
ArtimiFlare said:
I'm Artimi, but you all can call me "Art". There really isn't much to say. Except maybe that I love Rping, writing, reading, anime, manga, and yes yaoi. I am a bit of a grammar freak, make that an english lit freak. I guess if you want to know more, all you need to do is ask. I won't bite.
Hi there! Welcome to RPdom! Rask is the name (well, character/alter ego name), but you can call me Az if you like.

~Rask barges in with a growl, causing poor Az to jump~

A new recruit, eh? Seems a little stringy...

~Az twitches and smacks Rask, then shoves the old Captain back into the depths of her twisted little mind~

She isn't for eating! Stop that! Anywho...

I hope you have many fantastic RP's and fun times! Yaoi fangirls unite!

(P.S. Don't mind me... I'm a little nuts...)

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