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Fantasy Hell's War



In 2023, the appearance of non-humans sky rocketed. To "solve" this, the dominating species, humans, chose to separate every species by a wall. The walls took over half a century to build, even with modern technology. At that point everyone was forced to go into their respective places, triggering mass havoc as they tried to escape or kill those who took them in.

Three hundred years later, the walls are being torn down. Things are not like they used to be, when the creatures lived in hiding. It's hell. It wasn't the greatest idea to take down the walls, as after they were released, a quiet war started as all species tried to kill each other off without being caught, as century-old hatred has returned. Maybe they shouldn't have put them up in the first place.

Welcome to the war.

*See Overview



Blair walked the streets, stopping outside a club and watching as people went in and out. Because vampires and ghouls didn't age normally, if you had proof that you were one, you could enter the club. For the others, you had to be eighteen or have a fake ID. She walked up to the line and waited until it got to her. She'd actually only recently stopped aging, as she was naturally born a vampire and stopped aging when she turned seventeen, less than a year ago. To the bouncer she flashed a fanged grin in his direction before passing into the building. She took off her coat and set it on a stool by the counter to the bar. She dug a twenty dollar bill out of her pocket and put it down, telling him the order.​


Vincent Hellsing

Vincent, a creepy looking ghoul, was wondering the streets, watching as the young people were going out to all of the different clubs, that ran in the night time. People stared at him, as he walked by, mostly because of his appearance, attire especially. He was wearing crimson clothing with black boots and a white top, underneath a black one. The long tie, that he had on, swished about with the night time wind as he walked.

"I wonder how many people have been killed, today."

He thought about the other Ghouls that he did not know. He knew a lot of them were even more ruthless with their hunting than he was, but the thought of blood and guts sprawled around them made him want to try it himself. He wasn't as horrible when he killed though. He'd take his victim and trick them into allowing him to take blood from them, every night, until they died.

"I just hope my little dear is ready to be feasted apon, tonight."

He smiled wickedly to himself and took a detour, into a local bar. Once he stepped through the doors, he got a few looks from the mounts of "Tough Men" sitting around.

"We don't allow cos players in this here bar, so get out."

One drunk man stood up at the sight of Vincent, knife in hand.

"Cos player? How dare you. This here is a lovely suit passed down from my, now dead, family."

Vincent replied, obviously not affected by the knife he was wielding. He had dealt with drunk men before, so this wasn't a surprise to him. The man walked toward him in a threatening manor, stumbling here and there before slashing the knife across Vincent's face, which caused an amount of blood to slide down his face. Once knocked back, Vincent pulled two guns, one black, the other silver, from his red suit

"An eye for an eye."

He simply said, smiling wider as he pulled both triggers, knocking the man down, as the bullets penetrated the skin of his body. One bullet landed in his eye, whilst the other one struck his stomach.

Reanne Rea was in a local bar, sitting amongst the horde of drunk men. She was disgusted. Whenever she would go to the bartender, wolf whistles echoed throughout the room, making her want to snap everyone's necks in the room.

"Pathetic." She muttered as she drank her glass of scotch. A weird looking dude wearing crimson entered the room and caused a ruckus. He shot a man in the head, but that didnt faze her at all. In fact, it annoyed her.

"What a nuisance."

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