be. Though she can be flirty and hyper and loud, she is the quiet mumbling type so talking and things will need patience with her. She doesn't have enough patience for herself though. She is the type of girl with a tom-boy attitude, behaviour, and personality around her. She thinks she doesn't fit in anywhere, that she is a unique personality. But you can see for yourself. Here are a few words to describe the two-face that is Aleena Meredith Carter:



Aleena was born in mostly sunny Australia, to two Castilian parents, from Central America to be exact. They migrated to Australia in 1975 and had Aleena in 1979. She grew up quite well and was a very smart little girl. But her parents began to see a big difference in her attitude compared to other "normal" children and they kept a good eye on her. Things seemed to smoothen out as she got older and her parents started to worry less. But, when she was in her later years of highschool, and Aleena had been acting very strange throughout her school years. She finally one day took her "Insanity" and threw it onto the school in the form of fire. Literally.m She tried to set fire to the school and was immdiately met with horrific actions by the police and even her poor old parents. She quite pittied them in fact. "Let's be alone together." She spent a year in jail and had a few people come in, but no-one could help her and she just got worse and worse as time went on. Finally, here parents did their research and they found "Hellsfield Asylum". Thinking and hoping it was the best they sent her right over, without even saying goodbye, you can imagine that would haev made her even worse. She has spent a year at the Asylum, and she has acquainted herself with everybody. Of course, except for the new people. She'll be seeing them soon. Maybe they can play a game.



She sufferes from the basic "Insanity" and she also suffers from "Maladaptive Dreaming", "Maladaptive Day-Dreaming", "Scizophrenia", and different variations of hallucinations and delusions or "Psychosis." And she is a "Pyromaniac."



Yes, but she doesn't listen to him, she is always day dreaming during their sessions anyways. Once in a blue moon she will snap out of it and delve deep into a conversation you would never think someone her age a state would speak of. Like the Theory of Relativity for example.


Other/Special Situations:

+ Aleena owns a skateboard and when she goes to her room she likes to ride it around the hall, she will even ride it in the common room around the other patients, but sometimes she gets in trouble. Sometimes. She has even made past deal's with the security to let her ride outside for a little bit, on the concrete courtyard and such, in return she wouldn't ride inside. But don't be fooled, it isn't jjust a pass time. Aleena is very skilled on the board, and if she could ride at a proper skate park she would put anyone else to shame.

+ Aleena labsolutely loves to sing, fear not, as her voice is quite the beauty and she can do a range of things with it. She often sings a little louder than usual in her room but she isn't afraid to sing in the common, around the others, she finds it quite nice when the special few gather to listen to her haunting yet melodic tunes. Though not all are melancholy, she does know how to "brighten" up a room.

+ If Aleena see's fire, no-one is allowed to touch or see or do anything with it but her. It amazes her and she doesn't touch it often, but when she does she gets bad burns and wrecks the healing of the ones she already has. The only burns she has are on her hands, no-where else. She isn't stupid.

+ She loves to tell Riddles in her spare time, often using them in her daily speech too

+ If she gets caught in a bad dream, or a nightmare. You won't enjoy the screams that emit from her room, or any other noises for that matter. It can take some time to wake her up and then you have to calm her down...

+ You won't like the screams that emit from a certain room when she breaks the rules. Unles your that kind of person, which in that case, enjoy...

+ She likes to draw on the walls in the room, but she always washes it off when she is done...

+ Often she sneaks into other people's rooms through the window, if they have one, she scales the building to get there, from her window. And all because she can't sleep.

+ Aleena doesn't give a sh#t


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Name: Kana Miushi


Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: He has Multiple Personality Disorder. He has 3 personalities all together, including himself that reveal other sides of him. Kana is normally a reserved, but kind-hearted teen. However, his other personalities are much to be considered. One of his personalities is an all out schizophrenic psycho, where he would hear voices and be like any of the normal patients in an Asylum. His second personality is more of the depressive and suicidal side.

History: When growing up he lived with his parents and all seemed normal. When he was 18 years old, however, one of his personalities kicked and killed his parents, along with his sister Laria. When police arrived at the scene no one knew what was going on, not even Kana. They took Kana in and ran some tests on him. When they saw he suffered from MPD they threw him into Hellsfield Asylum rather than putting him in jail. He's been here for a year now and knows some of the patients, he would rather keep to himself more than anything.



Haloperidol by injection (Haldol) or by mouth

Risperidone (Risperdal)



Psychiatrist(Y/N): N/A at the current time

Other/Special Situations:

He can go from various personalities rather quickly so it's hard to pinpoint which one he is.

They go by the names "K" (schizo) and "Ken" (depressive)

Has multiple scars all over his body from various attempts on suicide.

Name: Fallen Kent Jones

Age: 19 1/2

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual

Personality: Fallen has night terrors, recurrent brief depression, as well as selective mutism.

History: Fallen started as a normal kid, however when someone broke into their house and killed his parents in front of him he became rather selective on who he would communicate with. After watching his parents die he suffered from night terrors as well, reliving that day. He has gotten used to them however and views it as normal being he has had them since he was about five. He decided he want to get revenge on the person who took his parents from him, upon finding them he killed their whole family without giving it a second thought. Being he was about thirteen when this happened, he was sent to Hellsfield. He still hasn't talked to anyone here despite being here for six years now. He generally keeps to himself, not even looking at anyone. He never listens to the nurses and that's why he normally has to be held down to get his medication and other things.

