
Dreaming Phoenix

Unlucky Member
My name is Andrew. I came up with my forum name on the fly, but I rather like it.I'm interested in roleplaying in general, but right now I'll probably only be looking for a one-on-one roleplay (if anyone will rp with me :3). I've already got an idea in mind as to what sort of rp I want it to be, but that's not for here :)

So introductions! I'm 19, and a guy. I'm currently in the middle of developing a game so I don't have a substantial amount of time on my hands - but I still have enough time to not impact on any roleplays I join! (taking too long to post I mean). I'm also a writer, but unpublished as of yet. I was writing my first major project actually when a game idea sort of sidelined me. So I had to put it down and focus on the game project over the writing haha.

beyond that, I like many things. I love gaming, which I do often. Writing and game development are careers, as I've mentioned, so yeah. I also love admiring other people's art! I wish I was good at art, but alas I wasn't blessed in that area. Still, if you have any cool art please show me! I'll shower you with praise :)

I also like to watch anime, read manga, watch movies and tv-shows. I like reading, but I don't like comics (even though I like manga haha I know). I love rapping/karaoke but I'm not that great at it! Still, it's a great deal of fun (very embarrassing though :c). I also love to hike! But I haven't really done that lately. I guess it's not so much the hiking, but I really enjoy the serenity of nature when I go for walks. Hikes are just one of the best ways to enjoy it. unfortunately, none of my family members understand that haha, they don't stop talking!

I haven't gone overseas, but I would love to sometime. I've always wanted to go to japan, but unfortunately I'm really terrible at learning languages and I won't go there without showing the proper respect of at least learning the basics of their language. So I'd have to spend a lot of time wrapping my head around it (and I mean a LOT I'm really bad at learning other languages). Oh, I didn't say where I come from! I live in Australia. I love this country, but the gamers here are...not the greatest, to put it lightly. I love having oceanic servers for the games I play now, but at the same time I really miss the friends i had from other countries while there weren't any. They were amazing, and I had some of my greatest times with them :) I know I sound harsh with the oceanic communities, but I'm really being honest. it's not that they're bad people, it's more me then them I guess.

I have a lot more to say, but i should stop here. I'm ranting. Okay bye!

and Hello!
Hello Andrew, AKA Dreaming Phoenix, Mother is pleased with you.

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

I can tell, instantly, that you are a reader for your prose is pleasing to the virtual ears. Obviously you know how to put a sentence together. That and your grammar is pleasing as well. You will, undoubtedly, find other people here who share your affection for both anime and manga. There are quite a few writers here as well. I would say you are in good company. If you wish to see people's art work then you can find plenty of it in the gallery tap up top. Some people use the gallery as a place to store pictures they use for characters for various RPs. Take a look around and see if there is something that floats your boat.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.

We do have a few house rules which can be found here: INFO - Official Site Rules | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

They're fairly easy to follow. In fact, if you click on this link: Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum just about all your answers will be answered.

To find an RP, click on the Roleplays tab, scroll through the genres and find something you like. If it's open, ask the ST if you can join.

Have fun and do be a good Child,

Mother Xylin
Welcome Dreaming Phoenix, to :RpN:! I enjoy the peace hiking gives me as well. :wizardHappy:
aaaa welcome!

im really bad at learning languages as well so don't worry! im like, moderately good at french :^)
fittens said:
aaaa welcome!
im really bad at learning languages as well so don't worry! im like, moderately good at french :^)
Yay I'm not alone haha! I think it's why I also really struggle at programming, since it's really like learning another language - even though im a game developer! Luckily I'm good at narrative and design so that's what I do haha. Maybe I'm just not cut out for languages.

I think it'd be cool to be able to speak another language though. That's it! I'm going to promise myself to learn at least one other language in my lifetime! I shouldn't have said that...too late haha.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)
[QUOTE="Dreaming Phoenix]Yay I'm not alone haha! I think it's why I also really struggle at programming, since it's really like learning another language - even though im a game developer! Luckily I'm good at narrative and design so that's what I do haha. Maybe I'm just not cut out for languages.
I think it'd be cool to be able to speak another language though. That's it! I'm going to promise myself to learn at least one other language in my lifetime! I shouldn't have said that...too late haha.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)

DUDE IM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE RIGHT NOW AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF IT! and dude hit me up with your games! have you played undertale?

(also sorry for the late reply i totally died and like resurrected myself)
fittens said:
DUDE IM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE RIGHT NOW AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF IT! and dude hit me up with your games! have you played undertale?
(also sorry for the late reply i totally died and like resurrected myself)
haha! Unfortunately, I'm developing my first game as of this moment so I can't show you any games I've made :( I can put you down as a tester though if you want, when we get to that stage. And yep I've played undertale ^^ it's a great game, if a little overhyped. The models been done quite a few times before, albeit the design this time was really well done.
"Aghhh racghh assf x3x" Was my reaction when I read your post! You seem like the kinda person I'd be friends with x3

So hai, I'm Alexander. Or Avian. Pick your poison and let's be buddies. X3

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