

Recanion Sunshine
Hi! My name is Shiona and I'm going to introduce myself a little.

I live in Germany, and am older then 25. I like to think that I am pretty literate, but English is my second language, and I hope you can tolerate small mistakes (for example, I always confuse then and than, and am often to lazy to look it up again).

Most of my roleplaying took place on different LOGDs, but it has been maybe 7 years since my last rp? (LOGDs are pretty much dead now, as you can see, I linked the english main LoGD server, and there are maybe 5 people online at most).

I've never tried a fandom roleplay, but I do enjoy reading fanfictions a lot! So I assume that would be similar to a collaborative fanfiction? In terms of fandoms, I absolutely love Harry Potter, Once upon a time (the first few seasons, anyway), Buffy (and Angel, I guess), and several others, mainly whatever series I happen to watch at the time.

Aside from that, I've always ever played male characters - I guess I never even tried a female character.

Mostly I've played fantasy and/or medieval type of roleplays, but I guess I could work with a realistic settings (through I do enjoy vampires/fantasy creatures a lot)

I don't really know what else to tell you, but if you want to know anything (or are there certain standards one should mention? Like, in an application?) feel free to ask. I'm pretty open about most things.

Well, hi :)
Hi shiona and welcome! Its good to see you still up for some roleplay. Here there's tons of things and various people who will accompany you on your journey. Anyway lol have fun!
Thank you Layos! How long have you been here? What was your experience so far?
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