Medication(Y/N): Y (for night terrors and anti-depressants)

Psychiatrist(Y/N): Y

Other/Special Situations: Although he's quiet he knows a lot about the people being he just sits around and listens to them.

Candy Livitz


Age || 20

Gender || Female

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Personality || Despite all that has happened thus far including any hard times and being sent to Hellsfield, Candy manages to keeps an upbeat attitude. She always tries to make fun of the situation rather than immediately sulking or mourning over it. But that's only a piece of Candy. (Haha) There are a few parts to her. The normal, passive, default Candy that involves being positive and loads of energy. Then there's the part that only tends to come out when she is angry. This Candy is ruthless and spiteful. She doesn't show moral conscious and can be very rebelious. Then there is one that involves being scared and sad. This Candy will shut herself off and might even hide for awhile. Candy refers to herself as "We" and "they" because of her multiple personalities. I guess you can say there's a lot of flavors to Candy. (Pun #2~)

History || Candy always had her mood swings but her parents figured it to be growing and coming of age. It didn't seem like a problem until she went from smiling and laughing, one second, to nearly killing her mother with a steak knife in the kitchen. The couple had always sort of feared their daughter but at the same time, had hope for the child. That day all hope was lost and they disowned her as a child in their hearts. To them, Candy is nothing but a burden. They put her in Hellsfield and visit now and again. Unfortunately they only come to alleviate their guilty conscious. They know it, the staff knows it, and Candy knows it. Therefor, these times can be rather unpleasant.

|| Medications ||

Triazolam - For Insomnia

Aripiprazole - For Bipolar Disorder/Anti-Psychotics

Oxymetholone - For Anemia

|| Psychiatrist ||

Dr. Vindavis

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Name: Monica Reed

(I hope it is okay I used an anime picture. I can probably find something else if you really want me to but I am not used to realistic pictures, so...)

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Monica is normally very sweet, to the point you'd wonder why she was even there. But she is very manipulative when she wants to be. When she doesn't get her way she tends to whine and kick. She hates needles and things like that though so she tends to behave better if a nurse has a needle around or she knows there is one in access. She tends to have childish traits such as playing with dolls or randomly babbling about random things.

History: Monica was abandoned by her parents when she was 6. She still doesn't know why. She was almost instantly adopted but she didn't like her new parents at all. In her young mind they were parent-napping monsters, because she couldn't understand why. She began acting out around 7 years old, after beginning to see and hear things that didn't exist. Whenever she acted out or tried telling about the "voices" she got beaten by her new dad. She dealt with this until she was 11. She ran away, but got caught soon after. The cops deemed her mentally unfit and after she acted out again threw her into Hellfield. She has finally come to accept this is probably her new home. In her spare time she draws what she's feeling, or just doodles.

Medication(Y/N): Y

Psychiatrist(Y/N): Y

Other/Special Situations: I can't think of anything else, except the green hair was something she did to act out.
Name: Carmen Salvatore



Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Carmen doesn't trust people easily. She is slow to open up, but very loyal to those that prove their worth. She is often nervous, seen wringing her hands and observing her surroundings in a paranoid manner. She's a runner and tries with all her might to avoid confrontation. Carmen has always been the outcast and likes it that way. She prefers being alone to being around other people. If scared, she acts like a cornered animal. She has a fierce sense of self preservation.

History: Carmen grew up a child of domestic violence. Not only was she herself a victim, but she watched her mother suffer for the duration of her life. Her father was a relentless monster, claiming he meant to help her. When her father killed her mother, he turned on Carmen, but her instincts kicked in and she did the same to him. The doctors blamed it on her and threw her in hellfield, saying she killed her family in a psychotic break.

Medication(Y/N): Y

Psychiatrist(Y/N): Y

Other/Special Situations

I'm new here so hopefully this works. Let me know if I need to change anything. :)
Name: Noella Parks

(yes as you've probably figured out I have a Dangan Ronpa obsession don't judge lol)

Age: She tells everyone she's 19....she actually just turned 17

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Personality: Noella has a split personality, the other one's name is Lucy (Noella is left, Lucy is right. Kinda chose that pic on purpose for that reason):

Noella is pretty reserved and keeps to herself, and almost always has a book in her hands. When she does talk to people she occassionally stutters and sometimes is asked to speak up. She hates blood and may freak out at the sight of it (thus she sometimes has panic attacks regarding the vandalism...). She doesn't trust others easily but tends to not show it.

Lucy is as opposite as opposite can be. Lucy is very bold-mouthed and stubborn, and while she does enjoy a good conversation, things can get pretty heated fast. She claims that she "scares people" but has no clue why. She rarely gets physically aggressive but she is very manipulative otherwise. Be careful around her, hehe.

History: Noella's parents didn't believe her when she said she had a split personality, and was even beaten for it. They thought she was lying to get away with bad behaviors. She got depressed and ran away, and after being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she was caught by police and thrown in Hellsfield for a crime that she was capable of but did not commit. At first she fought the authorities but came to accept she had no choice.

Medication: No (her parents didnt believe she was ill and the few pills she had tried made her go off the wall)

Psychiatrist: No

Other/Special Situations:

-Lucy appears when Noella gets too nervous, scared, or angry, or occassionally when she is too bored

-Noella is sometimes nicknamed "Novella" for her obsession with books

-She just got here a couple days ago and unlike Monica does not know anyone prior. She's a new face. Just thought I'd clarify.

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